Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Further Notice .

I've Got A Secret

Seeing Each Other Again

*******Jade's P.O.V.*******

I saw the amount of people that were stumbling out of the door, tired and groggy from the long flight. I looked over to my sister who was waiting anxiously, but in an instant her expression changed and I knew what that was from. I glanced back over to the doorway and saw Max grinning from ear to ear, as he dropped his bags and Jordy ran into his arms. Before I could even blink I felt a hard object run into me and I braced myself because I knew that somehow Craig was going to make me fall over.

"I missed you baby" Craig whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine, I looked up into those gorgeous eyes of his, as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I missed you to!" I stifled, as Craig wiped away the tear with a kiss.

"There's no need to cry, I'm here now, you should be bouncing off the walls like you usually do" Craig chortled embracing me in a breathtaking hug.

"I know I should, you just wait until we get home, then I will be" I smirked, leaning and placing a series of small soft kisses along his jaw line and neck. Craig let out a small moan as I bit his weak spot on his neck. I giggled as, I pulled away leaving him rather upset.

"That was just not nice, you can't believe how much I have missed you doing that to me over that past three months. It was unbearable some days" Craig mumbled into the crook of my neck.

"I bet it was sweetie, I missed you so much. You should have seen Jordy, she was a complete mess. How was Max while you were gone?" I asked as we took a seat.

"Man he was a wreck for the first week or so, but everyday I had to reassure him that it was one day closer to getting home. That made him a bit happier, but he still constantly called her. Look at them, I swear they were made for each other" Craig said, nodding over to Jordy and Max, who were still standing near the door. Max hadn't got the chance to move since Jordy got into his arms. The poor girl, she was balling her eyes out. I was glad that Max was home, at least now she could be her old self again.

"I'm glad that Max is home now, she hasn't been the same without him" I replied, taking Craig's hand in mine and rubbing circles in his palm.

"Well at least she will be herself again. It's been really awkward with Max, I mean he barely even came out with Monte, Robert and I to grab a couple of drinks after some of the shows, he liked being on his own, which is so not like him" Craig said, as he leaned back resting his head against my shoulder.

"Speaking of the boys, weren't they coming home?" I asked playing with Craig's hair with my free hand.

"Yeah, they are coming home, not sure when though. Monte said that he was going to drop past his sister's before he came back, and I have no idea about Robert" Craig answered, grabbing my hand and kissing it, before placing it over his chest.

"Righto then. So how is Craig feeling now that he is home?" I asked planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I feel great now that I'm back home with you, although I am really tired" he laughed.

"Well maybe I think its time we went home. Lets go see if Jordy and Max are ready to go" I said helping Craig up and picking up his bag. Craig took my hand in his and we began walking over to where the others were standing.

"Hey Max!" I said as we reached them.

"Hey Jade, nice to see you again" Max laughed, nodding at me with a smile.

"I see she hasn't let go of you yet" I pointed at my sister.

"Nope, and I'm pleased to stay like this" Jordy mumbled looking up at Max planting a kiss on his lips.

"Well I'm glad that your happy honey, but we should be going. If you want I can drive your car while you sit in the back with Max" I said motioning for her keys.

"Do you mind?" Jordy asked. "Of course not sweetie, I'd love to. Gives you a chance to catch up on all those missing hugs with Max here" I smiled as she handed me the keys to her car. "Yes, I will be careful" I added, as Jordy looked me in the eye.

"Okay, so lets get moving" Craig piped up, grabbing his bag off the floor, and also grabbing Max's.

"Was that all the stuff you had with you?" I asked, referring to the bags that Craig had in his hands.

"Sure is" I looked at Craig, and he knew what I was thinking.

"Yes I do know how to use a washing machine, so all my clothes are clean, thank you very much" he responded.

"Good, cause I wouldn't want you to be smelling up my place" I giggled pulling him into a hug.

"Well now I'm offended, you thought I was getting around in smelly, sweaty clothes while we were on tour?" Craig asked as he looked across at me.

"I figured that you would wash them" I laughed.

"Gosh, I'm not that bad am I?" he mumbled, looking at the floor as we reached Jordy's car.

"No babe, your fine just the way you are" I smirked, leaning in and giving him a kiss.
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Woo I updated!
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