Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

New Friends

I didn't really have to look too long at all to find someone I knew. I stood on a hill, surveying the crowd for a familiar face and behind me I heard a faint, "Let go now!" I turned around and my sight found a rather large group traveling by portkey. They all let go, and the vast majority of them fell clumsily to the hard ground, while about three figure floated down properly. Once they all stood and were organized, I saw that four males and one female had striking red hair, one male had black hair, two males had brown hair and one female had brown hair. Nine in total. A very large group to all be taking one portkey. Oh well, it was none of my business.
I took a hair tie from around my wrist and as I again, watched the crowd, I tied my hair up in a high ponytail to keep from having the wind whip it into my face constantly. Footsteps grew in volume behind me. I turned my head to see who they were and greeted myself with the sight of Mr.Weasley. "Oh, Hello Mr.Weasley. You're here to see the tournament also I presume?" I politely inquired with a sweet smile as he came closer to earshot.
"Ah, Miss.Tonks. Pleasure to see you again. Yes we are." he stated and then went on to introduce everyone in the party, "This here is Mr. Amos Diggory and his son Cedric Diggory," he motioned to the two brown haired men and I curtly nodded my head to them, "These are my sons, Fred, George and Ron," he pointed to two identical twins and another red haired boy, "my daughter Ginny," the red haired girl, "and Ron's friends, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter." the brown haired girl and black haired boy.
"Hello all, my name is Estika Lynn Tonks, daughter of Andromeda Tonks and Ted Tonks, younger sister to Nymphadora Tonks. Pleased to meet you all." I introduced, exercising my manners to them.
"Such a fine young lady, you certainly are a member of the noble Black family, no doubt." Mr.Diggory stated in a high manner.
"Why thank you, Sir. It is my honor to be a descendant of the great Black family." I accepted. Sure, we weren't the best of families, and most of us were Deatheater's, but those of us that were pure, and good were very noble and humane. We took caution to exercise that whenever in the company of others.
"Well we best be getting to our tents. Would you like to accompany us Estika? Maybe you could get acquainted with some of the children, as they too go to Hogwarts." Mr.Weasley suggested.
"A grand idea Mr.Weasley. If you are sure I will not be imposing, I will gladly take you on your offer." I said.
"Of course not, now kids let's get a move on." he announced to everyone and we all followed him to their chambers. Mr.Diggory and his son had departed from us to go to their accommodations too, and had said they would meet up with us later.
On the way to the Weasley and friends' tent, the two twins came and rested their arms across my shoulders. "Now what was a pretty little girl like you doing all alone up there?" the one asked me.
"You could have been taken be predators and violated." the other warned me humorously.
"And I could hex you both into oblivion without even touching my wand. Now please tell me what exactly you are trying to get at, both of you." I said to them in a cheery voice and a sweet face that didn't match my words of violence at all, only making it more intimidating.
"Why we were only trying to help a pretty little girl stay out of harms way." they answered in unison with a slight hint of comicality behind their voices.
"I'm so sure. Boys listen, I don't need your trouble. I know who you are. Dora warned me about you and I'd rather not spend my first and last year at Hogwarts with any detentions if at all possible." Again, I spoke in a cheery tone and kept my sweet face without faltering.
I don't know why, but that seemed to get them off of me and they went back to talking to each other about whatever it is their thoughts entertain.
Next, Hermione came and walked beside me. In a friendly tone she said to me, "Hello, I'm Hermione. Your name's Estika Lynn, right?"
"Yes, but I usually go by Esie. It's a pleasure to meet you, Hermione Granger."
"Likewise," she said "I couldn't help but wonder, did you say to Fred and George that this will be your first and last year in Hogwarts?"
"Yes actually. I'll be taking my 7th yeah studies this term." I politely responded. By now we had just reached the tent and were now entering it.
"Oh, pardon my rudeness, but you don't look like you're seventeen, are you?" she inquired as we sat down on a couch.
"No actually. I'm thirteen, but I'll be turning fourteen on the 31st of August. I attended Merlin's Academy for the last four years though, and there you can take as many courses as you want, but must complete all of them and start a new year before the end of term. I've completed all of my years up to year seven, so I'll be taking that year when I transfer into Hogwarts this year. Except for divination and transfiguration, I've finished those courses completely already."
"Wow, can you tutor me when we get to school? I'm a fourth year at Hogwarts and I'm in Griffindore." she asked me, her eyes almost sparkling.
I giggled, "Of course I can Hermione, on one condition though, will you be my first Hogwarts friend?"
"Oh don't be silly, I would be any way!" She exclaimed.
I smiled widely, "You know Hermione, I think that this is the beginning of a very beautiful friendship." I stated.
"How right you are Esie, how right you are." she said grinning also and wrapped my in a hug that I returned.
Once we unwrapped our arms from around each other, I happened to notice the time. "Oh, shoot! I have to go and check in with Dora, would you like to come and meet my sister Hermione?" I offered.
"I'd love to. Let me just tell Mr.Weasley that I'm leaving for a bit and grab a sweater, then we can go." she said getting up off of the couch and walking towards the room her and Ginny were sharing. While she did that, I went and stood by the door, waiting for her.
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Hello readers, just an update on how the story is faring so far. We have 17 (+2) readers, 6 (-1) subscriptions, and 8 (+2) comments from 3 (no change) people. I'm sad that someone canceled their subscription, but I guess it's okay. Not everyone's going to like this story and I guess they just didn't find the story to be what they wanted. And guess what? I got my first star! Any way, I hope you all enjoy the update and please comment, rate and (if you haven't and you like the story) subscribe.