

Craig and I have been dating for a little over three weeks. Ever since he asked me out, I haven’t seen him give any groupie much attention, and I was thankful for that. Last week, I stayed on his bus for a couple of nights. It’s felt nice to be in the arms of someone that I care about. No nightmares anymore either, things were looking up for once.
We had just arrived in Detroit. I watched the sights as we drove through, admiring the architecture of the old train station with the signs in the windows that said “SAVE THE DEPOT” and the flashing sign of the Fox Theater across the street from the baseball stadium where all the stages were. Today would be boring, our small tent was sitting right at the corner of the building, and no one seemed to notice the tent. All Time Low had a signing in two hours, and I could see from my spot that fan girls were already lining up. All around kids were carrying their free merch and asking for free hugs.
Escape the Fate wasn’t playing until around four, and Chris went on right after.
Finally, my tent was recognized. Two young looking girls walked up rather shyly. One was blond with what was obviously fake red highlights in her hair, and was wearing a homemade t-shirt with Escape the Fate lyrics on it. The other was a tiny Asian girl with what looked like real red highlights, and was wearing a homemade shirt with All Time Low lyrics on it. They looked like total groupies.
The blond chose to speak first. “Is Nevershoutnever doing a signing today?”
Of course they don’t want to actually buy anything from me. “No, he’s not.” If it wasn’t on the sign that I hung, then there was no signing. The girl gave me a look and then walked away. How strange.
By around three, I was able to pack up the tent. I did so and then ventured off to find my boyfriend. There weren’t too many tents around where mine was, and Escape the Fate’s wasn’t any of the tents on the grass across from where I had been sitting. I assumed then that it would be inside. Walking into the building, there were two directions that I could go, I chose right. As many tents as there were to my right, Escape the Fate’s hadn’t been any of them, and I went back the way I came. After passing All Time Low’s tent and the local stage, I finally found Escape the Fate. Craig was the only one there so far, and to my surprise, he was talking to and getting pictures with the girls from earlier. I saw the blond giggle at something that he said to her. Before running off in laughter, she gave him a quick hug and high five.
“Hey, Craigafer,” I said, wrapping my arms around him. With one hand, he gave me a hug. I felt his lips press against mine and the butterflies started up again. I hated when he kissed me after smoking, though, which he had been. Without him noticing, I slipped the cigarette from his hands and crushed it under the sole of my shoe.
“Hey, that was my last one, meanie.”
“That’s okay, I’m just keeping your vocal chords alive.”
He pouted for a minute before leading me back behind the tents where there was a clear area free of fan girls. “Are you coming to my set today?”
“Of course I am, I always do, don’t I?” He gave me a quick kiss before leading me off towards the stage. He was acting strange today.
On stage, I had watched a Monster can collide with Craig’s face. I had seen the Wall of Death. I had witnessed kids get tossed up in the air and be passed along from person to person.
After the show I went to see NeverShoutNever, who played right after Escape the Fate. Christofer was amazing, as usual.
I wasted no time in running off with the friends that I had made on tour to go get wasted. I had drink after drink, and before I knew it, it was close to twelve at night. The buses would leave in another hour. I said my goodbyes to everyone and set off to find my boyfriend for the second time that day. It took me a while, but I finally found their bus.
“Hey, guys,” I said as I stumbled up the steps. Robert and Max were sitting on the couch looking worried.
“Nik, I don’t think you should go back there,” he said as he grabbed my arm. I gave him a puzzled look and pulled my arm away. I heard a bang from behind the door leading to the back. I kept a tight grip on my bottle, not yet comprehending the situation. I slowly slid the door open.
I was barely aware of the sound of shattering glass. “What the hell?” Craig was in bead with the blond fan girl from earlier.
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The story of my life I can't quite comprehend
So tell me if you know how it ends
When everywhere you go feels like a mirror maze
And you're not sure how you're stuck in this place
And you've got nowhere else to go
And you're lost within your own home