‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

1 You Can't Catch Me! I'm The Gingerbread Man!

Lilly’s POV

“Get your vampire ass over here Wentz!”

“Fuck that!”

I watched as Pete kept running in front of me. That asshole stole my gummy bears! I had a whole batch of red ones. That evil fuck! So now, I am tracking him down to get them. He’s lucky he’s my boyfriend or I’d kill him.

Who am I
? I’m Lilly. Nothing special about me. Wait! That’s a lie. I’m a human marked by a vampire. Now, not by the one I was chasing. The one who marked me is William Eugene Beckett. The leader of the Dandies and was the strongest vampire known to man.

Here’s the thing. William is supposed to be dead. Well, he is dead. I guess more dead. Anyways, for some weird reason the boy is alive! How? I have no idea. I just want the boy dead. Last time I was around him I was his love interest. I really don’t want to be.

Lately he’s just hiding.

A few tattoos later, meaning Pete’s and my tattoos, I’m still dating him. So let me tell you about him. His name is Pete. Hates being called Peter, but I do it anyways. His whole name is Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third. Yes, the third. Can you believe it? More then one Pete? Craziness.

He and I, well, we’re a very weird couple. We hated each other when we met but for some reason we bonded. Well, I guess I love him. Because I have to love him. He’d cry if I said I didn’t.

The Dandies. The Dandies are the high class of vampires. They’re growing in numbers. Seriously! Its worse then breeding rabbits. The Dandies were run by William but lately they seem to be doing whatever they damn please to do. Our job is to kill them.

“Here! Brendon catch!”

I looked up and watched Brendon catch my gummy bears and run past me. I growled and turned around. This was getting annoying! I hate men. I hate them with a burning fiery passion, “URIE!”

He giggled, “You can’t catch me! I’m the gingerbread man.”

“You’re going to be a pile of ash if you don’t come back.”

Brendon, Brendon Boyd Urie. Ex Dandie and my best friend. He’s been my friend since I was like ten. We were always close and Pete used to hate that. Well, I just think he hated the fact that Brendon liked me more then a friend. That’s over now, I think.

Lately they’ve been getting along a lot better then Pete and I. Do you think my boyfriend is going gay? I shuddered at the thought. Back to Brendon. Brendon risked his life for me. Well, so did Pete. These two guys meant the world to me. No another lie! They don’t mean as much to me as my brother.

David. He was turned to a vampire to save his life. Which he risked for me. Sigh, these guys need to stop doing things for me. I can’t return the favor. Not that I really want to risk my life, but hell, it’d be fun. Well, not really.

Patrick, Joe and Andy are also our friends and fellow hunters. Great guys if you ask me. They also risked their lives to help me. God, just let me die at that point! Stupid men and their courageousness. Oh that is so bull. Pete screamed like a little girl when a spider was in the tub. Who went after it? Me of course. And DAMN! That thing was massive.

“I just want my gummy bears!”

I started crying and Brendon appeared next to me, “Aww I’m sorry Lilly. Don’t cry. Here.”

He handed me my gummy bears and I smiled, “Sucker!”

I took off and Brendon gasped, “You! You tricked me!”

“I know!”

I fell to the ground and hissed in pain. What the hell? Hi ground! I hate your hardness by the way. Oh man that sounds wrong. Back to my pain. Oww! My neck was on fire. I felt like it was being ripped open. I was on my hands and knees and trying to breathe. I watched Pete and Brendon collapse next to me. I closed my eyes and held back the tears. I’ve never been through this kind of pain before.

I felt myself being pulled to Pete. I was flipped so my back was against Pete’s chest. He tilted my head and moved my hair out of the way. Both of them were quiet and I hiss in pain again, “Make it stop!”

Pete was stuttering, “I…I can’t. I…Don’t know how.”

I looked over at Brendon. He shrugged, “I don’t know what to do either.”

The pain got worse and I kept shifting in Pete’s arms. My hands gripped Pete’s jeans and I pulled. This pain was crazy. It hurts way more then the time I was being marked. Oh fuck!This was crazy and I wanted it to stop. I was going to pass out if it didn’t stop, “David!”

Within seconds my bother was next to us and on his knees, “What the hell?”

I felt Pete shrug, “She just fell. Then pain.”

I grabbed David’s shirt, “Make it stop.”

David was a genius. Well, him and Patrick. They study vampires for a living. So he had to know what was wrong. He leaned closer to my neck and touched my mark, “William’s either calling her to come to him or he’s trying to find her.”

Brendon gulped, “You sure?”

“That’s the only thing I can think of.”

Pete shifted behind me, “Then let’s get her inside.”

Brendon got of the ground, “Good idea.”

I felt myself being scooped up and taking in to our new house. Somehow it could fit six guys and a girl. Sadly there was only one girl. My other friends were turned and killed a while ago. Traitors!

Eventually I was placed on my bed and I watched Pete lay down next to me, “Does it still hurt?”

I nodded, “Not as bad.”


All of us were convinced that William wanted to find us because my brother had created this serum. It made it so vampires could go into the sunlight. I have no idea how it works or why it works. Vampires are dead for god sakes! David, Brendon and Pete all had it injected into themselves so that we all could hang out in the day. That was a nice change for the guys. Brendon hadn’t seen the sun in years. He was so happy when he could sit in the sun. Even Pete was ecstatic. I didn’t mind because I liked the sun. It was my friend, until it gives me skin cancer. Then I think our relationship will take a dangerous turn.

I heard a few guitar chords and I looked over to Pete, “You can go if you want. I know you like to practice.”

He shook his head and brushed the hair out of my face, “No. I’m staying here.”

All the guys had some kind of music talent. I was the only one who didn’t. I hated that! I want to fit in too. I was also the baby here to. Also hate that. Since I was the youngest I was the most spied on. They all made sure I wasn’t doing something wrong. It got rather annoying because I never got any privacy.



“Can you play some music for me?”

“Sure, what do you want to hear?”

“You know my mixed CD?”


“Can you play that?”

He got of the bed without answering me and went over to my CD’s and found it. Surprisingly, I have hundreds. He moved to my CD played and stuck it in. He messed with some buttons and the first song started.

It was The Forecast’s “These Lights.” One of my favorite songs. It had a sad video but great song. I tapped my foot slightly and Pete returned next to me, “Better?”

I nodded, “Thank you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Is it true?
Yup, it is.
This is the start of the BITTEN sequel
Hope you guys like.
I’ve kept you waiting for like…ever!