‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

16 Sweetie You Had Me

Lilly’s POV

I left Pete in the bathroom and made my way back to William and the others. Pete said it was better if I just stayed and waited for the right moment to get away. Pete said he’d have things dealt with and I could be coming home tonight. I guess Brendon and Pete were going to switch bodies again to see what they could do. At least Pete could get an inside look of where I was.

I was relieved. I won’t lie. Knowing Pete was here was more then enough to calm me and face any fear. My stomach was a little unsettled as an offset. Pete wanted me to play the part in front of the vampires that I was seriously in love with William and wanted to get married.

William would know something is up and would pull me aside to question me. Making William vulnerable and an easy target for Pete. If it meant me getting out of here I was willing to do this. Let’s just hope William would question it and I wouldn’t be doing it for nothing.

So when I entered the room they were having a pretty heated discussion and Brendon was sitting quiet. He looked up at me and I think he now knew that I knew the plan. I smiled at him and made my way back over to William. William let me climb back into his lap as he spoke to Andy.

I leaned on half on my side so I could kiss his cheek. He smiled at me briefly before wrapping one of his hands around me while letting my legs hang over the arm of the chair near his other hand. My glass was in his other hand but it had a dark red liquid in it. I was sure he finally decided to get a drink that Trent had previously offered. He continued to talk as I nuzzled into his neck with my head leaning on his shoulder.

With his hand resting on my stomach I could feel his thumb gently move back and forth, “You alright?”

I shook my head and tried to lean into him even more speaking into the fabric of his shirt, “No.”

He shifted under me and I looked up at him glancing at me with full concern, “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t feel good. When can we leave?”

“Soon. Hang in there.” He looked away from me to answer one of Trent’s questions.

I noticed the top of William’s shirt was unbuttoned. No, I think it was missing the top button but it was exposing the pale skin hiding below the fabric. If I wanted to play the part I might as well make sure I have William’s attention and I had finally figured out how I could get his full attention.

I started imagining the skin under that fabric.

How it was pale, flat and sexy.

William looked down at me like I had ripped his heart out. I think he thought he heard my thoughts wrong. So I continued supposedly daydream about William being without his shirt on. I even let one of my hands play with the buttons lower on his shirt. I unbutton one of them and slipped my fingers to brush against the smooth skin on his stomach.

I could hear Trent’s voice, “William!”

William looked away from me, “Yes?”

He answered another question and I leaned up towards his ear, “Please William. Take me home. I’ll do anything. Let’s just go and forget everyone here.”

His voice sounded so huskily, “Do you want to leave that badly?”

I closed my eyes, “Yes.”

“Trent give us a second.” I opened them to find William drinking the last of the blood in his glass and asking me to stand up.

He grabbed onto my hand and we appeared in a dark hall way. It looked like a back hall way to the club. I could still hear the same music. So we weren’t home but we were somewhere secluded so either way Pete could come find me. He probably could smell me a mile away.

I wasn’t expecting William forcing the jacket off my shoulders and arms. Soon following William pushing me against the wall and I sure as hell didn’t expect his lips to connect with my throat after, “God Lilly, I could eat you up.”

I felt his lips travel to the other side of my neck and his hands slipping under my shirt. His cold hands set a chill through me. I didn’t know how long I could play along. His touch was making my skin crawl.

He started to suck near his mark and I pulled his head closer as I arched my body towards him, “Not here William. Somewhere private.”

He spoke, “This is the best I can do.”

As uncomfortable as the situation was I wanted to laugh. He was so love sick. He seriously thought I wanted him. After everything he’s done he still manages to believe I could fall in love with him. How thick do you have to be? I mean we’ve been a little nicer to each other but I was still angry with him.

He was so pathetic, “What changed your mind?”

I gripped onto the front of his shirt, “Why fight you William? All I do is get hurt if I fight you.”

He spoke once more before biting me, “I knew you’d see things my way.”

I whimpered in pain feeling the small fire at where he bit me. It had been a long time since a vampire has bitten me. It wasn’t hurting but I felt it enough that it caused a discomfort.

I looked over William’s shoulder and I could see Trent appear, “William.”

William pulled away from me and I could see Trent was holding onto Pete. William turned around and I heard a low hiss. They had gotten caught. How I had no idea but Pete was got.

I tried to look as surprised as I could, “Pete?”

He tried to give me a weak smile, “Hey.”

William shook his head in disgust, “I knew it. I it was too good to be true.”

I hadn’t known William had turned to me and was still talking, “You’re such a good actress but I’m a better actor.”

I looked at him knowing exactly what he was talking about, “What?”

Trent tightened his grip on Pete, “William will you please tell me why this vampire was so interested in joining us tonight.”

“He’s in love with my Lilly. They’re friends.”

The way he had said we were friends scared me. Like he wanted to go off and tell Trent what he really thought of Pete. I held onto the back of his shirt so he couldn’t walk up to Pete. I really didn’t want Pete hurt.

Trent looked at me, “Is he your friend?”

I spoke in all honesty. “Of course.”

Trent didn’t seem to sure with William’s facial expression, “Well, regardless of his connection with you he was trying to come into a private area. I’m sorry to warn you Pete but you’ll be leaving. I suggest you don’t come back.”

Out of no where two huge vampires came in and took Pete. He looked at me and winked before the left. I looked back at Trent and he was looking at me. At least he didn’t kill Pete. So that is definitely a bonus.

Trent said a few things to William and when we were alone again he ripped himself from me. My fingers feeling the tingle of the fiction of the fabric from him pulling away so fast. The look he was giving me looked like I was going to be fed to alligators.

He pointed a finger at me, “You’re such a witch.”

I held my hands up defensively, “I didn’t know he was here.”

He let out a growl, “His smell was all over that jacket.”

I shook my head, “They live in the same house. Oh course it will smell like Pete. Besides you know how close Brendon and Pete are now. It’s not that much of a surprise to see Pete go after Brendon to see what he’s doing.”

He leaned closer to me whispering, “You’re a conniving shrew.”

“I’m not lying to you William. I swear to you I’m not.”

He grabbed my by the neck and pulled me closer to him, “If you’re lying to me, I swear I’ll kill Brendon right in front of you. Understand?”

I let you a little squeak meaning yes and he let go of me. He sighed and held out his hand. I placed mine in his and we were back in the room with the other vampires and Brendon. William sat back down and I sat in his lap once more.

“So he was just a friend?”

I looked over at Brendon and he hadn’t moved. He looked ill in all honesty. I didn’t listen to William talk because I honestly didn’t want to know. He was probably going to spare his life because he knew I’d break character if he didn’t. That would cause a problem that he wouldn’t want to deal with.

I had caught the end of the conversation, “Jealous can destroy us William. I think you know that better then anyone. Or so I hope.”

It was peaking my interest. Trent had spoken like he was trying to give William a stern parent voice that was supposed to bring back a memory or something. I made a note to ask William later. I hadn’t really learned anything about him so I might as well.

Either way I was going to have to be playing this part now. Probably longer then I should but I wanted to be safe. To make sure Pete wasn’t hurt. I was just happy to see him in all honestly. The rest didn’t matter.
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Oh I feel so horrible that I haven't updated this in months. I bet I've lost at least half of my subscribers :/ I'm so sorry guys. It seriously won't happen again. I just had such a demand with the Brendon stories this was forced in back. :/

But please, comment and subscribe. You know it means the world to me when you do. :)