Te quiero, Tú eres mi cielo

¡Mi Corazón es en Barcelona!

Hm, it really shouldn’t have surprised me that I met him in Barcelona. First of all, he’s Brazilian. If you’re Brazilian, and you didn’t go to Portugal but you want a European vacation, the next best place to go is Spain! Second, Barcelona is the second gayest city on the planet. Although, seeing him at all the nightclubs I went to did kind of freak me out, having heard horror stories of going on vacation and getting abducted and what not. But he’s nice. Very, very nice.

You know, for a Latino and a Brazilian, we look surprisingly white. I guess technically I am, seeing as how my family is actually Spanish, but he has Indian blood and some black too, but he looks like he’s straight out of Portugal. As a Hispanic-American, I always wanted to go back to the country my grandparents spoke so fondly of. “La España,” They said, “es el país más hermoso del mundo, Enrique, del mundo.” “Spain is the most beautiful country in the world, Enrique, the world.” So for my twenty-first birthday my parents shipped me off to Barcelona to stay with a cousin for a month. Barcelona! If there there’s one city that personified a Sexy Spain, its Barcelona! I arrived in high spirits and with even higher hopes. But my cousin Isabel dragged me on a tour of Barcelona’s monuments. She made me take pictures and talk to a bunch of old people for info on the monuments and it was so fucked up! But when we got home, Isabel said, “Now, let the fun begin! It’s time to go to a gay bar!”

“A gay bar?” I hadn’t really thought about guys, I was kind of hoping for Latina ladies.

“Sí, sí, sí. You look like you could use a night of reckless abandon, and a gay bar is just the place!” I didn’t argue, seeing as how she knew Barcelona and I didn’t, but I was a bit apprehensive. I hadn’t done anything with a guy since eighth grade when Bobby Bryant fondled me and tried to stick his little penis up my butt. I wasn’t eager to repeat that, but what Isabel said, went. So I put on jeans and a t-shirt and a vest and we went to my first gay bar.

And only in Barcelona would I have dared go. And only with Isabel. She was so insane and fun and amazing that I went right along with whatever she said. We got to the bar, ‘La Abadía’, The Abbey, and Isabel immediately steered me toward a group of chattering chicas, who she then introduced me to as her cousin. I guess they were friends of hers, but I never asked. One of them, Sonya, the only one who’s name I caught, dragged me over to meet her cousin, Caio. I was expecting some poor boy who couldn’t grab a man on his own so he had his (very pretty) cousin do it for him. ‘Poor guy, I can at least talk to him.’ What I wasn’t expecting was the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Taller than me by a head, he had auburn hair and had nice muscles. “Caio, Veja! Eu tenho um homem para tu conhecer!” ‘Oh I hope he speaks Spanish!’ “Before you get all nervous, he does speak Spanish. We’re Brazilian, he speaks Portuguese first.” I can’t tell you how relieved I was. He turned when he heard his cousin, and my jaw dropped to the floor. He wasn’t just man pretty, he was man bewitching! His eyes were virgin blue, something I didn’t know was possible, and he had five o’clock shadow which was very becoming. His features were finely wrought like a god’s crown and very distinguished. “Hola, ¿cómo te llamo?”

“Me llamo Enrique. ¿Y tú?”

“Me llamo Caio. Como la carta en inglés, k, y o. ¿Bueno?”

I smiled, he was soooooooooo cute.

“You know you’re very attractive right?” I was startled; he was talking to me, not me to him. I flashed red like a fire truck, and said thank you like a good boy. “It’s true; you’re very, very cute. Your blonde hair becomes your green eyes. They’re so captivating. They’re like jade.”

“Like you’re one to talk, your eyes are Mary blue!”

“Ah, yes they are. Very pretty, but not as interesting as yours. One sees all shades of blue in this world, but not so many of green.” He was an eloquent speaker and great to look at. And he liked boys. ‘Now this is the type of boy it takes to get in my pants.’ I smiled to myself, he comments on this too! “And your smile, the way you modestly cast your eyes down to hide your improper smile. You could teach my cousin Sonya a thing or two about modesty. Your cousin Isabel too.” We share a laugh and his eyes alight with delight. “Do you want to go get coffee somewhere? I don’t know if it’s fresh, but, it should be –“

“Me encantaría.”

