‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

15 I'd Had Enough Of Waiting

Lilly’s POV

“Will you please put something more appropriate on?”

I turned in a circle for William to see all of me, “What? Isn’t an ugly Christmas sweater in?”

He marched forward and whipped me around to face the dresser with my clothes in it, “Either you change right now or I will rip these clothes off of you and I’ll do it myself.”

He pushed me forward and I grumbled, “I’m not a Barbie doll William.”

“Then don’t give me an excuse into making you one.” William turned to walk out of the room, “Now hurry up, we need to get Brendon still.”

I glanced at the now closed door. We were going to get Brendon? How were going to get Brendon. I mean he wasn’t even on William’s side anymore. But I was glad if I did get to see him. I would be closer to him.

I went over the dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans to replace my Tom and Jerry pajamas that I had on with that Christmas sweater. I lost the pajamas and pulled on the jeans. I needed a shirt. What kind of shirt I needed I had no idea. I had no idea what club we were going to. I hadn’t even gone to any Chicago clubs.

I moved to the closet. I rummaged through William’s shirts and I found a small white button down shirt that might fit. I pulled it off the hanger and slipped off that sweater. I pulled on the shirt and button it up. I even rolled up the sleeves to the elbows to give it a little style.

I pulled my hair out from under the collar and fixed the collar to look decent. I obviously needed to be presentable to someone. Especially to Trent. So I assumed maybe I would be fairly hidden if it was a decent sized club.

I walked out of the bedroom and there was William leaning against the wall. He was in jeans tighter then my own. He also was rocking a dress shirt but it was a lot nicer then my own. He even looked better then I did.

He pushed off the wall, “Better. A lot better.”

I walked past him with sarcasm playing with my tongue, “Great. All I need now is a suit jacket and I can be a Dandie.”

William caught up to me and started walking by my side, “If you wanted to be a Dandie so bad I could turn you.”

I stopped, “Did you seriously just say that to me?”

He nodded, “Yes, I did. And people tonight are going to ask you why you’re not turned yet. “

“I don’t want to become a monster like you.”

He moved to be right in front of me and almost against me, “But you’re in love with me? Funny, how that sounds.”

“Aren’t I little young for a cougar like you to come after me?” I pushed him out of my way, “And I’m not in love with you.”

I continued to walk down the hall as William continued, “Lilly, please. Everyone there is going to think you and I are getting married. All I’m asking is for you to act the part. Because if you don’t they will rip you to pieces.”

I felt anger scorch my veins, “And you won’t?”

“You know I couldn’t kill you. I won’t say I can’t hurt you because I already have hurt you. And-”

I whipped around and cut him off, “Enough William. Don’t pretend to be a good guy. Because you’re not. You’re William Beckett of the fucking Dandies!”

William nodded and appeared in front of me, “Good point.”

I took a step back because I didn’t like the expression on his face, “Don’t-”

He cut me off this time and grabbed my arm, “Either you play the part or you don’t and get killed with Brendon.”

I looked behind me and there was Brendon with five of William’s men holding onto him, “Lilly!”

He did have Brendon. How I had no idea but he did have Brendon. I looked back up at him and he now had an emotionless look. He was letting me make a decision. Now that I knew he had Brendon I was worried. He would kill Brendon if he could because Brendon had betrayed the Dandies. He was the first to do so. It was more scarring because Brendon was William’s right hand man. He knew more then he should.

“So, how are we going to play this one Lilly?”

I felt sick to my stomach, “Ok William. I’ll act the part.”

“Good. It’s not much. Maybe a kiss here and there or a snuggle.”

“Don’t you dare hurt Bren-”

“There you go again with the demands. What makes you think that I will give a fuck about what you say? You do the part and he lives. Simple as that. What I do to him is none of your business. As far as I’m concerned he should be killed but I can’t because Trent likes him. I told him the same thing I told you. If he plays the part, you’re safe. Alright?”

This was going to be a disaster, “Yes.”

He smiled, “Good. Let’s go then.”

His fingers of his right hand found my left hand. He intertwined our fingers together and I almost cringed. William used his other hand to acknowledge the Dandies holding Brendon. He motion for them to leave and they let go of Brendon.

