
Charlottle call her Charlie; didn't plan for college to happen like this. A decent dorm and a little cash was all she wanted, but when that doesn't go as planned she rents a cramped apartment with three very unique people. There's Natalie the motherly one.. or maybe the only one that can cook? Carter The artsy boy who's brutally honest, lovable and claims to be the Victim. Jesse The oversexed , overly talented Juliard flirt with the crazy blonde natrual hair and Carters official bad influence. (Don't forget the persona of a five year old.)

Charlie is just trying to make it around here,but on her way she'll find friends she never expected and bonds that she'll never forget. Will her new life be enough to block out her old one or will her past come back to her?
  1. Worst Day Ever
    Charlie's day just gets worse and worse as she goes apartment hunting and the brutal New York winter kicks her butt.
  2. Roomate Interview
    Charlie goes for an apartment interview and is in for a surprise and a small adventure...
  3. Horrible First Impression
    Charlie Meet's Jesse in fewer words.. the "ever so charming" roomate
  4. Unpacking and Over Reacting
    Charlie gets not so comftorable in her new place and has to set the record straight... literally
  5. Heartfelt Goodbyes
    There's some tention between Jese and Charlie as he gives her some unwanted advice and not so flatering nicknames