Status: Active

Crazy Little Thing Called Love


August 13. Hotel Room. 4:23a.m.


“Wake up you guys! Wake up!” Regine was yelling at her brothers. She wanted to get to the set of “Twilight” as soon as she could. She was already primped up and ready.

Right now she was jumping on her brothers’ beds while hitting them with a pillow. Her brothers are very heavy sleepers. Alex was the first to wake up. He looked at her outfit and said groggily,

“Wear something less revealing and then we’ll wake up.”

Regine looked at her clothes skinny jeans, converse, and a simple v-neck shirt. How is that revealing? She thought. She decided it was best to change her shirt then to fight with him, so she went to her room and changed into her favorite outfit.


She grabbed her backpack and went back to her brothers’ room. Her brothers were still sleeping. She kicked Alex’s bed a little. Alex looked up at her outfit and said,

“Better. But the shirt is too small.”

Regine groaned.

“It’s fine! Get ready!” She pleaded.

“Fine. But you’re waking the twin towers,” Alex said using the twins nicknames, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

“Guys, food,” Regine said normally and immediately they woke up and ran to the kitchen.

Eventually, all of them except Fernando were in the tour bus waiting so they could go to the airport. Finally Fernando came in the bus.

“Where were you?” Regine asked him. Fernando lifted up a box and said,


Regine looked out the window and took a deep breath. She liked it around this time, morning but still dark outside. It helps her calm down, she was excited to see Jackson, ‘Mr. Greek God’. She chuckled and noticed that calling someone that is perfectly okay, if you really mean it.

She smiled just thinking about Jackson. Something about him draws her in. She knows that probably they might make the other three books movies as well, and couldn’t wait to spend all that time with Jackson.
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Check out my other story.