Who am I?To be or not to be what ?

Ch One

I'm now on the road to school a thing,this road becomes much more annoying since the last fight with my father when he came to my room is almost 2 weeks we don't speak to each other I think this time I've done it ,and still this is not what bothers me I have this dream that is creeping me'' I'm in the English class then a storm the power is down I try to go home but they somehow try to stop me I run to the street on the road home pouring rain and lightnings and it seems I can't go home faster and it stops..''

you would be creeped out if u were me I have this dream for almost 3months ..

is good I can't hear a thin today I took my i-pod I hope I get unobserved today cause i'm not in the mood to fight ,or hear anything ,oh I'm late (running to English class )

oh hello miss Sonya come in !!!

god hope she doesn't bring it the so called boring hour about romeo and Juliet ,romance history(with fast paces to my desk next to the window)

and kids now we get to study further in the romance history....today romeo and Juliet!!

here we go again ,why doesn't everyone get it true love is equal infinite stupidity and void .i etter get my sketch notebook (another thing my father doesn't approve)

( the lights go off )

Students keep silent there is nothing to panic just a little electricity problem from the storm stay calm(screaming )

what is happening what storm ??(i looked at the window lightnings and pouring rain)omg this is all I need now I better go out of the class now (slowly taking my backpack and starting to go to the classroom door , )yes !!i opened the door no one in the hallway cool I started running to the door,I'm almost there 2 guardsmen and the principle a few teacher what when they appeared 2 seconds ago they weren't there and from whom they guard the door ??

go to your class young lady now!!principle southing in somehow like a growl what maybe it is the storm

NO I'm going home now!!!i somehow raised my tone

No you don't !guards get her. Principle

in another second the guards caught my arm ,a second what maybe the storm I struggled in their arms and a lighting hit the door frame and by lucky chance I set myself free and took a run for it I runned like there is no tomorrow the rain pouring on me soaking me lightening's and the wind blew fiercely I taught t myself just a little and I get home hopefully ,felling my legs weak and trembling form what I was running I don't know but my primary instinct I knew that is the best thing …

I got to the door in minutes to me they looked like ages ,i simply run trough the door just to hit my fathers chest !

Daddy your here !i said with my eyes full with tears holding my father like I was five year old

Sonya my daughter is good your home I was just coming to get you !

But dad why?

Sonya we comed to the conclusion that this school is not safe to you and so you go to england at an private school!said dad in a low grave voice siting on the couch

I've never seen dad so serious but my stubbornness is kicking in

safe c,mon dad that is pretty interesting!

Sonya now is not the time to analyze ,Saturday you leave!said dad

but father why ,i can work this is nothing that wrong I won't read anything dad pleas!

No Sonya this is the decision !said dad getting out the door outside were now the storm gone by so fast weird right??

Grandmother say something pleas!!i yelled to my grandmother who was standing by the counter

Sonya my darling you have to go there are many reasons !said my grandmother in a kind warm voice

What reasons could be you are sanding me away tell me what reasons !still yelling

Sonya !!

At least you can give me an answer !

NO Sonya your to young to understand ,they are complications ,and the next year you will come home!

What the next year but the summer?

Sonya dear ,it is a summer school to !

What but grandmother tomorrow is Friday ,it is just a day away!i raised from the counter and started to cry ,running to my room up the stairs..

Sonya dear …..!!

Leave me alone !!i yelled in my running

I'm now in my bed crying my self out hoping that till tomorrow this will change after some hours I just fallen asleep I think\.

Sonya's father p.o.v:

I let her crying ,i had to tell her ,it is a good thing she escaped form the school ,i'm going to prepare the

Frederik come here ?

(Who is calling me by my name)

who calls me ?(i turned slowly )

Frederik you have to tell her !

Ginger I don't she is going ther and know nothing this is how it is supposed to be!

Frederik you know you have to tell her 1

No I don't!

Your choice !

Ginger it is just a family story it is not like is real!

Frederik than why do you send her away?

A precaution ginger just a precaution !and beside you know I will have problems with those money and is better to her not to know!

Your choice Frederik!

Thanks good she is gone it is night already I should go see what Sonya is doing!

I walked in the house watching my mother staring at me in anger she doesn't know either ,ignoring her looks I wlaked upstairs ,slowly opening the door ,standing in the door I can see her my only child my beautiful little daughter,standing there like a little doll,how soundly she sleeps ,her tears still wet down her cheek ,my heart is breaking in pieces if I could tell you everything I'm sorry have to send you there but ..it is an safer place then here ,oh how it hurts me to see her so sad ,she thinks I hate her but she dosent understand ,she thinks I send her away cause she reads those things oh my little daughter so fragile to the world !Mabye I could do something not to send her bu No i'm sending her it will be the best ….

Sonya pov.\

ring ring the alarm clock

oh god my head hurts I wonder why ,,i can't remember ,maybe I've got a cold cool I don't get to go to schooll ,it is a good thing it is Friday ,the weekend is almost here yuppie!!

I slowly got up and started to pick some clothes randomly for school,oh good it hurts so badly gosh what have I done last night ,i still can't remember something ,maybe it is nothing important ..

were did I put my back bag ..i wonder ,oooooo(falling down)there it was here on the floor ,i have to be more carfull next time ,and this falling did no good to my headache ,lets go to another boring school.....

what there is none home weird,maybe they are outside ,grandmother ,dad ??not an answer truly weird ok lest get to school ,what a beautiful day ,I'm just at the school what ,the police in front ,i wonder why,,

hey there girl !a police man

Yes it is there a problem I have to get to classes!

No young lady we have some questions!

But I really have to go to school

Young lady the school is closed

Yesterday during the storm some girls and boys in your classroom disappeared including the principle and some guards!


Yes young lady pleas answer here some questions or we take to the precinct ?

OK what questions?

Just 1 for now,have you been yesterday at school?

what should I answer ,simply I should lie


Why didn't you go to school?

Health problems a little cold!

OK we will contact you if we need more informations a good day !

Good day!

yuppie Dada dooo ,this is the happiest day of my life trellala lala the weekend starts earlier lalalala ,i now just literally run to my house ,i still have this felling I've forgotten something ,whatever ,grandmother ,father I,m home the school is closed today from some kids and the principle ,and some guards are gone and by the way if an policeman comes tell them yesterday I was cold and did't go to school ok ?

No answer what ….

grandmother ,dad were are you ,they seem not to be at home weird really weir ok,i need to get something to eat and than clean my room,and if you think I'm that conscious girl your wrong at last when it comes to some things ,i mean oh you understand.

Cereal box let's clean my room ,

I hear a sound upstairs oh what could it be I run to the door and there it is shadow ,my lovely cat and my idol of mess room and here is the speech my father will give ''Sonya you are from some time now so unorganized and I know you ar a good organizer you worked with me for goodness sake!!''and so on and so on

after 2 whole hours I'm done thanks good ,i have to breath some fresh air ,i go to my rose filled balcony ,my own place of paradise ,i call it full of red roses and one sort of couch,i need just my book ,i feel lost in taught s just surrounded by the book ,I'm now reading angels and demons ,it is twelve when the time passed by ,i have to rapedly change and go to bed or my dad will kill me ,faster Sonya faster ,,yes I'm in bed ,need to turn of the light ,lets see ,

change done,get in bed done,turn of light done .

I'm now petting shadow ,but I still can' t remember something ,oh maybe is nothing.

Sonya,sonya …..a slow whisper ...
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this was my 2sond story ever ,and yeh i know i suck at writeing but i still love to do it ,respect to all that read my story and endure it