My greatest masterpiece

"hey gerard, what's love?"

As we walked to the lunch room ray was asking me questions.
"so where do you live now?" he asked
"uhm, seriously? i have no idea..." i said with a slight laugh.
"she's next door to me." gerard piped up.
"you're the online boy mister man thing." i thought.
"oh that's cool!!" ray said.
"no. not really." me and gerard said at the same time, we entered the room and i just fallowed ray.
"okay so you can sit there." ray pointed to a empty spot, gerard glared at ray. I was confused until gerard sat next to me.
"okay, so im ray, that's gerard. that's mikey, and ... yeah that's it i need more friends." ray said as if he was just told you need air to live.
"oh thanks ray!" gerard said sarcastic.
"your welcome." ray just beamed at gerard.
After a few minutes of random talking mikey came into the conversation, gerard was just...not talking.
"so, like it here?" mikey asked.
"wel-" gerard cut me off.
"no she doesnt, she said she doesnt like it here because im here." gerard snapped.
"oh, you have the same reason as me!" mikey giggled, i did too.
"see anyone you like yet?" mikey asked looking around the room, i did the same.
"uhm, yeah i got my eye on one." i smiled shyly at mikey.

"i did NOT just say that."
Mikey perked up and looked around again,
"who?" he asked looking at me with a sly smile.
"oh, just this boy." i said looking down.
"ohh.." he said nudging me, i just bit my lip to hide my smile.

"hey Gerard, what's love?" mikey asked after a few minutes of silence.
"ah- what mikes?" gerard asked him
"what's love?"
"I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me ; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you." he said looking confident.[a/n: that's a real quote from gerard c= ]
"hu.." mikey said nodding his head as he soaked up what gerard just said.
"why mike?" gerard asked leaning over so he could see his brother.
"because some girl just walked into the lunch room and smiled over at me, or us." everyone snapped their head to the exit.
"holy crap." i said getting up. I ran over and hugged Caitlyn.
"guys! she's over here!!" she said as she hugged me back.
"JENNA!!" lauren and sammy came over and make a huge group hug.
"GUYS!!" i said as they came over.
"wh-what are you doing here?!" i asked confused after the hugging ended, some people were looking at us.
"well, uhm.."Caitlyn bit her lip.
"are you going to tell me this year?" i asked with a smile.
"okay well. we- well i came here..then they fallowed" caitlyn pointed to sammy and lauren.
"really?" i asked confused. she took a deep breath.
"okay-..i needed to ask you a question and i couldn't ask it over the phone."
"okay shoot." i said still confused.
"how did you cope when your parents split?" she asked, voice shaking.
"i-yo- how do you know that they are?" i asked
"they told her before school." lauren piped in.
"oh...well- i didnt cope yet..take it a day by day?" i asked as i hugged caitlyn again.
"tell her the other one!" sammy said to caitlyn.
"no." she said as she stepped out of the hug.
"and why not?" lauren asked dis pleased.
"because uhm- whoa." she said looking past me, tilting to the side alittle.
"caitlyn?" i asked slowly as i turned around.
"whoa times two" lauren said looking past me also.
"who's the cute boy looking at you.?" sammy asked me.
"who are you talking about?" i said suddenly turning around, seeing gerard look at me. he smiled softly and waved to the girls. i turned back around blushing fearsly.
"he has a brother correct?" caitlyn laughed.
"yeah at the table." i said pointing to it.
"whoa again.'" she said walking past me to mikey. I laughed and grabbed lauren and sammy.
"come on.." i sighed with a smile pulling them to the table.

this is crap, dont say it isn't

comments= boost my self esteem on my writing.