The Story and The Song

The Town's Been Talking

It was lunch time and there she was - golden like the sun in the sky. I've been doing that the past few days, coming up with poetic ways to describe her. I think this girl is turning me into Poe.

I sauntered over to the the table she was sitting at, she had several colorful books sprawled out like a city in front of her. Stopping in front of her, I put my hands my pockets. She didn't pay me any attention, didn't even look up from her book. Which I saw was Alex Pardee's 'Awful | Homesick'. It's a good book, I'll admit.

While I was having sex with my thoughts it turns out she'd been staring at me for the past few minutes. I looked down and saw her with her hands folded over one another under her chin and she had a big grin on her face that made her dimples pop... out? They're dimples, so they go in, but that sounds grammatically incorrect. Oh well, I'll worry about that never.

"Uh, hi Paisley," I took my hands out of my pockets and sat down across from her. She put her hands in her lap and looked at me with her huge brown eyes. God, she makes it hard to speak.

"Hi David. Suppose you're here for Pardee's 'Lepers', yeah?" She reached out to grab the book and I put my hand over hers. I gulped.

"No, I'm here for Filler's 'Heart'." She looked me dead in the eyes, the sunlight allowing me to see her usually-black-eyes were actually the softest brown, with hints of gray, and her pupils were small in fear. She snatched her hand from under mine and started to gather the books in a hurry.

"Paisley I only meant-"

"I-I have to go. I-I'm really sorry David. I am, sorry." She ceased all motion and looked at me in my hazel eyes. I wanted to open my mouth and say something but by the time I had thought of something that could put a band-aid on the situation she was gone.

I was laying in my bed when my phone rang, it was Paisley. I cleared my throat then answered the call.


"Hey! Hi, David. It's Paisley." Obvious enough.

"Hi Paisley, what's up?"

"Oh y'know, just calling to confess my secret and undying love for you seeing as I can no longer contain my feelings."

"Awesome. I feel the same way."

"Yeah great, now give me your address so I can drive up there and fuck your brains out."

I woke up with a start. I was shirtless, sweaty and clammy. Well, I was almost always shirtless, so that's nothing new. I shook my head clear of my dream, slid out of bed and walked to bathroom. I splashed some cold water in my face, several times. With one swift motion I flicked my hair back off my face and leaned against my powder white walls.

"Herbal essences, yes. I do." I whispered to the empty room.
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yes, short, hilarious chapters.
i want to give people something to latch onto, i refuse to spoil my readers EVERY time i post.
feedback is amazing. <3
next chapter will be long and amazing.