Status: The End.

Come Back Down


“Fuck!” He shouted, kicking at the dirt and rocks on the ground. Her favorite place in Arizona was the one with the view of the sunset. It was only a short drive from where everyone lived, but it was far enough to escape real life. This was the only place she’d run to if there was something bothering her.

Angrily John climbed back into his car and headed back out on to the open road.


Jared, Kennedy and Pat had all left Garret for the night. They all had other commitments to deal with in the morning, so they figured it’d be best if they went home.

His head shot up when he heard the front door opening.


“H-Hey,” She stuttered, jamming her hands in her pockets and looking down at the floor.

“CHARLIE!” He said a little happier, jumping up off the couch and embracing her in a hug.

This is why she couldn’t leave.

“Are you…” She took another look first, “Are you crying?”

“Well if my little sister said she was leaving for good and never coming back, yes I would be crying!” He said still hugging her tightly.

“You can let go now.”

He released her, but not after giving her a look of disapproval.

“You had me freaking out almost half the night!”
“I’m sorry,” She said quietly.
“And you had John going all crazy looking for you.”
“I’m sorry,” She said again, “Wait… What?!”

“I dunno,” He shrugged, “He just came downstairs and said he was going to look for his girl.”

His girl.

“Yeah, so are you going to stay for real now?”
“I couldn’t leave you behind Gary,” She smiled, “So yes, I’m staying now.”

The door opened for a second time and in stepped a stressed looking John O’Callaghan.

“She’s gone now,” he said with his eyes glued to the floor and his head hung low, “I let her slip through my damn fingers.”

“John, I think you need to look up,” Garret said.

His eyes got wide when he saw her standing there, “C-Charlie?”