Status: Getting off my lazy butt and finishing, keep an eye out for the sequel

Trust Me, Don't Leave Me

Olivia's Evil

It has been a couple of days since we went shopping. I had got quite a bit of stuff. Danny even bought me a new mobile, so my dad wouldn’t call me, Danny was so nice and sweet and a lot more. I have realised I like Danny as more than a friend but I think he may like me two, you seen when we finished shopping we stopped at a park on the way home.

*Flashback *

We had just finished shopping and was heading home when we went pasted a park.

“Come on Emma lets go in for a bit” Danny shouted running towards the swings, it was a funny site he was running with about 3 bags in each hand. He refused to let me carry them. I ran after him.

He was pushing me on the swings and I was laughing so much I fell backwards off the swing and some how brought Danny down with me.

He landed on top off me and we were starring into each others eyes and I felt myself leaning forward and him too and we just when we was about to kiss his phone rang.

“Hello… Yeah we will be there in a min… okay bye” so we headed home.

*End Flashback *

I sighed to myself. I have had so much fun the last couple of days me Doug and Harry had a water fight in the kitchen last night, Tom wasn’t too happy about that.

I headed downstairs and I heard talking in the living room I walked in and saw the boys and 3 girls I didn’t know.

“Hey Emma have you okay?” Dougie asked me.

“Yeah” I smiled looking around the room, I noticed Danny looked uncomfortable.

“Emma this is my girlfriend Grace” Harry said.

“And this mine Gio” Tom said.

“Nice to met you,” I said then I turned to the last girl “and you are?” I asked smiling.

“I’m Olivia, Danny girlfriend” she replied while giving me a dirty look.

“Nice to met you” I said putting on a fake smile, I should of know he had a girlfriend “I’m making some lunch does everyone want?” I asked, they all replied and I went to the kitchen, Grace and Gio followed saying they would help.

“So…” Grace started “ I saw Olivia give the evils” she giggled.

“Did you, I can see she doesn’t try to hide that she doesn’t like me” I said and we laughed.

“She only done it because she thinks Danny likes you” I looked at Gio with a confessed look “when we first came in all he was talking about was you had that he had helped you and she didn’t look very happy how did he help you anyway?”

I took a deep breath and told them not to tell anyone and told them about my dad by the end I was close to tear they came and comforted me.

“Anyway on a different note. I take it you two don’t like her?” I asked.

“Duh, she thinks everyone is trying to take Danny from her, I have been with Tom much longer than she has with Danny, and during there first week of dating she told me to stay away from Dan I was like whatever and walked away.”

“Yeah, and she told Tom and he tried to tell Danny but he didn’t believe him.” Grace finished “And when Harry introduced us she came up to me and was like I know you only with Harry to get to Danny, you such a slut and Harry really likes you and she walked away, I wanted to hit her so much I almost did but Harry came in and I told he told me about her and Gio so we have just learnt to live with it so if she comes up to you tell me and I will beat the crap out of her.”

We all laughed. We took in everyone’s lunch and I went up to my room to read. After about 10 mins Olivia came in and closed the door behind her.

“Look Emma I want you to stay away from my Danny I know you like him, but he will never like you so just stay away from him okay” she said coming right up in my face.

“How the hell am I supposed to stay away from him, I’m living in the same house as him,” I said.

“I don’t care how just do it or I will tell your dad were you are.”

My eyes widened “how do you know about that?”

She laughed, “You really need to be more careful I was walking past the kitchen and heard you telling them sluts.” She said with a smirk and left
♠ ♠ ♠
I absolutely hate Olivia! You'll see that even more when you see what I have Liz do to her.
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