Status: I didn't want a sequel for this, so I took it down :( Maybe later...

Tonight We Drink To Youth


Budapest, Hungary had a whole other meaning after Curtis talked to me in the car park. I walked back into the hostel with a changed outlook on Isa; she wasn’t just come girl ignoring me anymore, she was something that I would have to fight for. The words “she does not hate you” hit something within me, like he was trying to send a hidden message behind his words.

It was kill or be killed.

Walking back into the lounge made me wonder exactly how many of my friends picked up on my fascination with the youngest Eastham. Kean was the most observant of us, always picking up on smaller details that would usually go unnoticed unless someone was looking for them specifically, but the others weren’t far behind. Lee would be next, then Curtis and Oli. Really anybody was capable of seeing the change in me except Isa herself, it seemed that she would forever find some reason to avoid me.

“We were looking for you!” Curtis shouted as I entered the room and held up two small boxes in his hand. The whole group was sitting around the carpet lying in front of the television except for Matt and Isa. Blankets were thrown everywhere and pillows were ready for anyone who might need them. “Lion King or Fantasia? We can’t decide which to watch.”

“You really want me to decide between those? Are you seven?”

“Don’t even start,” Lee mumbled from the couch behind me, not very enthused but still trying to put on his best smile. “Clare thought that it would be fun to watch movies from when we were young and Oli thought that it would be fun too, just pick.”

Oliver was officially off his rocker. If there were an actual rocker it would already be thrown miles down the road and picked up by some imposter Oli, one that was acting like he was in a serious relationship.

Part of me is happy that he’s in a relationship, if that’s what they’re even considering it. His last break up was the cause of most of ours, the end of our success, and it hurt him the most. Now he seems happy again with his life after months of just nothing but being around us guys, he hasn’t even talked to his brother much recently because he feels like he’s only imposing on Tom and his life. He’s even watching Disney movies on purpose for this girl, its serious business.
Plus, these girls had no idea who we were. They only know us as the group that they met in the hostel the first night they stayed. They have no idea that we used to have somewhat decent money and nice things. They were only aware of the obvious, that we were living day to day with various odd jobs and trying to cover all of Europe before returning back home to England.

“Well where’s the others?” I asked, trying to avoid choosing between the movies.

“I’m here,” Matt said as he stomped into the room from the hall. His wavy hair was thrown all about his head and his shoes still held some water on them. To be blunt – he looked like hell. “There was a request for beer, so I ran out to get some. I didn’t know there was going to be a storm tonight though.”


Movie night was not my thing, that’s for sure. After Matt gave everybody their alcohol and expressed his need to watch The Lion King in hopes to relive some weird childhood memories I decided to leave. Being by myself was still something that I needed but still had yet to get.
Walking into the bunk room made me realize that that alone time would be put on the back burner once again; Isa was laying on the floor with a laptop on her stomach.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t know you were in here.” I mumbled and began to back myself out of the doorway. Past experiences proved that putting myself within five feet of her ended in embarrassment on my end, I was now trying to avoid that at all costs and hope that she didn’t even hear me enter the room or acknowledge her.

“You can stay Matt,” she whispered and I nearly lost all control of my bodily functions.”I’m watching Rocky...if you want to join me.”

She knew my name. It was the only thing running through my mind and I had to internally slap myself to help me focus on replying to her.

“Why aren’t you watching a movie with them?” So far so good, I haven’t stuttered or forgot my words yet. “It’s the Lion King I think.”

It was dark in the room and the light from the screen only feet away from her face caught the glimmer in her eyes as she smiled up at me. “That shit’s too girly for me, just lie down and watch with me.”

If Oli was off his rocker then mine must have been ripped out from underneath me sometime when I wasn’t looking and is now resting somewhere in the bottom of the ocean, impossible to be salvaged. I didn’t even have to think about joining her, I just acted. I grabbed the blanket off of the nearest bed and placed it across both mine and her laps as I nestled myself between Isa and the wall.

If I could see that smile again I would do anything she wanted. How could I go against my angels wishes?