

It had been a couple of days since Alex and I went around Pittsburgh. Now, we were on our way to Montreal, and I was hanging out on the All Time Low bus. Last night, Alex had finally gotten a chance to introduce me to Jack, Zack, and Rian. The five of us spent the better part of the evening watching movies and playing games on their X-box. Before long, it was past midnight and I had decided to be lazy and just crash on their bus. Luckily, they had an extra bunk, so I didn’t have to sleep on the couch.
Out of nowhere, Zack appeared. “Hey, Niki, we kinda don’t have any food, so we’re gonna stop and get breakfast from Tin Horton’s. Do you want anything?”
My stomach growled at the thought. “Yes, please! A chocolate chip muffin and medium coffee.”
Zack left to go deliver my order, and I laid back down. With less than two hours until the bus reached the venue, there was time to kill. I pulled out my iPod and turned it on shuffle as I put the earbuds in. Out of the few thousand songs that I had, the song that started playing was "Skinny Dipping" by Whitney Duncan. I smiled as memories flooded my mind. Chris had downloaded this song a couple summers ago after a day at the lake. For an entire week, me and Christopher had gone up to his uncle's cottage. The "cottage" was composed of acres of land, with lots of trees and farmland, and in the very back of the property, there was a giant lake. All week we had practiced driving his uncle's truck and had ridden horses until we couldn't feel our legs. On the last day, we had decided to pack a picnic and go swimming.
"Ughh, it's so hot out today! Can we just go swimming already?" I had exclaimed, fanning myself with a paper napkin from the picnic basket. I was completely full from the peanut butter and jelly sandwhichs and chocolate chip cookies tha twe had snagged form his uncle's kitchen.
Chris popped the last of his cookie into his mouth. "Sure!" He replied with his mouth full. He stood and peeled off his shirt and shorts while I did the same to my tank top and shorts. Somehow, he still beat me and stood waiting while I neatly folded my clothes and set them back down. "Done yet?" I nodded yes and before I could protest, Chris had lifted me up and was walking towards the cool water. I begged for him to let me down, and eventually he did, but when he released me, it was into the lake. Even before I went back up for air, I felt a splash in the water next to me. I emerged and looked next to me to see a grinning Christofer. I splashed water at him and ducked underneath the surface to avoid being splashed back. I swam over to shore and ran out of the water towards the rope hanging from the large oak tree by the dock. I pulled the rope back, and then got a running start before my feet left the ground and I swung back into the lake. For what seemed like hours, the two of us splashed around and had fun. Somewhere in the middle of all of our fun, we ended up with our swimsuits thrown on the dock while we were still in the water. It had something to do with the thrill of being able to say "Oh yeah, I've been skinny dipping before." For us, it was nothing romantic, just another life expirience. Strangely enough, it went a lot like the song's music video, but without the romance. Chris had later added the song to my on my iPod for me. For him, it was the last day of an awesome vacation. For me, it was the last day before my life started to end.
♠ ♠ ♠
hello there,
the angel from my nightmare,
the shadow in the background of the morgue.
the unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
we can live like jack and sally if we want.

sorry its been a while, and that the chapter is short.
finals were owning my ass and now trigonometry and church history is doing the same.
new chapters very soon :)