Caio walks us out of the club, leaving both his friends and Isabel laughing at us sneaking away like villains. The nearest coffee shop is next door, so it’s not a far walk at all. We sat there drinking lukewarm coffee for three hours. We talked about music, Brazil, America, Spain, chicks, our cousins, trivial things. But the coffee shop had a pesky habit of closing at midnight, so he walked me back to Isabel’s, partly because he was a complete gentleman, but mostly because I had no idea where it was. Isabel had left a note on the kitchen table that she was staying with Sonya and added, very naughtily, that she hope I’d be staying with Caio. I turned red again and tore up the note. “You know, you have a bad habit about blushing.”

“And what is wrong with my blushing?”

“Well nothing, except when I do this.” He leaned down and kissed me. I felt myself tighten and then melt. I knew I must’ve been red as a crayon, but I didn’t care, his eyes were closed. I kissed back, hard, and our tongues had a war in our mouths. I took of my shirt, then his shirt. I dislocated our mouths and stared at his bulging muscles. He sinks to his knees and undoes my pants. He laughs at my undies, they have ducks! I blushed, again, because no man, (Bobby Bryant doesn’t count! He was a boy!), had ever gotten this far with me. “Ah! ¡Hay de nuevo tu modestia!” I blushed harder, one because he was teasing me, two because he had just stuck my penis in his mouth. He did wonders with that tongue. It was like an anaconda constricting my erect deck, tight, quick-working, deadly. Every movement with him was a hair-raising shock, every thrust, every suck, every glance. He was big, he was sweet, and yet an animal at the same time. His blue eyes were on fire with passion, my body on fire with his touch, and our minds cool on our purpose. He had me on top, on bottom, on the floor, in the air, sideways and every other way in between. He had me as a dolphin on the waves of ecstasy, a gopher going in and out of the hole of pleasure. A wonderful way to describe it, since that’s what he did to mine.

I woke up to a large arm under my head, a large chest slowing rising and falling next to me, and a large erection still in my hand. I slipped out of bed and slipped on my underwear. I perused the fridge, and found it apply stocked for an after-fuck breakfast. I didn’t know anything about what he did or did not like, so I cooked everything. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, ham. What, you don’t have ham for breakfast? Eh, it’s a Spanish thing. He must have known I was cooking, because right as I finished with the ham he came out in boxer shorts looking ready to eat a whole elephant. “¡Buenos días! Tengo listo el desayuno para ti.”

“Eu posso ver.” ‘Apparently he doesn’t speak Spanish this early in the morning.’
I laughed and heaped food onto his plate. He ate like a starving person and thanked me heartily for the food. I smiled and suggested we take a shower. Which ended up taking an hour and made me miss Isabel’s call saying she was coming home. Well, she came into the bathroom expecting to just see me naked, (which is just as disturbing as what she said), and said “¡Ay papí! ¡Comas la mierda!”

“¡Isabel! ¡Fuera de aquí!”
She skipped out of the room laughing to herself and then yelling to Sonya that their plan worked. I smiled to Caio and kissed him again.

Seeing as how he was much bigger than I was, he had to put his clothes from the night before on and go to his place for clothes. I wasn’t about to stay at Isabel’s and have her pet her now non-virgin cousin, so I went with Caio to his place. It was a comfy space with plenty of cushions and couches to lay, or fuck, on. He said he had to go to work, but he gave me his number and said to drop by after six, so we could spend some more time together. I said sure and walked back to Isabel’s. She had a full day planned with meeting her friends and making souvenirs and taking pictures and what not. So by six, I got to Caio’s house and he already had dinner ready! And I was like wow! Didn’t I feel just so special. We dined on wonderful seafood freshly caught that morning and then lounged on a couch. We talked more about our lives, since what we knew was too little for my comfort. We talked so long that I had to telephone Isabel to say that I was staying the night. She said she knew I would and then said that Sonya was staying the night at our house, don’t randomly show up. I had to. So I Caio to put pants on and that we were going to scare the fuck out of our cousins.

