Status: The End.

Come Back Down


As if you haven’t noticed, I’ve left. Yes, I’ve left for good. I needed to get away from here for a while and maybe I’ll come back, but right now I’ve gotta do this.

None of you caused me to leave, so don’t hold the Burdon to yourselves. This was my decision and I need to do this for me. Please understand that, okay?

Jared – Keep being a goof ball.
Kennedy – try to learn some guitar tips from Jared
Pat – Don’t let Rat Boy out of his cage
Garret – I’ll miss you. Please be a good kid and I won’t forget that you’re my brother.

Don’t cry for me, I’m already gone.

- Charlie.

“She really left this time,” Garret said putting the piece of paper back down on the counter.

Everyone in the room was sad that their best friend had left for who knows what reason. Charlie had been there through everything and now she was just gone.

She picked up her things and left.

“What’s the matter?” Pat asked, looking over at John who had remained silent the whole time.

He shook his head and stood up from the couch, “Nothing.”

He didn’t wait for them to ask where he was going or what he was doing. He honestly could care less.

Slowly his feet climb the stairs and he found himself turning the handle to her room.

It looked the same. The bed was made and the walls were lined with posters. The shelves had a few items left behind, but the drawers were empty and her desk was barren.

He walked over to where he always found her, hunched over either her laptop or her notebook, always scribbling words down. His fingertips grazed the wooden surface and he let out a little sigh. A piece of crème colored paper caught his attention as it stuck out from the drawer where she hid everything.

Dear John,

Remember when we were five years old and didn’t have a care in the world? Remember when we were seventeen and you just HAD to show me that cover song you did? Remember any of that?

Those were the good days we spent together and I wish I could go back to those. I want to be care free again and I want to smile whenever I can. I want what I used to have, but I know you can’t turn back time.

There are a lot of mistakes I’ve made and regrets I will carry with me forever. I left you with only memories and I’ve left with a few of my own.

I just want you to know, that I’m not going to forget who you are when you get famous one day.
And I’m not going to forget who you are today either. You are my best friend and I can’t let go of that.

But I’m going to have to.

Don’t let me hold you back from you dreams, because you’ve got potential kid. I can see it in your eyes. Don’t let me be the reason why you can’t move on.

Tell Garret I’ll miss him and he was the best brother I could ever wish for.

You were my best friend and so much more.


His vison was a tad blurry, but his eyes continued to scan down the page.

P.S. I know you want the real reason why I left. Well, truth is …… I’m in love with you