Some Kind of Magic

cheating is a crime

Light patter of rain on the roof was the only noise. Throughout the eleven rooms in the huge house, there were no other signs of life other than the light breathing in the master bedroom. No, the person lying on the bed was not asleep. It was just to the point that if she inhaled deep enough, another round of tears would run down her face, showing the weak girl that almost never shone through her tough exterior.

Turquoise sheets on the bed that were newly washed, most of them holding the strong smell of the downy fabric softener. As soon as the comforter was finished drying, her bed would be complete and she would be able to lie down and try to sleep.

The brunette rolled over, her breathing getting a little deeper as she shoved her face into the pillow that used to hold her other half’s head. Instead of the pillow holding, the strong smell of men’s deodorant and wonderful smelling cologne, it held a fruity perfume smell that screamed trashy. It seemed no matter how much fabric softener she put on it, the smell still seeped through into her nose.

Finally, a loud buzz screamed through the silent house and made the brunette jolt to a sitting position. Her legs were still stretched across the bed, as she sat there. Now, her eyes able to see over the bed, the blue orbs in her head managed to come across a pink tank top rolled into a ball resting on the top of her dresser.

As the buzzing ceased, the brunette slowly unfolded her limbs and walked up to the dresser. Her arm, which was now the same shade of white her face has been all day, rose from her side and slowly gravitated for the tank top on the dresser. When her fingers touched against the fabric, they tightened onto it and her arm snapped back into a position where the shirt was hanging right in front of her nose.

Fingers loosening, the tank top fell to the ground. Cheap fruity perfume lingered in the air as the brunette tightly shut her eyes and hung her head. Eyelids stuck together, her knees wobbled and before she knew it, she was on the floor crying into the beige carpet.

Her fists pounded on the carpet as the still frames of her four year long boyfriend and the brunette in their bed ran through her mind, sending a burning sensation through her throat and nose.

Before the brunette could do anything, tears were freely running from her eyes and mixing in with the carpet. Now as she laid there on the carpet, darker spots around her from her tears, she opened her eyes, letting the dim light from the fan hanging above her bed blind her for a minute.

As her whimpering silenced, there was another loud buzz that rang through the house that sounded similar to the noise the dryer made. Body pressed against the carpet, she shut her eyes again and let out a shaky breath as the previous buzz registered in her brain as the doorbell.

With a good push, the pale girl managed to get on all fours, and from there, use the bed to help her stand up. After a few shaky steps, she fell back into the swing of walking and trotted down the stairs and over to the front door where the sound of the rain was loud enough to be herd through the dark red wooden door.

Lips parted, she pushed for words to come out, but nothing managed to come out except for a small burst of air. “Vanessa!”, she blinked a few times, the voice slowly becoming familiar in her head. “Please open the door”, the male voice said from the other side of the door, “You haven‘t answered your phone, I‘m worried about you”, with that, Vanessa managed to push herself off of the door and stay on her own two feet.

With a twist of the wrist and a small tug, her front door opened and showed her the six foot, extremely built boy with a worried expression on his face. No less than two seconds after the doors was opened, the boy had Vanessa in a death grip of a hug, as he mumbled things about how happy he was to see her alright into her hair.

His strong arms tightened around her and pulled her off of the ground. Spinning a few times, he stumbled and set her down before pulling his arms away from her and shutting the front door showing Vanessa that he was planning on staying for a while.

“Matt is a complete mess”, he whispered into the air. For a second he wondered if the girl had herd him or not, but as new tears ran down her cheek, he knew that she had herd him and he had caused her horrible still frames to pop back into her eyelids making the burning start all over again.

A heavy sigh filled the room as the boy took her into his arms, silently regretting ever bringing up anything having to do with Matt. He cursed at him self for even thinking she really cared if Matt was alright or not. After what he did to her, he shouldn’t care about him either, but the fact was he was his team mate, sometimes even his line mate, and personal affairs couldn’t interfere with the job.

“I can’t stand him”, she whimpered keeping the boy in shock for a moment. “I hope he feels horrible after what he’s done”, she snapped a horrible feeling surfacing in her stomach. “How could he?”

With a heavy sigh the boy looked at the girl, her eyes filled to the brim with more tears, her broken heart visible through her eyes. He wanted to say something, something that sort of sounded like he was sticking up for Matt, but at the same time trying to make her understand no matter what, he was a guy. Guys had problems when it came to drinking and girls. It was easier for girls to stay well-minded while drunk. For guys, their other mind, located way lower then their normal one takes over.

“He’s a guy, Vanessa”, the boy blurted out earning a good glare from the girl.

“Nick.. We were together for years”, her eyes stopped watering for a moment, “I don’t care what crazy excuse you came up with for him. He’s been going out with me for a while, and no matter what the circumstances, he cheated on me. In our own house, in our own bed”, She roared and stood up. The boy, helplessly shook his head and stood up also.

He whispered he should go, and with that the girl lost it. With a small punch to his arm, she turned her back to him going on and on about no one seems to see it from her point of view. To this, the boy rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Now that the girl was alone, it all slowly started sinking into her head again.

Her boyfriend of a few years, Matthew Seitz, cheated on her.

In their house.

In their bed.

With a small sob escaping her mouth, she walked over to her phone and held it to her face, shutting her eyes tightly as she tried to remember whom she wanted to call. Then, as if someone flipped a light switch, the thought came back into her mind. Her one good friend Alicia. They have been friends since the seventh grade and all through high school. But the friendship was put to the test when Vanessa went to Michigan State to study advertising. Now that school was over, and so was her relationship with her long time boyfriend, it was time to move on.

It was time for her to move back to the one place she swore she would never move to.

New Jersey.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment and tell me if you liked it.
Alright, so this is a little set up for the story.
The story is not going to be in third person.
It will be in Vanessa's point of view. =]
Hope you liked it.
Thanks for readdding =]

**title credit to Skylines Calling