Brendon ran up to me and hugged me. I tried to pull away from William but he wasn’t letting go of my hand. So I had an awkward hug with Brendon and William next to us.

Brendon spoke softly, “I’m glad you’re ok.”

He backed away from me and William looked down at him. How this was all going to go down was beyond me. I knew William was ready to rip Brendon a new one for treason and Brendon was ready to kill William for my sake.

William was almost vile to Bren, “Alright Brendon. You agreed to the terms. So I suggest you follow them.”

Brendon nodded, “Yes sir.”

Oh this wasn’t going to end pretty. I knew for a fact Brendon was going to want to talk to me and I wanted to know how the hell he got into this mess. He wasn’t stupid. So he had some plan but I was afraid of him with a plan. His plans or the guy’s plans never worked out well.

William led us, well more like dragged me and Brendon followed, out to a car. William and I were in the back seat and Brendon was in the front with the driver. I was hoping nothing stupid would come from Brendon. This was a rather risky position.

I leaned up towards Brendon’s ear, “Let’s go along with this one ok?”

He nodded slightly, “Planning on it.”

I was a little scared, “Seriously Bren?”

He nodded and looked out the passenger side window, “Of course. Anything for your safety.”

I leaned back and William wrapped an arm around my neck and pulling me closer to him, “See, he knows the rules. It’s better not to mess with me.”

If I could punch William and get away with it I would have, “He is trusting you when he shouldn’t.”

William pursed his lips, “Once you work for me, you always work for me. That’s how it goes babe. He thinks he is free for the whole running away and rebelling. Oh no. I can have him killed on the spot. He may be strong but I have stronger.”

I was hoping William was just trying to boost his ego. I didn’t want Brendon to die. Brendon was a wonderful friend to me. He risked a lot for me. Hell, he nearly got killed because of me.

Brendon’s voice sounded upset, “Ann, channel your thoughts please.”

I knew he could hear my mind racing but I couldn’t help it. It was what was on my mind. So I tried to stop and played with my hands in my lap. I first off didn’t like the idea of being this close to William in front of people. It kind of bugged me.

William removed his arm from around me, “Oh, I almost forgot.”

I looked up at William, “What?”

“If we’re getting married you should have a ring on your finger.”


He cut me off, “Don’t worry about it.”

He pulled a small plastic slip from his shirt pocket. Sure enough it was holding a ring in it. Probably the most expensive ring I had ever seen. He pried open the plastic slip and used those slender fingers to pull the ring out.

He chuckled lightly, “Should I propose?”

I rolled my eyes, “No.”

“Are you going to act the part or not?”

“I will when time comes.”

His free hand found my left hand and slipped the ring on. I glared at the ring and pulled my hand away from William. I looked out the window and kept quiet. I didn’t even want to look at the ring. It was only for pretend anyways.

Eventually the car stopped and I felt my heart race. William got out of the car first and Brendon soon followed. Brendon opened the door for me and I stepped out. He closed the door and his own. William walked over to me and offered his hand. I grabbed it and followed him towards this new building.

People were in a long line to get in. Like it was some kind of hot spot to be. It looked rather dark and more of a punk idea with the front. I almost felt my heart stop. Most of the people in line were vampires.

William led me to the front door past the crowd and we were easily let in. I guess I wasn’t surprised. I was with William. He had a reputation above a lot of people. Which now dawned on me and I was going to be seen by more then a few people.

I was even more scared when we were actually in the place. It was dark with one hell of a dance floor. Though, I would say that half of those people could get going after soft porn rather then dancing with all the dry humping.

I wasn’t one for clubs.

I looked behind me and Brendon was behind me smiling. He was trying to be encouraging towards me but it wasn’t reaching me. I looked back at William as we weaved through a crowd or two.

“Where are we going William?”

I could barely hear his voice, “To see Trent.”

We reached a door in a darker corner and William knocked. Trent had opened the door and smiled. He opened it wide enough for us to enter. William walked through first and dragged me in. Brendon soon followed.

Trent closed the door and turned to us, “Well William, it’s nice to see you out of those suits for a night.”

