Status: Getting off my lazy butt and finishing, keep an eye out for the sequel

Trust Me, Don't Leave Me

Time To Fix This

Emma’s POV

I walked down the road crying. This is stupid I thought and started to walk. He’s just a boy why am I so upset that he wouldn’t believe that I wouldn’t do something like that.
I sighed
Nothing ever goes right in my life.
It’s like my fate to die young and along. Now where do I go, I can’t go to my dads I mean according to Grace it will be the second time I have and I know I will just end up in hospital…. Again, what’s wrong with me can nothing good ever happen, and to think I as starting to like Danny I mean at first I was like why do I feel like this now I just welcome the feeling.
“EMMA!” I heard, I turned around, it was Danny, I sighed and turned again and carried on walking.
“Emma please just stop and listen to me?”
I turned to face him. “Look Danny just forget about me, I’m not rally that angry at you I was going to leave at one point anyway” He started at me with confusion “you see I didn’t want you to feel like you need to take me in to pity me, its kind of obvious that the reason I’m here in the first place is because you felt sorry for me and them everyone did and how do I even now that any of you really want me here I could just be here because you don’t have the heart to throw me the street to give me to my dad but I’m making the decision for you I’m going” I went to leave again but he grabbed my arm.
“Emma, when I first bought you back to live with us was not just because I was sorry for you, I mean yeah I did you was crying on the pavement about your dad I anted to help you because you opened up to me straight away and at first I would have thought you was someone trying to con us but then I realised you wasn’t looking for me I found you and I then believed Olivia about the diary because I was scared”
“Of what… that I wou-“ I was cut of by Danny’s lips on mine, I wanted to pull away but I couldn’t help it. I rapped my arms around it neck while he rapped his around my waist and pulled me closer to deepen the kiss.
“I’ve completely forgotten what I was going to say” I said after we pulled away for some air.
“Then let me finish, I was scared because what I felt for you I never felt for anyone before and I was worried that you wouldn’t feel the same way and at the time I was Olivia and then you came back and I thought I could try but then found out that you had los-“ I cut him off with a kiss.
“You talk to much” I mumbled onto his lips.
“Well I hope you sort that out” he said smiling against mine.
Back at the house/Dougie’s POV
I was looking out the window looking down the street at Danny and Emma.
“Guys he did it” they came running
“Should we call Grace and Gio?” Tom said.
“ Nah they will me back in a hour so they can wait” I replied
“It’s about bloody time he made his move now if only we can get Doug a girl and we’re all sorted” Harry said
“Ha, Ha your so funny” the just laughed
♠ ♠ ♠
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