Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

The Match

I'm pretty sure that the only part of the match that I actually saw, was when they tossed the quaffle. After that, I couldn't help the sinking feeling in my gut, that told me that the match was approaching. The match that would be my first against someone of a higher magical level than myself. And to tell you the truth, I was scared stiff of what would happen. With each minute that slipped out of my grasp, and into the depths of forgotten time, the sun grew closer to the awaiting horizon. With each second, the feeling of worry and anxiousness grew in the pit of my stomach, in anticipation of the battle afore me. I stood there, fingering my wand, waiting for the sun to set; for the night to come and cover us all in darkness. Darkness, that would evidently be disrupted by the blaze set upon the many tents scattering the area in multiple rows.
I was broken from my trance about what I knew was to come, as people pushed and shoved out of the stands, ready to retire to their stay. The sun had, but a few minutes to set, and then the raid would begin. Once I was out of the stands, Dora pulled me aside and slightly away from the crowd. "Listen, Estika, there's going to be an attack soon. I want you to get out of here. I can't risk you getting hurt." she said few words, but they held meaning. I knew we couldn't be together for long, the sun drew closer to the line of horizon with each passing second. Not wanting to waste any more of the delicate time that we still held in our possession, I gave her a quick nod and ran off.
Before I could even think about fighting, I had to warn the Weasley's. I couldn't bare it if they got caught up in this mess, and I could have prevented it. Rushing over to their tent, I caught them, just as they were about to enter. "Mr.Weasley!" I called out, desperate to warn him about what was to come.
He looked in my direction and saw me. Unfortunately, everyone else saw me also. I caught up to them and Hermione said, "Oh, Esie, I didn't know you'd be coming so soon. Fabulous!" she exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, but I can't talk with you right now Hermione. I need to discus something with Mr.Weasley. Please, everyone go inside, I only have so much time left before it's too late!" I shouted. By then, most of them had gone inside, and the only ones remaining outside were Hermione, Ginny, Mr.Weasley and myself. The girls nodded solemnly and obeyed my request.
"Mr.Weasley, please, you must get them all out of here, fast. I didn't want to frighten them, but when the sun sets, Death Eaters are going to attack. You must get out of here." I pleaded to him.
"Estika, I won't leave you behind, it will be too dangerous if what you speak is the truth." he tried to reason.
"No, Mr.Weasley I'm staying here to fight them. Quick you must go. If you don't now it will be too late!" and as if on cue, the sun set. It was only seconds later, that tents on the edges of the lot started going up in flames. People ran, screaming in terror all around us. I turned and ran towards where the tents were glowing ablaze. I heard Mr.Weasley call my name, imploring me to go with them. But I couldn't leave these people to fight alone, not when I was quite able myself, to fight alongside them. It barely took me a minute to find more Death Eaters than I could count, fighting more Aurors and civilians than I could comprehend. I wasted barely a second on taking in the scene before putting my wand at ready, and petrifying every Death Eater that I saw... or I tried to anyway.
I upside to being a prodigy with nothing to do for nearly three months a year is that you're brain grows and you start to think more outside of the box. Well, my version of that is spell creation. My two most successful spells were, the petrification curse, which basically turns your body to stone by hardening it to a rock-like density, and compressing all life form inside the body. And the other spell, being the alleviatus curse. This spell is the counter curse for the petrification curse, and can "revive" any stunning spell, such as the stupifying charm or the petrificus curse. And lucky enough for me, I hadn't registered these spells yet, so no one but I knew the incantations, and once the Death Eaters were down, they were down until I said otherwise.
After I had successfully taken out about three or four of the opposition, they had decided that I was a major threat and made it their main priority to take me out of the equation. The people had started to thin out, having either been stunned or having fled. Many people had left to St.Mungos with severe injuries. This left more Death Eaters for me to take out. Lovely.
