Status: Getting off my lazy butt and finishing, keep an eye out for the sequel

Trust Me, Don't Leave Me

Amnesia Girl

6 Months later

~Grace’s POV~

After that day Dan hasn’t been the same he has spent all of his free time looking for Emma but has had no luck and he broke up with Olivia but she doesn’t believe it and keeps coming round and acting like nothing has happened its actually kind of funny.

Gio and me are at the moment shopping for the boys because they are to “busy” to do it themselves yeah right lazy sods.

“Hay Grace do you recognise that girl over there?” Gio asked me, I looked at where she was pointed to, and there she stood Emma she was looking at the cereals.

“Oh my god Gio that’s Emma” I said and went over to Emma and hugged her “Oh my god Emma where have you been? Danny has been looking for you everywhere we have been so worried did you go back to your dads? Did he hurt? what happened?”

She just looked at me with a confused face, Gio came over and hugged her and she just looked at us like we where mad.

“Sorry but do I know you? And what do mean did my dad hurt me?” she asked.

“Do you no remember us? And I mean about your dad abusing you?”

“How do you know about that? I have never told anyone about that” she looked at us with wide eyes.

“Yes you did you told me and Grace and Danny, Tom Harry and Dougie and Olivia found out but that don’t matter” Gio said.

“How are all of them people I have no idea what you are on about?”

“Emma what was the last thing you remember?” I asked

“Me waking up in an hospital I apparently fell down the stairs that’s what my dad says and I hit my head the doctors say I have memory loss.”

“That explains why. Look Emma please come back with us we know you won’t remember us or the guys but we can’t let you go back to dad”

“I have to he sent me to get food if I don’t he will um never mind”

“Don’t worry about that please just come. Emma about 6 months ago you had run away from home and our friend Danny help you and let you stay with and a band mates who are our boyfriends and you told us about your dad and then Danny ex didn’t like that he may like you more than her so she threatened you and ran away to your dads and we have been looking for you ever since so please come back?” I pleaded

“Um wont they be angry that I left?” she asked

“No they will just be happy to see you please?”

“Okay, but if they are angry I’m going okay”

“Yeah fine just come” and we paid and took her back to the guy’s house.
♠ ♠ ♠
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