Status: The End.

Come Back Down


“I’ll leave you guys,” Garret said ducking out of the room and heading for the basement.

Tension between them grew quickly and it was getting thicker by the second.

“Charlie,” John spoke up, trying to break the silence.
“Don’t,” She stopped him, “I’ve already done too much damage and I have too many regrets. I don’t need anymore.”

“What?” He said standing their dumbstruck.
“I know you John. I know you read what I wrote and I know you know.”

Silence fell again.

“Look, I’m just going to leave you down here and pretend I never said anything,” She said and headed up the stairs to her room.

Frustrated and confused, he let out a heavy breath before following her up. He stopped and her closed door and hesitated to knock on it. He could hear her muffled cries from the other side and all he wanted to do was hold her until she stopped.

“Charlie,” he knocked.
“Just go away John.”
“I’m not going to,” he said firmly.
“I wish you would,” She muttered.
“Come on Charlie,” He pleaded, “Please?”

The blankets rustled and soft footsteps fell across the room.

“Fine,” She sighed, opening the door for him. He shut the door behind him and she walked over to her window, staring out of it.

“Look, Charlie,” he tried.

“You know why I left?” She asked with her back still facing away from him.
“Because I knew that even if I was in love with you, you’d never love me back.”
“That’s not true,” He spoke quietly.

“It is true John and you know it,” She said and bit her lip, “You know you wouldn’t fall for me because I’m not one of your girls.”

“Charlie ---“
“I don’t wear a ton of makeup to cover my flaws, I don’t wear clothes that show off my boobs, and I sure as hell don’t parade around drunk half the time.”

She sighed, “I keep to myself and I’m okay with that. I know who I am and I’m not like those fakes. And you don’t like that, I know. That’s why I ran.”

He took a step to be closer to her, but still far enough from her.

“You love those girls, but I love you. I know you won’t love me back.”

She bit her lip again and tried to keep in the tears. That didn’t work out so well. He took another step closer to her. She turned around slowly and looked down at the ground.

“I fucking love you,” She cried as a tear fell down her cheek and crashed on the floor.

She picked her head up and her eyes met his. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her cheeks and she prayed that she wouldn’t have another break down right in front of him.

“You’re cute when you ramble,” he said right before he brushed his lips against hers.

To say that she wished it would’ve never happened would be a lie.