Who am I?To be or not to be what ?

Ch Five second part

it has been 1 week or so since I found the books I always kept my nose in them a book worm you guess,interesting stuff indeed and now is Saturday ,although since that day I always dream of some deep green eyes ,anyway that is an obsessing image .Now things have somehow settle me and Valéry are friends ,even if I do not know why we are indeed different personalties ,totally different,miss Krista congratulate me for finding the library an now I hold the key ,days are very fun ,till now I haven't talked to my family ,it hurts me deeply ,i have the right to call my father twice a week but I don't fell prepared to talk to him it still saddens me deeply but …

Sonya come I have to tell you something fast !yelled Valéry and here goes my moment of peace

Why do you have to be so loud ah!

Any who Sonya have to go for a few days and I wanted to tell you I'll be in time tough !

Oh ok Valéry ill be waiting be careful !

And so kiss kiss bye bye Valéry gone my god how I would wake up Monday , is good I have books now I shall read ,i finished 2 books now I'm at Novice spells and protection,this books are the utmost interesting I have read fantasy books but this are the most ''truthful'' you understand the idea ,i don't know when I've fallen asleep it happens to me lately don't know why ,maybe the climate …...

and now I have miss Krista bothering me to get out

Sonya come on a walk with me is not proper for a lady to sit to long in the house

yes miss Krista !i piked my Jake

and we were now in the far corner of the garden

Sonya I have to tell you something

started miss Krista before a man]called her to the counsel

be careful Sonya don't stay after the program

yes miss Krista

she is a pretty interesting lady with some big obsession on how a lady should act ,wear blah blah but what did she want to tell me I wonder

I just sat there with my mind blank I think was hours after she left when I heard some kind of song and I started to walk in the forest from were I taught the song was coming I passed a part of forest and the song stopped just in time to remind me it is late and I have to return but it was to beautiful after all what could happen and I run to that part of the forest till I got to the lake there I was in the front of a dock and at the end of it I just sat and started singing we are broken -paramore ,and I suddenly I heard a splash and than I was fast pulled in the water and than I saw a red haired girl a fish and than nothing …

Sonya wake up now sonya!

Sonya ...wake up !

I was hearing her but so dim so faded I couldn't distinguish her voice and than I blacked out again

Krista pov

what do they want this time

Krista the ball comes

remember your agreement

I remember Damien

be not afraid but

Krista it is time this weekend we shall finish the problem understood !

yes !

now let me be 1

Ah this dam deal but I had to ,oh my head seems dizzy were could Sonya be I bet in her room ,i have to keep a close eye on her in these time ,i knocked on the door entered the room not here ,my god she is still out

running I hoped to find her and than I herd the song that wrong song ,god I hope she is not there

I got there just in time to see Madeline and the others around her !

Madeline stop this moment !

Krista !what she started ,she started understand us

Don't turn ,don't dare ,I've brought you and your sister from the world now listen to me!

but Krista !

Madeline it is not time to argue !

is she still her !

yes ,her voice calls our nature ,maybe she belongs!

no she doesn't !

Castillo come!

my dear Castillo the raven I once saved !

send this to Valéry she will understands!

I did everything to wake Sonya I tried to call her yelled at her but there is no other option than to take her to my home

I think she will be ok but is she going to be ok in time !

than I felt his presence

unkow pov

hey there Krista !she looks rather concerned

oh hi

Krista what is oh HER 1as I saw her my urge to kill was far more greater as I lounge

stop ! What do you think you do ?

Krista let me pleas she won't be missed I bet !

Calm down my friend she is no threat!

But she she arhhh

My friend why have you come ?

I need a favor from you !

Get me some sleeping potion I have some trouble nightmares ,but more like memories ,I'm not sure I'm in a room and my mother and some other people make a pact or something !

no problem here ,now go I'm busy !

yes Krista but will you come?

Now we have discussed this long ago you know I!

Just come and I shall not kill her !

ok I'll try !

That is enough I go now!

I have to make this the last ball for this cause even if she doesn't want to , but she is the best choice taught she wants to stay neutral and this wont change a thing ,i have no other choice !

sonya pov

I feel dizzy and than I heard a male voice ,it heard crystal clear no flaw but maybe is me dizzy and he was talking about a dream and than I passed out again

Sonya ,wake up now !


my head is going to blow ,,god!

yes what is the problem?

Sonya wake up th!ere had been 3days since you almost drown ,never never go out after the program you stubborn girl!

I wanna sleep !

now today you go to school !

oh ok

I slowly waked up I was in my room and I had a quick shower and got to classes ,at literature I saw trough the window that a storm coming ,and I felt ready to act according to the weather it is good that is the last hour but it wasn't the middle of the hour when the director said

Doe some important matters the school is suspended till tomorrow !yes yes yes that is all I taught

when I bypassed miss Krista she looked worried but what he heck no worries for me

yes you guessed I can be sometimes selfish ,i practically ran the hell out of it to my room and changed in a black dress,that was the most wearable thing at the moment,and than to the garden ,i love to be out when it is a storm ,it makes me feel free powerful till the ninth heaven

Krista pov earlier

We have to discuss a matter

Yes tell me Krista

Ill take 2 girls out of the ball understood!

