My greatest masterpiece

i got cought.

I've observed alot of things over the first month of living in New Jersey.
If you want to die, go out late at night.
If you want to live, make sure you with some one at all times, doesn't matter the time.
Also, that Gerard's room is right next to mine, well the window that faces mine is his room.
And, I've some what remembered where i live, i just fallow mikey home as i talk to him with gerard slowly making his way behind us.

"so, uhm...di-did you have any boyfriends in kings park?" mikey asked bitting his lip.
Another thing I've observed was how Mikey shows he's many nervous habits; finger twiddling, hair twirling, shirt playing, lip biting or nail biting.
"no." i said eying mikey.
"really?" he looked shocked.
"are you sure.?" he asked again.
"i think im sure." i gave mikey a goofy grin, which he just smiled.
"so, anyone you like here?" he asked.
"mikey are you coming on to me?" i sighed rolling my eyes with a smile.
"what? NO! NOOOOOO! ha ha no." he laughed "no." he said with a straight face.
"okay good." i said giving him a one armed hug. "because it'd be weird having my best guy friend telling me that."
"it'd be weird saying it." he said as he looked forward as if he was imaging it.
"eh i dont like the sun anymore." i said as we turned the 93872534985 corner today. i got my sunglasses out of my bag and put my hood up.
"what are you? a vampire?" mikey laughed at me, i just showed him my teeth. as we made our way down the street our houses come into view.
"are you coming over today?"
"uhm. do you want me to?" i sighed.
"only if you want to, the guys, as in ray and matt, are coming" mikey asked.
"sure why not." i gave a small smile and walked up to mikeys door with him.

"ouch." i said covering my ears.
"oh sorry." mikey blushed, gerard came into the house as i was talking off my shoes. the front hall was tight only 2 people can really stand side by side in it, so gerard squeezed by me and mikey, his face was a little close, and when i say a little i mean ALOT.
"sorry." he muttered and then mikey must of pushed him because he fell forward, i hit my back on the wall and gerard crashed ontop of me, along with his lips.
"HOLY SHIT, think think think think, uhm i dont know what to do. this never happened before!!" i panicked in my head.
"OH WHAT GOING ONNN!!!!" ray squealed.
"so they were the ones who pushed threw the door." i thought as gerard tilted his head so his lips were off mine, he just rested his chin on my shoulder.
"can you guys move so i wont kill Jenna?" he asked as the guys started to squish past.
"sorry." he muttered again as he started to get off of me, i suddenly felt extreamly cold once he was gone.
"oh, it's okay." i whispered to my self, the guys went into the kitchen. I heard ray and gerard having a conversation, or argument.

"but these taste better!" ray whined.
"my house my rules!" gerard said back. i walked and sat down at the table, with the wind kick out of me from gerard falling ontop of me.
"what's going on?" i asked softly to mikey.
"gerard wants popcorn, since he loves it."
"hey me too!" i caught my self saying
"and ray?"
"he wants spinage[sp?] potato chips." i just stuck my tongue out grossed out.
"exactly, that's why Gerard's winning." he said with a smile. "so.." mikey said sitting back into the chair. i just raised my eye brows to show i was listening. Gerard just looked at me, then mikey, then back at me for a second longer, then went back to the argument.
"how was your first kiss?" Mikey said a little to lout.
"GERARD WAS YOUR FIRST KISS?!" Matt said with a laugh as if it was hysterical. i just sunk into the chair, embarrassed.
"he was?!" ray said taking my movements as a yes. Gerard's face lit up with a wide smile on his face, enjoying my embarrassment.
"soo.?" mikey pushed the subject.
"uhm,i-i-i have to go." i said dashing out of the room, grabbing my shoes and stuff and ran to my house, only to find it locked.
"fuck." i mumbled and sat on the steps. i tied my shoes and grabbed my bag off the floor. i looked in my wallet and saw i had a 20.
"okay, i can go in town till 5." i said to myself, 5 is when my mom gets home.

You see, in Belleville there are two high schools, the public school and then there is the Catholic school, since getting in town is faster by passing the Catholic school, i had no choice but to cut threw. well i had a choice but im lazy today, so i chose the easier root. i hoped over the 2 foot wally thing they had and started to walk threw the back until-
"what are you doing?" some one asked curiously.
"fuck." i turned around slowly on my heel to come face to face with a boy my age and a pierced nose and lip.
"uh, hello." i said with a small smile, "you never saw me ?" i said in a questioning voice.
"yeah i did" they gave me a crooked smile. i scrunched up me face.
"what's your name?" they asked walking towards me.
"Jenna, you?" i asked.
"frank." he said narrowing his eyes at me. "you dont go here do you?" he questioned.
I let out a long sigh "no."
"you do know this is private property correct?" he grinned at me.
"uhm, now i do." i said looking at me feet.
"ha, im just kidding with you. what's up?" he said walking past me and picking up a bag on the floor.
"going in town, you?" he just smiled.
"i was too. can i join you?"
I smile crookedly and twiddle my thumbs gently, "sure if you want." i said turning around again.
We walked together and found out we have alot in common. like kind of scary alot.
"so, im a veggie man. you a veggie girl?" he asked me as we caught the bus that was heading up town.
"yes." i said shocked. "dude, you are like my other half" i smiled at him.
"no, im just awesome." he said pointing at me with a serious face.
"that makes me awesome." i said pointing to him.
"indeed we are." he said sitting in the way back.
"so frank-" i said as we got off the bus "im stuck here till 5, when are you leaving?" i asked.
"5, my mom comes home till then and she doesn't trust me alone in the house with china." he smiled.
"oh, well then you stuck with me" i grinned at him as we walked into the Tick-Tock dinner.

"hello youngsters! what can i get you?" some old lady asked me and frank.
"can i get a chocolate shake please?" i asked in a nice voice.
"SURE! and for you?" she turned to frank
"same please." he smiled at her and gave her the menus.
"so, you got friends?" he asked
"yeah." i sighed rolling my eyes.
"they have names?" he asked.
"well, there's mikey- my fav out of the group, then his brother gerard who's guy i guess and then ray, he's rad." i smiled at him "how about you?"
he shrugged as they lady gave us our shakes, we smiled in thanks.
"really? people in my school suck, and i get sick alot so.. i dont have any." he said sipping at his shake.
"yese you do." i said looking at him as i got a spoon and scooped some of the shake and put it in my mouth.
"yeah? who?" he asked confused.