‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

11 Now or Never

Lilly’s POV

“Oh come on William! You have to be fucking cheating!”

He chuckled as he shuffled the cards, “I’m not cheating.”

“You have to be! You must be looking in my head to see my cards!”

He dealt us some cards and set the deck down. He flipped the top card over to the table. I passed and he took it and replaced it with a different card. This was Gin. We were playing because I said I could kick his ass.

Yeah, not going to well.

“I promise I’m not cheating.”

I drew a card and smirked. I could already go out. I discarded and laid my cards on the table, “Gin.”

He growled and laid his cards down. I smirk and tallied the score. I had snuck around his score and now was a head. I grabbed the cards this time and shuffled. He sat patiently and just stared at me. I handed him his cards and then my own. I put the deck between us and flipped over the first card. It was the ace of spades.

“Do you pass?”

“No,” He took the card and laid down the nine of hearts.

I kept my cards and I went over to the table with what presents I found and rummage through for some music. I hated silence. I found the all to familiar cover of All American Rejects. It was a newer one and I didn’t have it. I grabbed it and went over to the cd player and put it in. I figured out how to start it and felt content.

I returned to William and drew a card. I didn’t need it so I placed it over the nine of hearts. He drew a card and discarded a six of spades. I grabbed it and discarded a two. He grabbed it and then he knocked on the table. He discarded another six and laid out his cards. He was left with a four of diamonds on the side. I laid my sets down and was left with an eight, a jack and a queen.

“Looks like I get twenty-four points.”

I glared, “Shut up.”

I wrote the new score. He was ninety nine and I was at seventy-five. I needed another gin to get me anywhere. He shuffled and we continued. He sadly got gin the next hand and I threw the cards down.

“You’re doing something to it. Not the average person wins that often!”

He chuckled and placed all deck of cards to the side, “Poor sport.”

I rolled my eyes, “I hate gin anyways.”

“So, what is my prize this time?”

I looked away from him, “A stake in the heart by my boyfriend?”

He reached for my hands and made me jump slightly when he grabbed them, “Aww don’t be that way.”

I looked at him and ripped my hands away from him, “I will be.”

He sighed and stood up, “I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?”

“Food, I’m hungry. Go take a bath. You smell like Pete. I’d offer a shower but the fixture needs to be fixed.”

He strutted out without even looking at me. I turned to the way to the bathroom. I did feel pretty dirty. Scary thought of William coming in when I was in there though. I got up slowly and went to the door he left through. I peaked it open and there he stood looking down at me. I had jumped a little.

He glared and forced the door to open which forced me backwards, “You’re not escaping. Get over it. He closed he door and I heard a lock click. I tried to open the door and it refused to open. I glared at the door and let out a frustrated growl.

That bastard!

I stormed over to the bathroom and slipped into it slowly. I closed the door and locked it. Not that it would do much but maybe William would get the idea I wanted to be alone. I looked at the bathtub. It had to be cast-iron and it was pretty high off the ground. It had it resting on little claw like features. I walked over to it and looked in the tub. I almost laughed. Rubber duckies lined the bottom. They were another guilty pleasure of mine.

I jumped at William’s voice, “Sorry, I forgot you need towels and what not.”

I turned and he was gone. But rested on the counter were now a few things. I went over and there rested a few towels, a set of sponge bob pajamas, and a few body products for me. He was definitely trying to charm.

I went back to the tub and looked up at the shower head. It was indeed in no shape to work. I plugged the tub and started the warm water. I looked back to get the towels and there the cupboard near the sink had open. I walked to it slowly and open it.

There was a box with a card on it. I tilted my head to the side to read it. It said “Congratulations from the Reznor family.” I had no idea who they were but I didn’t mind. I grabbed the present and opened it slowly. I was afraid it might be some kind of bomb. I doubt it but you never know.

It was different bubble baths. I licked my lips and looked trough them. Well, if I used some and William came through he wouldn't see me naked again. I liked that idea. I grabbed the lilies one. People always said lilies helped with sores and aches. So I was willing to put it to the test.