Who ?

Valéry and Sonya !

No Krista,it is forbidden ,we had an agreement !

There are just 2 of them ,from over 150!

Krista we know who she is!

And that a plus motive!]

It is forbbiden !

I have decided I'll take them no cost matters!

I saw all of them gathering around me and

Sonya pov

as I ran in the storm ,i felt something ripping in me and then It sound like someone calling from the forest and I got there just to see miss Krista on the ground bleeding heavily like she was attacked by some kind of animal

Miss Krista ,miss Krista

Sonya you are here ,i taught you wouldn't hear

is good you can speak ,stay just a second ,and than she started spiting blood .i have to call somebody!i was terrefied at the moment I couldn't manage anything I jut had to find someone

no stay !

But I have to go and find someone to take care of you !i was terrified to the breaking point I couldn't see what had happened to her it was weird!

Stay Sonya !

I have to go for someone !I saw my dress soaked in blood,and dirt

Sonya wellington la sage remember! Those wee the last words I heard and she put a hand on my arm ….

Nooooooooooooooo!screamed and than I was up i watched the clock and saw it was 3 :00am ,i looked at me ,the dream seems so real ,and I saw no blood ,i figured out that it is a dream and bye bye I was in deep sleep

The next day at literature it was a new teacher and miss Krista ? It was weird I just talked to her yesterday ,maybe my dream was real ,no it is impossible just me and my foolish dreams,I'd better ask

Excuse me !

Yes miss wellington ,you have a problem ?

I just wondered why isn't miss Krista here ,i don't want to be rude ?

Miss Krista had to go !what a harsh tone like I've offended his entire family

But were !

The details are none of your business miss Wellington!

Thanks !

that is a rude person ,it seems pretty annoying, no one is talking about her ,missing ,she didn't told me if she had to go,and yet again why would she ,I'm getting to concerned ,probably she did this because I was her cousin roommate ,I'm getting to friendly here it is stupid ,how can I just put my feelings right there on the table ,it is out of my character,i best read to clear my thoughts out ,you should try it it is soothing when your feelings are at war ,as I got to my room I saw the window open and I saw a raven on the window ,gosh ,i tried to shush it away and didn't go ,it is freaking me out ,come into your senses it is just a hungry bird ,i walked away to go get it something to eat ….but what dose it eat ,anyway I got slowly to the table and it flew away .weird encounter ,hours later I heard loud knocking on the door.

Wait a second !who can bother me now,as I opened the door I saw the director with a blue envelope in his hand

Miss Wellington here is your ball invitation,for tomorrow ,you are expected to be there!

Yes ,but I!

Farewell miss wellington see you at the ball !

I looked at the blue envelope on the all sides ,what do they do , they expect me to be there ,oh ah I'm sick that is the deal ,me and a ball he h ,and I trowed the envelop on the living table ,and got to bed ,they want me there.

What the heck is that noises at this hour …..i turned around god it is 8 pm my good how could I sleep so much ,what a knocking what the …..

Yes !what the heck ,a guy in uniform with 2 boxes

Miss Wellington these boxes are for you !

Ok thanks ,bye bye !

I got inside and I started unwrapping the boxes a long of the shoulders dress,and some high heels ,and a note :

We are expecting your presence at the ball tonight prepare .

At 9 o'clock you will directed to the ball room

Do not forget the invitation.

Director Damien

I took a shower and than I dressed ,i think it was 9 top and I hear again knocking on the door ,i took the invitation and here was a creepy man ,tall and dark hair

Miss Sonya Wellington La Sage ?

Yes !

I'm here to take you the ball !fallow me

I walked behind the man ,when I was in front of a big dark metal door ,he opened the door and than I saw the room full of the girls dressed up like they were preparing for election .

Here you are Miss Wellington !

Mister Damien ,can I go to my room ,I'm not feeling pretty good !

Pleas ,Miss Wellington just a while longer ,some other schools are coming it would be interesting !

But!....was to late he already had gone so it was useless to speak further ,and than the big scary guy closed the door and I was stuck there and so I decided to study the ballroom and than find the garden,as I studyed the ballroom ,it was the same medieval architecture ,nothing to grand but so I got to the garden and got sited in a far corner observing the ballroom ,and at some moment guys stated coming in the room ,cute not badlooking ,

Heya Sonya ,i didn't taught you were in the ball!

What the …..God Dam ,Valéry ,you scared me !

Hey Sonya let's get out of here !

Why it seems nice !

Sonya ,let's go!

Oh come on it is fun out here !I'm mad not surely on what

Sonya it is not a matter of joking

Well..!and than I heard a scream and all was black
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cookies if you have gone this far :*