Status: Getting off my lazy butt and finishing, keep an eye out for the sequel

Trust Me, Don't Leave Me

Thrill Rides & Planning

~~~~3rd Person POV~~~~
“You’re taking us out…on your bike?” Emma asked when Liz suggested an activity. The boys had all grinned at the suggestion of Liz taking them for rides.
“Only if you want to,” she replied. Emma joined Gio and Grace in shaking their heads violently. The guys still wanted to go. They looked to their girlfriends pleadingly.
“I don’t care if you go,” Gio said to Tom. Grace shrugged at Harry’s look.
“Go ahead and take a ride if you want to, Danny,” Emma said. “I don’t mind.”
They all went outside and Liz got her gear on. “Who’s first?” she asked, opening the second compartment. Her helmet was sitting on the seat while she started pulling out the second set of gear. Tom stepped up hesitantly and she tossed him the jacket, gloves and helmet.
“Is this safe?” he asked. She smirked.
“If this wasn’t safe, would I even be driving this beautiful machine?” She grabbed her helmet off the seat. “Trust me.” In the next moment, she had the helmet on and was starting the bike. When Tom had the gear on, he climbed onto the bike behind her. They took off.
The next ride was claimed by Harry, then Danny, and finally Dougie. Both Harry and Danny hesitated to get on the motorcycle. Dougie showed unwavering trust by just hopping on without a second thought.
They went twice around four blocks. Dougie was shouting the whole time with exhilaration. After the rides, everyone went back inside. The men went to the TV to watch sports and the girls went to the kitchen to talk. Liz kept to herself in the kitchen until Emma brought her into the conversation.
“Hey, Liz?” she called. Liz had been leaning on the counter by the glass doors and now she turned her head to look at the other girls. “When are you leaving?”
“Monday morning,” she said, walking to the table and taking a seat with them.
“What are you going to do about Dougie?”
She sighed, looking out the window. “I don’t know. I should never have come here.”
“What do you mean?”
“I shouldn’t have agreed to meet Dougie. This should never have happened.”
“But since it did happen, what are you going to do?”
“I just know that whatever I decide to do, he won’t see me leave England. I wouldn’t be able to make him suffer that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I won’t make his last memory of me be my back as I walk away while he knows I won’t be back.” She shook her head. “No one should suffer that.”
“You mean…like that guy from your past?” Gio muttered. “Like you watched him walk away knowing he wouldn’t be back for you?”
Liz looked at the table, one fist clenched. “Yeah,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “I won’t make Dougie suffer that feeling, too.”
“What will you do to give him a good memory of you?”
“I’m inviting all of you to a fancy party at the hotel. It’s to celebrate the book.”
“When is it?”
“Saturday night, at eight.” She looked at her watch. “I should get going.” She grabbed her bag and waved bye to the girls, walking over to where Dougie was sitting. Her hand rested on his shoulder for a moment before he turned. “I’ve gotta get going.”
“You coming over tomorrow?” he asked, grabbing her hand.
“I’m busy until Saturday night. I have to set up for a really big party.”
“Am I invited?”
“Yeah, the girls will fill you in on the details.”
“Any requirements?”
“Wear a suit.” She bent down and kissed him before leaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
Going into more deapth with Liz's past romance. Are we pretty sure that the boy was a jerk? I am.
And Liz kissed him for a change. Usually, Dougie has to make that move.
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~Winter is to write forever from the vampiric shadows! -- Kisshu Lover