Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Surprise Visitor

When I awoke, I recognized my surroundings as my bedroom. I saw Dora standing sternly in the corner of the room, glowering at me. I sighed and asked her, "What, Dora?"
"What, Dora? Don't you "what Dora" me! What were you thinking finghting like that! You could have been killed!" she ranted as she walked from the corner to my bed and sat down beside me. "Esie, do you have any idea how worried I've been? You were in a coma for almost a week! We were afraid that we'd have to pull you out of school for the year, because the train leaves tomorrow. Oh, Esie, please just tell me why you didn't obey me and leave." my elder sister moaned sadly.
"Look, Dora, I'm sorry I worried you, but you should have had faith that I'd come out alive. I mean, I'm not going to let a few silly curses get me down. And I had to stay and fight. It felt wrong to leave, and to see you all fighting for me while I ran away like a coward. It wouldn't have been right." I explained to her, just leaving out the small detail that I really had no intention of leaving in the first place.
She sighed and shook her head ever so slightly, her dull grey hair swaying just slightly. Her hair only turned grey when she was very upset. Rising from the bed, she left out the door, only pausing to give me a dissappointed look right before she closed it behind her.
I rolled my eyes and rose from my bed. I felt very dirty and was still in the clothes I'd worn to the Quidditch World Cup. And according to Dora, that was a week ago. In other words, I was about six days overdue for a shower. Running my hands through my slightly wavy hair, I frowned at the greasy feel and pulled the ends into view to see that they even looked oily. Frowning yet deeper, I decided that there really would be no better time than now to take a hot, soapy shower.
When I emerged from the bathroom feeling much cleaner, and overall happier I was wearing my hot pink bath robe and lime green thong slippers. I stood in front of my open closet, looking at all of the clothes. I was just about to undo the sash on my robe, and let it fall to the ground when my door opened.
I spun around to look at who was entering, my hands still on my robe tie. My mouth dropped just a little when I saw a nervous looking Harry Potter walk through the door. He blushed as soon as he saw me.
"Um, hello Harry. Not to be rude, but what brings you here?" I asked politely, regaining my composure as I smoothed down my robe, shut my closet doors and took a seat in the chair at my vanity mirror, but turned it to face him.
"Well, your sister, Nymphadora, came and told us that you were finally awake. Everyone else was busy and such, so I came to see you. Look I'm really sorry we got off to a bad start. Could we maybe, start again?" he asked still blushing.
I giggled a little bit and got up from my seat and motioned him to sit with me on my bed. "Of course we can start over, Harry. Everyone deserves a second chance. Now come, we might as well make use of this time we have alone and get to know one another, wouldn't you say?" I suggested with a sweet smile.
He smiled back at me and sat down where I had indicated him to. "So, what would you like to know, Estika?" he asked me.
"Tell me all about yourself, and please, call me Esie." I said, noticing that his blush didn't go away in the least.
"Okay, well, I live with my Aunt, Uncle and cousin because both of my parents, are well, they're dead..." started Harry, and unknowingly, started the beginning of hours upon hours of enjoyable company.
♠ ♠ ♠
Estika's bath set

Hey, sorry I haven't updated in so long! My mind's been everywhere and still more places, and I haven't had the writting mind-set. I hope you enjoy this update!