Well, when we showed up, wouldn’t you know, they were in the shower! So I did to her what she did to me: “¡Ay mamí! ¡Comas la mierda!”

“Enrique get the fuck out of here! Don’t you see I’m tongue deep in pussy?!” Sonya laughed and shoved Isabel’s head back into her vag. Caio and I took over the bed and fucked the night away. And none of this was awkward. Wow. We’re fucked up.

Again, I awoke to Caio holding me, but this time there was a naked Sonya curled up into Isabel, who had forgotten to cover her chest. I quickly wriggled out of the covers and made for Caio’s boxers. Again, I made breakfast, but this time for four people instead of two. Big appetites must run in Caio and Sonya’s family, because they both ate like wild people. Isabel and I laughed and ate our breakfast. It was Monday, and again, Caio had to run across town to get to work on time. I told him before he left to just bring suits over to Isabel’s and he could put them in my room, he’d be doing this a lot. I raised one eyebrow and he kissed me goodbye and ran to get to work on time. I don’t know how Isabel did it, but she managed to keep me entertained all that week, going to this friend’s house or that, going shopping, the beach; shit, we were at the beach so much that I actually looked Spanish by the end of that week! And it each day was like Monday. He always made it to work, always got laid. It was crazy, but it was amazing.

Which is why I fell all the harder when it ended. You see, one day Isabel had to go someplace or another, and Sonya and I were home alone. I was hungry, but not for food. I wanted vag. Sonya was right there, she didn’t say no, we had a great fuck, and I thought that was it. But when Caio got home, the first thing Sonya says is, “Hey Caio, your boyfriend fucked me today. Guess he’s not so perfect after all.” Caio looked crushed. I was astounded that Sonya was so two-faced. I thought it was a one time thing and that was it. That’s what it was to me. But to Caio I was a lying slut who wasn’t worth the time. He grabbed his shit and ran. “Sonya, why?

“Because that’s how we work. He fucks a guy first, then I try to fuck him, to see if he’ll stay faithful. It’s always worked before.”

“Oh how?! Worked to drive them away?!”I was pissed, angry at myself and Sonya too, but also really mad at this cruel world. “What kind of sickos are you guys?!” Isabel came home soon after, asking why there was shouting and where Caio was. Sonya told her and Isabel slapped her. “¡Puta!” Isabel was just as mad as I was. She wasn’t mad at me, no, at Sonya for lying and not telling her that’s how it was. Sonya grabbed her shit and left too. Isabel and I cried our eyes out and then talked about what we were going to do. She didn’t want to be in the city anymore, she wanted a vacation. I suggested our grandparents in Puerto Rico. She said, “Oh, Fuck yes.

But I didn’t want to leave the city without explaining, or trying to, what happened to Caio. So I wrote him a letter. I told him exactly what I thought and felt and that I probably wouldn’t be coming back after I was gone. Isabel wrote a note to Sonya saying she was a bitch. I laughed my face off, mostly because I couldn’t cry anymore. I gave the letter to his neighbor to give to Caio and we went to the airport. First of all, it was about two o’clock when we got there. The flight was for six and we needed four hours Isabel said. Well, four hours of waiting later they had just started to get the plane ready. So it was about seven when we started boarding. So we got on the plane, our hearts heavy, ready for the release of an island kiss. But when I asked the guy in our seats if he could please move, he turned up his face and said, “Only if you promise not to fuck my cousin again.” He was smiling, and I was laughing and crying.

“I promise, Caio!” I jumped into his arms and kissed him ferociously. I laughed when I heard approving claps, because apparently Isabel and Sonya had done the same thing. Our flight to San Juan was pleasant, seeing my introduction to the mile high club with the man who also had my virginity. ‘Good trip; definitely a good trip.’