
Beginning of the End

‘Look there’s a lion,’ he exclaimed brightly. I looked up into the clear blue sky squinting my eyes until I could finally see a fainted glimpse of a lion’s mane outlined in white and a crystal blue.
‘Oh yeah I see it,’ I replied as we lay on the grass our fingers interlinked within each others. This was our special place; every afternoon we’d come to this hill in the countryside and just look up at the sky. Sometimes we didn’t even have to mutter a word; just as long as we could hear each other breathe we were content.
You were the last person I imagined spending my summer with.
I remember when I first met you.

It was on the beach and you were acting like a complete fool with your friends. Splashing, spraying and throwing sand all over each other. I looked away from your scene shaking my head, I couldn’t understand why boys couldn’t be the slightest bit mature, no wonder so many girls take a liking to older men. But then I got sidetracked out of my thought as I was covered diligently in sand.
‘What are you doing?!’ I rumbled as I scurried up to look at you, removing my sunglasses.
‘Are you not a fan of sand then?’ you asked me with a wide grin, once you saw my fuming face you began to spew out with laughter which just annoyed me even further.
I let out a squeal pushing you out the way and headed into the water to wash myself off. I could hear your laughter following me as I entered the sea and then I felt a rush of cold water surge onto my back.
‘Here let me help you,’ you chuckled as I was presented with another splash. But this time I gave you a taste of your own medicine and soon we were both soaked to the bone.
And from that moment I knew I was hooked.
Every summer I’d vacation at this beach. Mother and I would stay in the holiday home that was paid with father’s money, but seeing as he was out of our lives that was the only thing my mother still had a hold on him for. She’s rather live out of his bank account than independently better herself. But of all the times I’d come here never had someone had such an unforgettable effect on me.
There was something about your aura and honestly, whenever I was with you I was a happier person. You made me forget about all the problems in my life. The exasperating arguments with my mother, my father’s consistent absence in my life, all the feelings I had of my existence being irrelevant all disappeared the moment I fell into your arms.

But our days were numbered; our life was just like a song. They end. But I envy them because they can be replayed but I’m unsure whether we can be, I’ll have to go back to the city and that lonely mansion I’m supposed to call a home while you go back to your life, a completely different one from mine. I was practically born with a silver spoon in my mouth while you work damn hard to fulfil your needs in life. I’ll always commend you for that because that makes you a better man than my father, who plays a game, gambling his way to the top.
‘Don’t worry,’ you whisper into my ear as you see a tear trickle down from my eye, ‘we’ll always be together.’
‘Don’t lie,’ I mumble but you just roll your eyes at me and point down to my wrist. I look down to the bracelet you gave me, decorated in an array of shells. Who needs gold when here lays sentiment?
‘As long as you keep this on we’ll be forever.’
With that my face brightens and I snuggle closer to you. At this moment all I want to do is remember my summer and my summer was you. I want to remember your scent, your glittering green eyes, your smile. This summer has made me find myself as a person all thanks to you. I don’t understand why I can’t share this openly with you but there is one thing that I’ll share before we part.

I’ll never forget you.
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I couldn't sleep one night and this came to mind. I just thought it was cute but it's a bit rough, I just wrote it before I lost the idea. Comments would be really nice :)

Lady Gaga is pure inspiration.