My greatest masterpiece

yeah she's kind of crazy

As i entered my new favorite class room, i saw the teacher.
She had long purple hair that reached her hip, seems around her early 20's, and she had a tattoo on her bottom for-arm.
"but purple hair?" i questioned as took another step.
"yeah, she's kind of crazy." some one said behind me, making me jump a mile high. I placed my hand over heart, that now has a irregular heart beat.
"Christ." i whispered as i turned to see who talked to me. I was a boy, kind of on the pudgy side, no non-the-less he was quit attractive.He had rave hair that went a little passed his ear lobe, he had a smile plastered on his face as if he was happy to see me?
"oh sorry." he said with a goofy smile. "my name is-" he got cut off by the teacher.
"who are you young one?"
dude this chick is whacked i thought as i handed her my listy thing.
"ahh i know who you are. you are my Davinich! but in a girl form."
yeah you scare me
She showed me were to sit and told the class the lesson for today, free art.
"suh-weet." i whispered to myself, but the boy from before was sitting next to me heard me.
"totally" he smiled at me, i narrowed my eyes unsure at him.
"who is this guy?" i asked my self.
After 80 minutes of drawing nothing the bell rang, startling me.
"you'll get used to it." that weird boy said.
"yeah. okay." i said getting my things.
"OH DEAR!! HOLD YOUR FOOTING!" i turned slowly around
"what the fuck?" i asked myself.
"yes you! come!" im not a fucking dog.
As i walked over to her desk she did that finger movement like 'come' to the weird boy to come over too.
"Jenna Nunziato, i would like you to meet Gerard Way."
Gerard's his name hu? i thought as i stuck my hand out to be polite and such.
"hello." he grinned.
"heyya." he held onto my hand a little to long and i got kind of, i dont know, scared maybe?!
"uhm yeah i need to get to class. so, uhm thank you" i said to the teacher "and bye?" i noted the last to Gerard.
"yeah bye." he smiled
"oh! wait i'll write you two a pass, what do you have.?" she asked me.
"uhm... well " i said looking at my list.
"she has math" Gerard said looking at my list. "hey we have the same list! wow!" he smiled widely.
rapist i thought in my head.
"okay, there you go." he handed out one pass, since we have the same class and all. Gerard grabbed it and smiled
"Thanks Miss.Villo!"
"suck up" i sang in my head. wow im mean today.
I smiled at 'Miss.Villo' and walked out the room, mad because of this boy who's name rhymes with Ferard.[a/n:yeah, i seriously dont mean it like THAT. get your head out of the gutters! xD]
"so you like it here?" he asked
"no." i simply replied, i dont want to talk.
"why?" he asked trying to keep the conversation going.
"because your here." i smiled and entered the friggen class room.
"oh." his face fell "well you know i can always leave if you want me to, if it makes you happy."

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