Before long, I was pretty well engulfed in a circle of them. They must have been ordered not to kill anyone, as none of them had sent the killing curse my way yet. Just as I thought I had hit the top of my game, I was hit with the cruciatus curse. I couldn't even being to explain to you the searing agony that I felt in that moment, through the entire time the curse was placed on me. But, I am a proud Tonks and Black descendant, and I wasn't about to take anything lying down, no matter how much pain it involved. So, struggling, I pushed myself back to my feet and kept firing back, trying to take down as many of them as I could. Though, let's face it. I was strongly out-numbered. It would take nothing short of a miracle for me to get out of this mess in decent shape. My vision started to go muggy, and my limbs felt saggy. I'd been hit three times now with a streak of purple flames. I'd read about them somewhere. They slowly destroy you from the inside out. My eyes started to hurt more than before only meaning that I had then been hit with a conjunctivitus curse. Suddenly, I felt extremely hot. I couldn't see out of my pain ridden eyes, but I could only assume that they had cast an incendio charm and hit me in the chest. Just then, to my relief, a shrill noise sounded through the air. I heard the Death Eaters dissapparate, and with them gone, both the cruciatus curse and the conjunctivitus curse lifted. I grasped my wand and whispered, "Aguamenti." pointing the wand at my chest. I then felt a rush of physical relief as my clothing was my longer on fire, and the burns were being soothed by the cold water. Once I was thoroughly drenched, I lay there for a second just taking in everything that had just happened. After a few moments, I dared to open my eyes and take a look at my surroundings and survey how much they had changed.
Tents and the stands were all but burned to the ground. I couldn't see any bodies near by, or any other source of life, meaning that the Death Eaters had taken my victims with them when they fled. There was but the light coming off of the moon and stars that allowed me to see my surroundings. From my left, I saw a dark clothed man stomping about through the rubbish. Not sure of his motives, whether he was with or against the Dark Lord, I slunk back into the shadows for some visual protection from him. He stopped pretty much right in front of me. Quietly, I slunk back even deeper, but not far enough that I couldn't see him. The evil glint in his eye and the torturous look across his face led me to believe he was in fact, an enemy. He took another sharp look around and muttered an incantation I had never heard before. From his wand that was raised to the sky came a flood of greenish smoke. It drifted up and high into the sky and gradually formed the Dark Mark. That proved my suspicions. I looked away from the green glow in the air and focused on the dimly lit face of it's castor. I had but a second to look at him before he turned and fled, on foot, the way he came. Not after a notably loud groan was heard from my right, might I add. With a shaky arm, I sent a few curses after him, hoping one would hit, but none did.
Turning to my right, I found the source of noise to be a just woken Harry Potter. In an instant Hermione and Ron were at his side checking him for wounds. I stayed quiet, waiting to see how this panned out. Ministry officials surrounded them, and they ducked just in time to not get stupified from all directions. They then continued to accuse Harry of producing the Dark Mark which glowed proudly in the sky. After Arthur stepped in and defended Harry, I figured that I might as well give my input as well.
Stepping out of the shadows and towards the group I shouted, "Hey! Instead of accusing innocent bystanders for such a crime, why don't you look around for evidence and find out who really did it." making my presence known to them all. They all turned and looked at my bruised, bloody and over all beaten figure. "Ah," I continued to rant, "how lovely of our ministry officials to look so clean and healthy. Meanwhile I, a mere 13 year old girl, look horrid after battling Lord knows how many Death Eaters. Thanks for the help by the way, it was so well appreciated when I was literally, surrounded by them and fighting for my life. Thank you." I said limping nearer to them.
The officials looked bewildered and said something about coming back later with more adequate people to search for who it might have been. But I couldn't help but notice how similar Barty Crouch Sr. had looked to the unmasked Death Eater. Shrugging it off, I decided it was nothing more than a coincidence, and kept limping towards the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione. I did a great job of proving my strength, especially when I passed out right in front of them. I'm such a bloody git.
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Okay, sorry that this took so long to get out, it took way longer than expected. This is, honest to all that is good, the fifth time that I've tried to upload this, and hopefully it doesn't completely fail and make me have to write it again. Any way, I hope you enjoy this, I can't be bothered to check on the statistics of the story right now because I'm much too tired. I don't have any links for you, besides this one. Please check out mine and my friend's Miranda Grace's story. It's going to be done really soon, but we already have a sequel in the works for it.

Make it A Double; Twist of Fate