Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Further Notice .

I've Got A Secret

Coming Home

***Jordy's P.O.v***

I was getting so anxious, because all the people before Max were being so slow.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jade looking at me, she knew exactly what I was thinking. When some of the crowd had cleared and there was a clear path, I ran for it. Max noticed me running and dropped his bag, holing out his arms to catch me. I leaped into his arms and he wrapped me in his warm embrace, God only knew how much I missed him. Just feeling Max in my arms started to make me cry. I could feel his grip tighten on me as he rubbed my back, making soothing noises; whist kissing the top of my head.

"I missed you Max" I managed to mumble in between tears.

"I missed you even more Jordy, it was so hard for me not to get on a plane and come home during the tour" Max replied, holding me tighter.

"I love you Max" I said, as I pulled away from his chest and placed a soft longing kiss on his lips, in which he returned with so much love and passion.

"I love you even more, Jordy" Max said pulling me into his chest again.

While I was safely wrapped up in Max's arm's I stole a glance over at my sister and Craig. they were sitting over at the chair's and Craig was leaning against Jade's shoulder; while she played with his hair. I'm glad that my sister found someone that she likes, it was hard for me to see her on her own, when I was going out with Max. It was good that Craig came along.

"So, how are you feeling?" Max asked me, interrupting my train of thought.

"I'm feeling a hell of a lot better, now that you are back home babe" I replied, looking up into his eyes. "How are you?" I asked.

"Well to start off with, I am so happy to be home with you, and on the other hand I am exhausted from the tour and the flight." Max said looking down at me.

I was just about to reply when I noticed Jade and Craig walking over towards us. They were holding hands, and at that moment I knew that they were perfect for each other.

"Hey Max!" Jade said as she approached us.

"Hey Jade, nice to see you again" Max replied, nodding at her.

"I see she hasn't let go of you yet" Jade said, pointing at me.

"Nope, and I'm pleased to stay like this" I mumbled, as I lifted my head and placed a kiss on Max's lips again.

"Well I'm glad that you're happy honey, but we should be going. If you want I can drive your car while you sit in the back with Max" Jade offered, looking from Max to me.

"Do you mind?" I asked, knowing that she wanted to be doing the same thing.

"Of course not sweetie, I'd love to. Gives you a chance to catch up on all those missing hugs with Max here" she replied. I looked at her, knowing what happened a few years ago, when she offered to drive my car. "Yes, I will be careful" Jade added, as I handed her my keys.

"Okay, so let's get moving" Craig piped up, picking up Max's and his own bag, grabbing Jade's hand and began walking off. Leaving Max and I to follow behind.

"I'm glad your home Max, our bed has been so empty" I mumbled as we began to walk.

"I'm glad I'm home sweetie, I was really lonely without you" Max said, pulling me into his side as we walked.

"Do you know how long we have until your next tour?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"Nah, not a clue till the next one. I hope it's not too soon though, all the guys need a good rest. You wouldn't believe how manic it was during those four and a half months" Max replied looking down at me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Righto, sounds good to me. As long as you're home, I'm happy" I giggled. "Sounds good to me as well, baby" Max added. By this time we had reached my car, and I noticed again that Jade was still picking on Craig; but we all knew it was her way of showing how much she loved him. She was a weird one sometimes, when it came to showing affection towards people.


It took us over a hour to get home, due to the fact that I was starving and insisted that we stop for a bite to eat. No one dared challenge me on that. We stopped at a small diner, which was fitted out in 1950s style furnishings, and really warm inviting paints. It was a good meal and once we had our fill we were off again. This time I told Jade that I would drive, so that she could spend some time with Craig.

When I got back to my car, I climbed in and settled down for the rest of the drive home. Max never let go of my hand; lucky that my car was an auto, or I may have had some trouble. Every so often I would look in my rear vision mirror and look at Jade, to see just how happy she was that Craig was home. Max and I didn't really talk a lot while I was driving, I think that he was just enjoying the silence, along with being near me. Well I sure was.

After about forty-five minutes of driving, we got back home. Jade and I still lived together, but we had a two story home. Max and I had the bottom floor, while Jade and Craig had the top. They are both fully equip with everything, as they used to be separate homes. But when Jade and I saw them, we converted them back into one, the only real difference about the two floors, was the way that they were decorated. Jade had light tones on the walls, while I had the darker ones; and our taste in furniture and accessories was very different.

I got rid of a few things when Max moved in, so that he could bring in some of his own pieces, like his bass and guitar collection. They were all kept neatly in our music room, where I kept all my Cd's and my drum kit. Our lounge was filled with different odds and ends, as Max would sometimes bring home small things from the places that he toured in. There were photos of our families and ourselves on the walls, I especially like the picture of Max when he was a child, he was so adorable.

Max had framed one of the letters that a fan had written him two years ago.
That was a real tough one for Max. This particular girl was a big fan of Max's and the band and she would go to every one of their shows, and would always go to the meet and greets. But one April, she didn't show, she had become good friends with all the guys, and when it came time for the signing a young guy stepped up to Max and gave him this letter.
It was written my her, and explained why she wasn't there. She had committed suicide, all because there was this one guy at her school who would continually tease; and occasionally rape her. It all became to much for the poor girl, and she explained it all in the letter to Max, down to the very last detail.
When Max read the letter he was here, curled up on the couch; and when I walked in I noticed that he was crying. I had never seen Max cry before, in the whole time I have known him. When I read the letter I was crying and I crawled into Max's arms and we both just sat there for hours, not letting go of one another.

When Max decided to frame that letter, he wanted to make sure that it was perfect. Now it hangs in our lounge, in full view of everyone; reminding us all of how precious our lives are, and that we don't know what we have until it's too late.


"Are you going to have a shower first, Max?" I asked as we walked through our front door. Instantly I felt Max relax by my side as he came trough the door.

"Yeah, I think I will" Max said as he placed down his bag in the entrance and headed for the kitchen.

"Okay, well while you do that, I'm going to wash your clothes, and get you a clean towel" I said quietly as I grabbed his bag and headed towards the laundry, but not before I felt a hand grasp around my wrist.

"Don't take too long, honey. You are coming to bed with me" Max smirked.

"Oh, am I now Mr. Green?" I asked, with a playful tone. Max just nodded and I placed a kiss on his lips before turning him to the bathroom, and smacking his ass.

"I'll meet you there" Max called out. I just smiled and continued to the laundry, and put all of Max's clothes in the wash. Before leaving I grabbed a clean towel and headed to the bathroom. I quietly opened the door and placed the towel on the counter. Taking a glance of Max while I was there.

Ten minutes later, when Max came out of the bathroom in his boxers. I was already in my pj's and half asleep. But when I herd Max whine, my eyes shot open and I pulled him on the bed. The frown on his face soon disappeared when I snuggled up beside him.

"I love you, Jordy" Max whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I love you, Max" I replied, placing a kiss on his lips. But before we could get too carried away, I pulled away causing Max to groan again.

"You need to sleep honey, I will still be here when you wake up" I assured him. That made Max smile as he held me closer and we both drifted into a peaceful sleep.
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A bit of a filler, but the next chapter should have more interesting things.

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