As of Now, Untitled...

This is a story about a fairy named Luna Solei. It takes place about a hundred years from now. Humans have discovered that fairys exist and want to steal their magic. So a war begins between the realms.
But to keep the peace, Luna is sent as a foreign exchange student to a human school. But when she starts to fall in love with two very cute human boys, her whole wold gets turned upside down.

Faerie talk:

Fay - Faerie
Fay - also means a boy.
Fayan - girl
Falla = parents
Fallan = mother
Fally = father
  1. Chapter 1
    It's not much,and i'll add more as soon as i type more, but this chapter is kind of an introduction to the rest of the story, where you'll find out a bit about some of the main characters.
  2. chapter 2
  3. chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
    this is my favorite chapter so far.