My greatest masterpiece

Just One More Kiss To Sooth the Pain

As we came off the high way and crossed the border to New jersey, i plugged my I-pod in.
[a/n:i-pods weren't invented in 1992 but oh well. they are now:D]
And went down to smashing pumpkins sections and clicked on 'bury me'.
"Bury me in love
Bury me in love

Shared your kisses, take your heart
Buried me and it hurts

I love my sister so
She don't smother me
I played the spades I know
I'm a jack of all trades
Would you bury me?

Once you see her
One inside (hide, hide)
Some things you just can't hide
If you see her
Tell me why (why, why)
Why won't she come outside?" i sang out loud softly.

"Once you see her
One inside (hide, hide)
Some things you just can't hide
If you see her
Tell me why (why, why)
Why won't she come outside?

She will bury me
She will bury me" After the song ended i got bored and started to look out the window with my i-pod on random.
After a half hour of driving we, me and my mother, went down a drive called "cemetery drive"
"creepy." i said involuntary.
"oh, its just a little cemetery. not that bad!" my mom cheered.
"yeah 4 words. Dawn of the Dead." i sighed once again and casted my gaze out side the window, leaning me head on the cold glass.

"why didnt dad move? we were fine!" i said annoied.
"dont." my mother just said with anger rising in her voice.
"what?! i dont see how he can stay! and we leave! we did nothing! he was the one who cheated on you!! on us as a family!!" i shot back and gave up falling into my seat.
How can your father, your hero, betray you like that, some one who says "I Love You" and then the next day go out with your math teacher Mr.Mark?
"i seriously thought i was passing because i was working hard." i thought bummed out.
"are we there yet?" i asked as we started to slow down.
"yup." she smiled and pulled into the drive way of a dirty off white house.

"you got to be kidding me, 2 DAYS!? it took us like what.? only 2 hours to drive here!?" i asked flabbergasted. "what are they doing with it?!" i demanded.
"honey they just need to get the trucks and find directions and the paper work, hey its better that 2 weeks" she laughed, i just kept my straight face.
"bullshit. they are probably looking threw our crap!" i sneered and stormed off to my room with my i-pod and cell phone in hand.
After about a hour listening to my i-pod my phone rang.
"hello?" i picked it up on the third ring.
"JENNA!?" i heard Caitlyn,Lauren and Sammy asked into the phone.
I miss them way to much already, its been like 5 hours.
"hey guys" i smiled into the phone.
"i miss you already." Sammy whined.
"i miss you guys too, maybe we can see each other on week ends or something." i suggested.
"but its not like every day we use to do." lauren said sadly.
"no, its not like that anymore." i sighed disappointed in my mothers decision.
"so what did you do today?" Caitlyn asked wanting to change the downer subject.
"sit in a car and wait for my mom to get out of the friggen house, how was school?" i asked them.
"well.." Sammy started "I went to math and told out Mr.Mark, i might get in trouble with that..but other than that my day was fine." she laughed
"oh score!" i giggled.
"Caitlyn? how was yours?" i asked.
" comment." she said in a whisper.
"uhm?fine, lauren?" i asked suspiciously.
"Caitlyn thinks she likes nick!!" lauren squealed.
"Lauren you shall die!!" she said sounding like a pillow smacking lauren.
"wait..since when?" i asked.
"since today." caitlyn sighed " i didnt want to tell you then find out i didnt like him guys, its just lauren caught me staring at him!!" she whined. I just laughed.
"JENNA!!" my mom called.
"uhg i go to go guys, i'll talk to you later or something?" i asked hopeful.
"psht fer sure m'dear" Caitlyn said, i can tell she was smiling.
"BYE!!" lauren said hyperly[sp?].
"bye bye babe." Sammy said before the line went dead.
I closed my eyes and imaged my self there, with them. where I belong.
"JENNA!" my mom called again.
"coming mom!" i sighed rolling off my bed landing on my feet.
"this is going to be a long life."


tell me what you think =]