I could still hear the loud music that had been dimmed dramatically, “Well, I can’t help myself Trent. The dry cleaner was getting a little expensive.”

Trent chuckled and turned to Brendon, “Well, Brendon. It’s good to see you again.”

Brendon put on one hell of a smile, “Likewise. How have you been?”

“I have been well. Please sit. All of you.”

There were three chairs and before I could even think about sitting in one William pulled me to one of them. He sat down and pretty much pulled me onto his lap. I sighed and made myself comfortable against William. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my stomach.

“You two are absolutely adorable.”

I smiled, “Thank you.”

Brendon had sat next to William and Trent in the other, “We’re just waiting for a few more people and then we can have a nice night out.”

I leaned back against William because I really didn’t want to waste bothering to sit up straight. I was sore and it just wasn’t happening tonight. I could smell William’s cologne hug me as I lay against him. He kissed my neck and I felt myself tense a little.

Trent spoke up as he looked at me, “Would you guys like something to drink?”

William stopped his actions and pulled away, “I am alright Trent. Though, I think Lilly here might need something to help relax. She is rather tense tonight.”

Trent went over to a small counter with a fridge, “Is that because of the environment or is it you William?”

“Not entirely sure. Probably a little of both.”

I spoke quietly, “Forgive me; I’m not one for the party scene.”

“That’s alright hun.” He waltzed over to me with a drink in hand, “Not everyone is. Here, drink this. It’s not alcoholic but you’ll like it.”

I looked over at Brendon before I took a sip. It seemed like just a cola but I was still afraid. Brendon smiled at me and looked at his hands in his lap. I looked at Trent and he looked at me then towards Brendon.

Trent seemed amused by me, “You have a soft one William. She feels concern for others.”

William laughed, “Yes she is. For Brendon mostly. They are good friends.”

“Oh? So Brendon introduced you to her?” Trent went over to the fridge again and pulled something out.

I could barely see it was a blood packet and William continued, “Do you not recognize her Trent? I mean I thought you were joking when you asked if this was Lilly. This is Julie’s daughter.”

My ears perked up when I heard my mother’s name. Trent poured the blood into two cups and discarded the packet. He brought one of the classes to Brendon and kept one for himself. He looked at me closer.

“This can’t be that Lilly. Surely she hasn’t grown that fast.”

William released his hold against me, “Show him your tattoo.”

I looked up at Trent and then towards William, “What?”

William took my glass, “Sometime this century babe.”

I stood up and turned by back to Trent. I glared down at William as I lifted the back of my shirt to a reasonable height. I felt fingers run over it and assumed it was Trent.

“My, it is the same Lilly.”

I let my shirt fall back down and I turned to Trent. He smiled and took a sip from his glass, “You’re mother was the opposite of you. I can clearly see that.”

“Thank you.”

He tilted his head to the side and furred his eyebrows, “Why are you so scared?”

William spoke up, “She’s afraid of making a bad impression on you. Not to mention she hasn’t heard someone talk about her mother in a very long time. I doubt she even remembers her.”

Trent put a hand on my shoulder, “Calm down. Unless you upset me you should make one hell of an impression.”

He walked away from me and continued, “As for your parents. Forgive me; I forget that you don’t know them anymore. As they don’t know you anymore. So no worries.”

William pulled me back onto his lap and returned my glass to me. I felt his arms snake back around me as I sat and thought of my parents. Trent knew them. He knew the whole deal between them and with me. He knew about my tattoo. Either he was there or William told him years ago. I shuddered at the thought.

William nuzzled into my neck, “Are you cold?”

“A little.”

Brendon stood up and placed his cup on the arm of the chair. He took off his suit coat that must have been odd for him. I was used to him wearing normal clothes I never noticed he was in the Dandies’s uniform tonight.

He offered it to me without saying a thing. I took it from him and I leaned forward to get it behind me and on. It was a thin jacket but it would work. I smiled as it smelled like Pete and Brendon. How Pete’s smell got on it I don’t know but it was reassuring.

William spoke quietly but I could tell he could smell Pete on it too and was trying ot not to react to it, “Thank you Brendon.”

Brendon grabbed his glass and sat down, “Yes sir.”

