

After Chris rushed onto the bus, David had left in a hurry. He mumbled an apology and awkwardly stepped around Chris and out the door before I had the chance to say bye. Okay, so, kissing David wasn’t the best thing that I could have done, and neither was getting drunk, but it was a rough day today and I had been in need of a good party. I mean, the last time I had actually been to a party was way before this tour was even planned for us. What can I say, I was due.

But even after David left, Chris was still pretty much pissed off at me. Why would he be? Okay, yeah, so what I did might have been slightly hypocritical, but at least I actually know David. [Kind of]. But I would be seeing him for the whole summer, versus seeing him for only a day.

Still, I guess if I were Chris, I would be slightly pissed too. But not enough to give him the cold shoulder. This day just really wasn’t going too well. Deciding to fix things with Chris now rather than later, I turned to find him sitting in his bunk pouting and staring at nothing in particular.

I sighed, he was going to make this difficult. And it’s not like trying to apologize while drunk is easy anyways. And getting back there without falling into something wasn’t the easiest thing either. Very carefully, I stumbled my way back towards his bunk and kneeled down next to him.

I had to really concentrate to make sure that my words came out right. “Chris,” I said. He looked away. I rested my head on my hands before I got too dizzy and fell over. Rooms have a strange way of spinning when I drink too much. “Chris, please. I’m using all of my energy right now just to say this, and I want you to listen.” His eyes flickered in my direction before he finally turned his head and looked down on me. “Christopher Drew Ingle, I am truly sorry, and all I want right now is your forgiveness. We’ve been best friends since kids, you know me more than anyone else in this world. Please forgive me?” I know, it was a crappy apology, but it was the best I could manage in my cloudy state of mind. He could tell, too. He gave me a wary look and just sat in silence for a couple minutes. By the time that he actually said anything, I was about ready to crash and try again in the morning.

He heaved a big sigh. “Fine. I forgive you.” Relief flooded through me. I tried to stand up, but only managed to fall. Of course, he laughs. “Here,” he said, helping me up. After I finally caught my balance, I sat right back down again, this time next to him in his bunk. I folded myself next to him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. To anyone else, this would be interpreted in a romantic way, but for us, it was just natural. Chris is my very best friend, and he always will be.


Today was our day off. Tomorrow was the Indianapolis show, so today was going to be all driving. An entire day stuck on the bus? Not exactly my picture of fun, but we had plans to invite a couple guys from the other bands over here since David [the manager] wasn’t going to be here. We had extra space that was dying to be filled.

I knew who I wanted to take up that space [Craig]. But I also knew that it wasn’t going to happen. Instead, the guys from We The Kings showed up. I didn’t know them that well, and honestly, it wasn’t something that I was really looking forward too. I mean, they all seem nice, but they never really caught my attention. We had about ten minutes until the buses were going to leave, which left me with about five to actually find other plans. Breathe Carolina was out, there was no way I could face David right now. I quickly walked around the buses, watching all the guys jump around excitedly. Did they ever get tired?

All of a sudden, I felt someone tap my shoulder. Jumping slightly, I turned around to come face to face with Alex Gaskarth. No. Effin. Way. Can I state that this is the best summer ever? I’m meeting all these awesome people!

“Hi, I’m Alex,” he stated, giving me a small smile.

“I’m Niki,” I said, returning the smile. Plans were slowly taking form in my head. All Time Low was rumored to have one of the best buses on the tour. I know full well that Alex is probably only talking to me because he wants to get in my pants, but too bad for him.

“Nice name,” he said. “Are you with one of the bands?”

“Yeah, I’m working NeverShoutNever’s merch tent.” And as much as I loved it, I can only take so much of the guys. Just hurry up and invite me, Alex!

His smile was still stuck on his face, but after a couple seconds it started to wear down. The answer to Alex’s unhappy face was standing right next to me.

“Niki!” Max shouted. I turned to see an overly happy Max Green. “Come on, the guys have been looking for you! We want you on our bus for the ride!” He was practically shouting. I guess this ends my quest to find another band to hang out with. Lucky me, it was right where I had wanted to be on this long drive.

I gave Alex a sympathetic smile, “Sorry, but I’ve gotta go. I’ll prolly see you later on the tour though.” His face brightened a little as I said this, but went right back to how it had been as I walked away, my arm looped through Max’s.
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yes, this is a filler. im busy using my wonderful plot devices :)

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