Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies


As I stood by the door waiting for Hermione Harry and Ron came up to me. "Hello." I said with a sweet smile.
"Don't you pull that sweet and innocent act with us. You say you're of Black blood? The Blacks are horrid people and I know of only one Black who is good hearted." Harry said.
"What trickery are you trying to fool my family and friends into? You've already got Hermione fooled, and who's next? Ginny? I beg to differ! What kind of dark magic are you playing at?" Ron finished.
I stood shocked. "Dark magic? Trickery? Horrid people? I'm sorry but you must be mistaken. Yes, the vast majority of the Black family have been overtaken by Voldemort, but before he came along, we were all good people. We were a very noble and respectable family, and to this day some of us still are! Maidenly, Andromeda Black is one of those noble and respectable people. For the love of Merlin, she was burned off of the family portrait, for denying compliance to Voldemort and marrying a muggleborn. After that, she had two children. Nymphadora Tonks, and Estika Lynn Tonks. Her cousin, Sirius Black, was also burned off, by his own mother no less! And he was for similar reasons. Unfortunately, he rotted in Azkaban for twelve years. I resent that Peter Pettigrew for framing him and sending him there. But after he escaped, he knew that Andromeda's daughters could never see their uncle as a murderer. He took refuge with my elder sister and I visited him a few times. I enjoyed the time I got to spend with my Uncle, and I will never regret it, even though some people still call him a murderer. So what do you think about me now that you know who I really am? You know that I am a direct disowned descendant from the Black family, and that I find Sirius innocent. Surely, that proves to you that I am not a cold hearted killer like my mother's sisters Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy."
Harry and Ron stood still in shock after I had explained that to them. And just when Hermione came bounding toward me, ready to go see Dora, the both asked me different questions.
"Wait, you know Sirius Black?" Harry said.
And not a second later Ron said, "You're related to Malfoy?"
I was just about to answer when Hermione laughed comically. "Of course she is. Her mother and Malfoy's mother are sisters, and Sirius had mentioned to me once having a very close cousin who was also burned off of the portrait. After a little research I found that it was Andromeda Black, well, Andromeda Tonks now."
Harry and Ron looked at each other dumbfounded. "Hermione and I are going out now, I hope you don't think I'm fooling her into joining the dark side still." I giggled out.
Without waiting for a response we both left the tent and the boys behind. As we walked towards mine and Dora's tent, where Dora and I had agreed we would meet up every few hours, we chatted about random things, like how they knew Sirius, who "Malfoy" was, and other things about Hogwarts.
When we finally got to the tent, Dora was waiting impatiently outside of it, and tapping her foot against the ground while her hair changed colors rapidly. I walked right up to her, "Dora, this is my new friend Hermione Granger, Hermione, this is my elder sister Nymphadora Tonks." I introduced before Dora could blow up about me being late again.
"Pleasure to meet you, Nymphadora." Hermione said, sticking out her hand to shake.
Dora grabbed it and said, "Please, call me Tonks. I never really was a fan of the name Nymphadora."
Whilst they did that I prepared for the time bomb to run out. Dora then turned to me, "Estika Lynn Maria Tonks! You are late again! You're going to drive me to the mad house with all this stress you've got me under. You know I'm on edge today, why must you keep testing my patience?" she exaggerated to me.
"I'm sorry Dora, I just got caught up talking to Hermione and the rest of Mr.Weasley's group.I can assure you that I was safe and not frolicking through a small wood this time. I plan to stay with the Weasley's until our next meeting time. Please do not fret so much, you'll have a heart attack." I said to my sister in a caring tone.
She sighed, "Well I suppose as long as you're with a respectable wizard, you'll be fine. But don't be late next time or I won't be able to get you into the stands to watch the game. Understood?" she asked me sternly.
"Yes Dora. May I go now?" I asked. She nodded and Hermione and I left.
"What did you mean by "frolicking in a small wood" earlier?" she inquired.
"Oh you caught that did you? Well, earlier on before anyone had arrived here I got bored and went exploring. Not far from here is a very small forest, and Dora got very nervous because I didn't return for a few hours. But I am a big girl, I can take care of myself. I'm only three years behind her in magical knowledge, and that's really good considering she is seven years my senior." I said to Hermione as we walked around for a while.
After another few hours of getting to know each other better, we had become close friends and were just parting ways to go and watch the tournament, promising to see each other after the game. Now if only that promise could be kept. I know, that in my dream, though I got very little detail, that it was night time. But I didn't let on to anyone, that I knew what was going on later today. Not even Dora knew, for she would have not let me leave her sight at all. Especially since I heard my own scream. But it was better this way. Now, things could go the way they were supposed to, just safer.
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Okay, so this got up a lot sooner than I thought it would but oh well, it still panned out right. For the statistics we have 20 (+3) readers, 6 (no change) subscriptions, 1 (no change) star, and 8 (no change) comments from 3 (no change) people. Well on the bright side, we have 3 more readers, unfortunately, they didn't really like it that much so they didn't subscribe. Oh well, life goes on. Until next time, lovely readers!