Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Further Notice .

I've Got A Secret

Getting There On Time

*******Jade's P.O.V.*******

"JORDY! Where the hell are my skinnies?" I yelled from my room. I had no clue where they were and I had been looking for a while now.

"Don't yell at me! Open your eyes, they're probably on the floor in that mess you call a room!" Jordy yelled back at me.
I looked around my room again, before calling calling out to Jordy. "I can't see them." I herd Jordy groan something, before she came storming into my room.

"Look, I can see them from here." she said, aggressively and pointing to a black ball on my floor.

"Oh, um thanks." I said apologetically, picking them up and sliding them on.

"Whatever, now hurry up, I don't want to be late." Jordy said waling back into her room.
I glanced over at my alarm clock, 7:35am it read. Man how I wish that I was still sleeping, but I knew all to well that that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"Jade, are you ready?" I herd Jordy call from the front door. She was obviously ready to go, because I could hear her juggling her car keys. Jordy was always the most organized, and less crazy twin. Who unlike me was always on time to things. I was late, never had things in on time, and was alot crazier.

"I'm coming." I called back, fumbling with my laces while trying to walk at the same time.

*******Jordy's P.O.V.*******

"Jade are you ready?" I called from the front door, getting slightly annoyed. I liked to be on time for things, especially today, and Jade was always the one who was keeping me behind.

"I'm coming." I herd her yell from her room. I started to juggle around my keys, which was something that I did when I was being impatient.
Jade may be older by three minutes, but she sure as hell is never going to be as organized as me.
Which was rather funny in a way.
I looked up just in time to see Jade coming down the hall, almost tripping over trying to do up her laces. I just laughed and walked out towards my car.

"It's not that funny." Jade complained as she hauled herself into the passenger seat of my Escalade.
"It is and you know it." I smiled, Jade just stuck her tongue out at me and turned up the stereo.

We were off to the airport to pick up our boyfriends, who were actually members of Escape The Fate. Yes that's right, we are dating them, and its funny because all the girls at work are so fucking jealous. I am dating Max Green, and have been for over two years now, and my sister is dating Craig Mabbitt as has been for nearly a year.
I met Max at one of their gig's about six months before we started dating. I remember they were playing at a local bar and Jade and I happened to be there. We were really impressed by their music, so when they finished we went up to them and told them how awesome we thought they were.
Max and I hit off straight away, we talked for about two hours after their show and when it was time for us to leave we exchanged numbers, and here we are nearly three years later.

About a year into my relationship with Max, Craig came up to me one afternoon and asked if he could go out with my sister. Of course my first reaction was a bit skeptical, but I knew that he was a great guy. So I said yes he could, but it was up to him to tackle Jade with the question because I knew that she was a tough one to let anyone in. I wished Craig luck with her. About a week later, after Jade made Craig practically beg she finally said yes to him.I thought it was so cruel, but she was only doing it for fun because she knew how much that he liked her.

And that brings us to now.

I looked over towards Jade and smiled. I knew she was nervous, she didn't need to be. But that was just her. We drove in silence for another forty minutes, with only the stereo playing in the background. It was nice just having some down time, as we both knew that the next couple of weeks were going to be rather busy.
I pulled into the airport parking and found a space that was big enough to fit my huge ass car in. As i turned the car off, Jade looked over to me and had a huge grin on her face.

"I'm so excited now that we are here." she said stepping out of the passenger side. and walking to the front of the car.

"Me too, I've missed Max alot these past three months." I replied, as my eyes started to tear up.

"Hey, don't cry now. You can do that in Max's arms when we see them in about twenty minutes." Jade said, pulling me into a reassuring hug. I wiped away the tear that fell down my cheek and checked my make-up in my mirror, before grabbing Jade's hand and walking into the airport.

We walked over to the "Arrivals" section of the airport and took a seat, as their plane wouldn't be in for another fifteen minutes. After a few minutes of sitting I decided that I needed coffee. "Jade, do you want a coffee?" I asked, she nodded and I went off to find the nearest cafe to get two large mocha's. As I was waiting for our drinks, I noticed that the guy who served me was in someway checking me out. That had been happening alot ever since Max had been away, but I kept true to him, and never looked at another guy because I knew Max was the one. I love him so much, and I know that he loves me back.

I walked back over to Jade who was still sitting in the same spot, day dreaming about who knows what. I nudged her leg with my foot, and I swear the girl nearly flew halfway into the air.

"You could have said something." she said, grabbing the cup out of my hand.

"I needed a laugh." I said trying to control myself. I glanced up to the television that showed what flights had arrived, and I saw instantly that the flight Max and Craig were on had landed. I looked back to Jade with a huge grin on my face. Jade noticed and looked up at the screen then back at me, then we took off down to the gate that they would be coming in.

"They are almost here." We both said looking at the door, jumping up and down like a bunch of two year old's at Christmas time. As the door opened a whole line of random people stumbled out, way too slow for my liking. But then I saw them. I saw my Max.

Just in time Max looked up and our eyes connected, sending shivers down my spine with that amazing smile of his.
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Please tell me what you think, comments are much appreciated <3