The door that I had come through had opened slightly. A couple walked in. Vampires of course. Both had dark hair. Her hair was obviously longer and reaching down towards the middle of her back. His was getting down to his shoulders and his bangs were in need of being removed from the front of his eyes. Both had similar dark makeup on as well of a more punk style for clothes. They seemed to fit in with the place rather nicely.

Trent turned around, “Andy, Chrissie. You’re here. Lovely. Come sit with us. I’ll get us some more chairs.”

Trent hadn’t even finished his sentence before two men walked through the door with more chairs for the new people. They set them down across from William and I and Andy with Chrissie sat down.

The two meant left and Trent sat down in the last empty chair, “Now, William, I don’t know if you know Andy.”

William shifted behind me, “Well, Andy and I have met before. I just bought one of his houses. The one you were at earlier. That was his till he signed it over to me.”

I looked at Brendon and he looked at me quickly before looking at Andy. I looked over to the couple as he entangled his fingers with hers. They seemed rather cute together if you asked me.

“Ah, I see, but Lilly hasn’t met them yes?”

I shook my head slightly, “No I haven’t been given the privilege of meeting him yet.”

Andy smiled and looked at me, “Name is Andy. Andy Six. Like the number.”

I smiled, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. William didn’t tell me we had your house. I’m Lilly.” I paused as I wanted to say my last name, “Uh. Lilly soon to be Beckett. I’d offer to shake your hand but William has a rather tight grip on me.”

I wasn’t kidding. When I was about to say my last name his grip tightened after dramatically to the point I almost couldn’t use my diaphragm. After I had made my statement and called it on him that he loosened quite a bit.

I got a light chuckled out of them and Trent spoke up, “Lilly, this is Andy’s wife Chrissie. She’s been with him for a while now. She was a lot like you. She wasn’t turned before they married. Turned her the night of the wedding. Rather romantic if you ask me.”

I smiled my fake smile at them, “That is sweet.”

Chrissie smiled up at him, “Yeah, it was. I was terrified but I don’t regret it.”

Andy leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. I felt my stomach tightened. I felt sick out of no where. I think it was because I knew that’s what William wanted. He wanted me as a vampire and his. He’s wanted to turn me but he’s been waiting. I didn’t want it to end up like that.

Not that I would end up marrying William.

I spoke up, “Uh Trent? Do you have a restroom I can use?”

Trent nodded and pointed toward the door I came in, “Through that door and turn right. Follow the hallway and it will be at the end.”

“Thank you.”

I pried off William’s arms and he took my glass for me. I slipped past Andy and Chrissie and out the door. I followed the directions and past a few humans. They were females leaving the restroom. I wasn’t surprised to see them. I figured they’d let humans in to feed off of them or something like that.

I slipped into the bathroom and it was empty. I moved to a stale and locked it. I sat on the toilet and caught my breath. I took off Brendon’s jacket and just sat there. I felt so sick. I couldn’t believe this. I needed to get out of here.


I looked up and there was someone on the other side of the stall door. I stood up and unlocked it. I opened it and there stood Pete. I almost wanted to pinch myself. I pretty much lunged for him and started crying.

“Shh. It’s ok. I’m here. Shh. Don’t cry. “

“Pete! It’s horrible. He took David’s cerium and made it into something dangerous. He told the vampire world I’m supposed to be getting married to him!”

He laughed lightly, “Well, he didn’t tell the whole vamp world. He told most of it but I’m here. Forget David’s cerium. I’m here to get you out of here.”

I nuzzled into his hoodie as he held me tighter, “How did you know I was here?”

“I picked up on Brendon’s scent. Let’s go.”

“Pete, William will know. His friend owns this place. The guy knew about my mom too!”

He ran a hand through my hair, “Its ok. We’ll get out of here ok. Just follow my lead."
♠ ♠ ♠
OK this is one hell of a chapter. I had to make it long to make up for all the wait. Thank you for reading and for all the feedback I get.

Please comment and subscribe. Even if you are a quiet reader just leave me a comment please! I know I take forever but I want to know if you still love this story.

Again thank you.

New banner by my good friend Chrissie: