‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

13 No Challenge

Lilly’s POV

The newborn vampire looked at me with fear and continued to talk to William, “The hunters heard her.”

William looked confused, “What are you talking about?”

The newborn shifted on his feet, “We were following the hunter like you asked. The said they could her here. Out of nowhere they heard her, Sir. I couldn’t hear it myself but I think it was mentally spoken.”

William turned to me with an emotionless look, “Can you hear Pete inside your head?”

I shook my head. There was not point in lying. I’m sure I would have gotten yelled at or worse. So I decided to go with a simple, “Nothing at all.” Though, I think William might have thought I meant it as I was lying to cover myself for hearing Pete. I shook my head. I was getting myself confused. No. I did not hear Pete at all or even Brendon.

William licked his lips and turned to the newborn, “Alright, keep an eye on them. If they get close let me know.”

“Yes, Sir.”

After the newbie left William turned back to me, “You better not be lying to me.”

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. He looked at me with a concentrated look and then smirked. I had no idea what he was so happy about. He was creeping me out though. That look was almost sadistic. I looked away from him and tried to get the idea of his sadistic side out of my mind.

“Did you know that dreams are what our subconscious mind wants us to do?”

I whipped my face towards him, “Your point?”

He took a step forward, “You had a dream about me killing Peter-”

I cut him off, “Don’t even go there. I would never want such a thing!”

William chuckled lightly, “Are you sure about that?”

I glared, “You have no idea how sure I am.”

We stopped talking for about five minutes when I looked at William’s chest. Yes, he was shirtless again! He needs clothes. I’m tired of seeing him in boxers. Anyways, I noticed there was a huge scar on his side that wasn’t there before.

I pointed to his scar, “How did you get that?”

“Your lover. I’ve had it for a while. I’m surprised you’re noticing it now.”

My eyes narrowed, “How could he do that?”

He rolled his eyes, “He’s pretty strong surprisingly. He got me at a distracted moment.”

I laughed, “No, he got you because you’re weaker then him.”

I have to say I’m surprised at William. He’s been letting me harass him right and left and he isn’t doing anything. I’m not sure if he thinks that’s supposed to make us friends or what. But Pete better hurry up. I can’t take anymore William.

“So William, what did you do to my brother’s cerium?”

He seemed proud of himself, “I changed it.”


“Well, it starts with a molecular level-”

I spoke right over him off, “You know what I mean.”

He got serious, “One it enters a system of a person it stop the vital organs. Human or vampire. Meaning, I have created an object that can kill instantly.”

Oh shit.

He really could kill Pete.

This definitely leveled the playing field.

“You’re not going to use it on me are you?”

He looked offended, “Of course not! It’s extremely painful! I can’t hurt you in that kind of way.”

I sighed in relief, “As long as I don’t get it.”

“No, you won’t. But Pete might.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to MidnightSilence for noticing my HUGE error last chapter. I put “Ann” as “Lilly.” Talk about an EPIC fail. So thank you thank you!

Also thank you to gabrielleyeah

Thanks for reading! Please comment and subscribe. It means sooo much to me.

Alright, I have a couple favors to ask you.

I wrote some short stories(taking requests) for some friends and I would love some feedback if you could. I would love you even more if you did! Just click the links if one of them sounds interesting.
Ex Friends [William Beckett]
A Dreamer Dreams [Alex Gaskarth]

Also, if you’re looking for another site to post on just for more readers there is a site that is pretty new but I like it. It’s like Quizilla and Mibba had a baby. It’s small but I love it. I mean I’m like the thirty-second user on there. I’m trying to become a moderator so wish me luck! It’s called Trivium. Check it out.

One more thing, there are some epic stories on here. I have so many I love I wish I could share them all with you. But this one I really must share. summerlin is an amazing writer! She needs some love. I haven’t seen talent like this in ages.
This is an amazing story. I read this and fell in love with it. It is a Brendon Urie fanfic but it has great talent behind it. I would love it if you would look at it. It’s called Blackjack Click Here for the story

Then to top it off she has a Pete Wentz vampire one that is off the scale! I have never been so addicted to a story. It’s called: The Redemption of Peter Wentz