‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

14 Trent Reznor

Lilly’s POV

“I don’t get it.”

William furred his eyes, “What do you not get?”

“If you wanted Pete dead why didn’t you just kill him instead of turning him?”

That was something that peaked my interest awhile ago. If he wanted to kill him then he should have the night he turned him. I mean he was there and it would have been easy for William to do so. I doubt he chickened out.

“I left him for dead. I drained him dry. I figured that my newborns were getting stronger so I let him become one. Though, he turned against me and became an enemy. I gave him a great gift and still he refuses it.”

“Well yeah! You killed him. I’d be pissed too.”

William rolled his eyes, “I was expecting him to be like the others.”

I walked over to the bed and sat on the end, “But he wasn’t?”

He shook his head, “No. Sadly.”

He slowly walked towards me and stopped right in front of me. I felt goosebumps as I shivered. That’s what I didn’t like about William. He could give me the creeps and not be doing anything.

“What was he like?"

“He was angry at first. Angry and confused. I think a bit of scared too. I remember he looked at me and running. I knew then that he was going to be a hard one to crack. He went quick and by the next night he was starving. I found him walking the streets searching.”


“Something to cure his hunger. If that Patrick hadn’t introduced him to that ‘shake’ that night he would have had to feed off a human. Newborns always need blood the first few weeks. Some go crazy. I was surprised he made it through the first week. Animal blood doesn’t really quench that thirst or the hunger. It’s a rough process. Not many make it.”

“How come?”

“If a vampire can’t control himself what good is he for me?”

I nodded my head in agreement. Now I sorta knew what Pete went through. I looked at William and now I was curious for his back story. I shook my head I didn’t even want to know that crap happened to him. I didn’t even care.

“Let me guess. You’re going to kill Pete because he’s an enemy?”

William shook his head, “No. Surprisingly, no. I do not intend to kill him for what he’s done. I have to kill him for what was asked of me.”

I’m sure my face held a confused look, “What are you talking about?”

“He’s a powerful hunter. If he doesn’t want to be a Dandie I have to kill him because Reznor wants me too.”


“Trent Reznor. He is.” William smiled and chuckled lightly, “My creator.”

My mind flashed back to the paper that had Reznor’s name on it. William’s creator had told me congratulations. I looked up at William. He had to have told Trent that I was going to marry him. Or was it that Trent wanted me to marry William?


I glared at William, “Stay out of my head William.”

“Sorry. It just happens sometimes. I usually don’t-”

I cute him off, “Why does Trent want me to marry you?”

William pursed his lips, “I...Uh…Hmm.”

He seemed at loss for words or just didn’t want to tell me the reason. I wanted to find out and he was going to tell me. I don’t care what he thinks I deserve to know.

“I don’t think you’ll like the answer.”

“Tell me. I’m a big girl.”

His finger tapped my nose, “Not yet. I will tell you. Just not now.”

I stood up and glared at him. He was right in front of me and I was practically against him. I still had to look up at him. My glare didn’t faze him. He leaned forward and I pulled back. His hand found the small of my back and held me so I didn’t fall back on to the bed.

This was not good.

William pressed his lips against my own and I felt him force me closer. How? I don’t know but he managed. His lips were so softy against my own but there was no way in hell I was going to enjoy it. Not in a million years.

I tried to pull away but his other hand was pressed firmly against the back of my head and it wasn’t letting me move an inch. Well, until someone coughed behind us. William let me go and I looked past him.

William beamed, “Trent. You’re here.”

Trent smiled his pearly whites and those fangs. He was about as tall as William. He had a longer face and a thin long nose to match. His black hair surrounded most of his face and reached past his ears. It was dark like night. He moved some of his hair away from his face and started moving in closer to us.

He was trying to pull off the badassness with the black dress shirt and black jeans. He didn’t look a day past forty. Though, I doubt he was forty. I’m sure he was a lot older then that.

“Is this Lilly?”

William nodded and moved out of the way and pushed me forward a little. I stumbled but caught myself. I looked at Trent and I could feel my whole body just tremble in fear. I’m sure Trent was picking up on it.

He offered his hand and I let mine meet his. We shook hands lightly and he leaned down to kiss my hand. I gulped as he let go of my hand. I pulled it back to me and I almost backed up into William. I didn’t want to be near Trent. Who knew what his agenda was.

“Did you get my gifts?”

For a second I didn’t know he was talking to me, “Uh yes. Thank you. I used some of them already.”

“I’m glad. I wasn’t too sure on what to get. So do expect a few more things in the next few days.”

I nodded and spoke a ‘thank you’ again and William took over the conversation. They talked and talked. Then talked some more. I lost interest and didn’t hear the conversation. Well, until the last part.

“Yes, bring Lilly by the club. Ah! And the boys too. I would love to see them. Oh! Bring Urie. I would like to see him.”

I’m not going anywhere and he sure as hell isn’t going to make me.

“I will. Tonight?”

Trent nodded, “Yes tonight. I can’t wait. It was a pleasure to finally meet you Lilly.”

I looked at him, “Oh yes. It was a pleasure to meet you too.”

Aww shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
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