‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

12 Doll Face

Lilly’s POV

Now, let me tell you, I was never one to wake up screaming.

It’s just not how I am.

But this?

This was beyond crazy.

I mean, I bolted straight up and literally screamed Pete’s name. It wasn’t a real loud scream but it was enough to fill the room. I looked to my right as my eyes opened with my scream and a figure fell out of the bed to the floor.

I figured out I was in real life and looked over to were the figure had fallen. William was forcing his body to stand up and he looked at me with several changing looks. One was a paranoid while another was an annoyed look.

Then concern, “Are you ok?”

My voice shaky, “Do I fucking look ok?”

He sat on the bed and leaned over to me, “What did you dream about?”

I ripped the blankets away and slid out of the bed, “Stay away from me William.”

I didn’t want anything to do with him. He was in my dream and I didn’t like it one bit. He had killed Pete in my dream. I could bare that thought. Not my Pete. I mean I know Pete is stronger but William is older and wise.

I hadn’t even noticed I fell to the floor. I was crying. I was scared and I was letting show. I was so afraid to lose Peter. I just couldn’t handle it.


William was next to me and I back away from him, “Stay away from me.”


We both looked over to see a newborn in the room. William stood up and walked over to the Dandie. I took in the time to notice William didn’t look so ‘Dandie’ like right now. He was in a pair of boxers and a normal tee. It was a little offsetting but workable in a sense.

I got up, “What ever you tell William I want to know.”

Pete’s POV

“I can’t pick her up at all.”

I turned to David and he spoke, “At all?”

I shook my head, “Nope. Not one bit. It’s like she wasn’t even here.”

He shrugged, “Well, then we know she’s not here.”

I jumped off the car, “Then where is she?”


I whipped around in a circle and David looked like I was crazy. I felt a little crazy. I swore I could hear Lilly calling me. David raised an eyebrow and now I felt stupid. I was hearing things. Great! Note, sarcasm was present for that.

“You didn’t hear that?”

He looked at me with a confused stare, “Hear what?”

“Ok, I know I heard it.”

“Heard what?!”

“Lilly! She called my name.”

“No one called anybody.”

I kept a serious face, “I heard her David.”

Brendon came up to us and looked at me, “Did you hear that?”

I looked at him confused, “You heard something.”

Now Brendon looked like us, “Yeah, didn’t Lilly scream your name?”

I nodded, “Yeah I did but David didn’t. I thought I was going insane.”

Brendon nodded this time, “No, I heard it too.”

“That’s so weird. I haven’t been able to pick up any of her thoughts and then I hear that?”

Brendon shifted on his feet, “Same here! I think William has something blocking us.”

David shook his head, “This is crazy. You telling me William has this power to stop other vampires from hearing humans think?”

Brendon bit his lip, “Not all humans. Only ones he’s marked. I was coming down the street and could hear a guy thinking.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The Way family is now "Reznor" family. Thank you for not noticing my errors :)

Ok short but I don’t have much time. Sorry guys. Still no computer. So I have time limits on another.

Thanks to all my readers and wonderful people who comment. Means the world to me.

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Thank you MidnightSilence for telling me of my error.