I poured some of it in and bubbles erupted in the bath tub. I smirked slightly. There were more then I expected. I didn’t mind too much. I looked around and lifted off my shirt. I smelled it. It did smell like Pete. I bit my lip and placed it on the counter. I slipped out of my other clothes and made sure the towels were near the bath tub.

When I slipped into the water my body almost gave way. It had been a long time since I had taken such a hot bath. I leaned over and stopped the water. All I wanted to do was rest. I leaned against the back of the bath tub and close my eyes. I could still hear the music playing. I wish I could do this at home.

I opened my eyes a one of the rubber ducks hit my shoulder. I smiled and pushed it away. The others seemed to float around. Some right side up and the other upside down. I used my toe to move the Christmas styled one. I sighed and my back started to relax. It had been tense for so long. Usually Pete would help me with it but obviously Pete wasn’t here. God, I missed him.

I missed every part of him. I just wanted to rest in his tattooed arms. I loved being able to kiss him. Those eyes of his were another favorite. They were a interesting shade of brown and I loved how lost they made me feel.

I sat up in the water and ran a hand through my hair. I needed to get it cut. It was too long. Pete wasn’t happy with the idea of me cutting it but he was supportive. I didn’t feel like washing it but I decided to lie back in the water. Screw whatever the bubble bath was going to do to it. I let myself slip under and then back up. My hair lay plastered to my face and I felt the water slide down my face.

I watched some of the water rise as steam and I looked over to the mirror. It was fogging up slowly. I wanted to lay back but I didn’t want William to take a chance in coming in here. I pulled the plug and stood up in the tub. I reached for a towel and wrapped it around myself and stepped out. Well, more like hopped out. It was a little high.

I used the other towel to surround my hair and I dried it as quickly as I could. I placed the towel on the counter and looked at the close William gave me. I was kind of relieved to see that the bra and underwear weren’t scandalous. I wouldn’t put it past him though. I grabbed the underwear and slipped it up my legs. I grabbed the sponge bob pajama shorts and pulled them on. I reached for the sports bra and pulled it on. I looked for my shirt that smelled like Pete and put it on. I wanted something of him on me.

I sort of left everything and walked out into the bedroom. William was laying on the bed reading from a thick book. I walked over to him and sat on the bed. He sat up and bent over the corner of the book. He closed it and placed it between us.

“Did you have a good bath?”

I nodded, “Yes.”

He acknowledge my shirt, “Was the other too small?”

“No,” I reached for the book he was reading.

I looked at the spine and it didn’t say anything. I opened the cover and flipped to the title page. Bleak House? He is actually reading a classic! It was one of my favorites. It was hard to get through but the store was great. There was a recent movie that was made and I fell in love with it.

I flipped to where he was and I smirked. I loved that part. Poor Gubby. I always felt bad for him. He tries so hard yet he is pretty creepy. I closed the book and placed it back. William grabbed it and placed it on the night table next to him.

“Do you like it?”

William shrugged, “It’s not one of the better but I like it enough.”

I looked at his lips and there was a dried red crust around his thin lips. I looked away and thought of Shawn Of The Dead. The whole ‘you got red on you.’ William must have sensed it and he pulled out a handkerchief.

He cleaned himself and I laughed, “You carry a handkerchief.?”

He shrugged, “I might have to gag you sometime.”

I stopped laughing and he smirked. He moved off the bed and acknowledged it. I was hit with a sudden rush to collapse on the bed. I felt so tired. I climbed under the blankets and lay on my back. William leaned down and kissed my forehead. I moved away and he looked almost hurt.

He looked at me and slowly pulled back, “If you need anything let me know.”

With that he turned and walked to the door. He turned off the lights and walked out. I heard the door click and I rolled onto my side. I wanted Peter. I didn’t like sleeping with out him. It bugged the living shit out of me if I wasn’t in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to: Aliyah-loves, moony3366, SexyPeanutButter, incredible_mess, MusicMadness, Saying-I'm-So-Sorry, secrets-that-die, rivals are insane , And to my Shyla….OMG where would I be with out her? She is my bestest bestest friend.

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