‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

17 Falling Away

Lilly’s POV

When we got back to the house there were a lot more Dandies here. I think with Brendon being around they didn’t want to take any chances. William had the boys on him. Tracking him and keeping such a close eye on him.

He wanted to treat him worse then what he was about to get. William wanted Brendon drained almost completely dry just so he couldn’t put up a fight. I had to bribe him out of it. Of course.

I had gripped onto his arm, “William no. Please don’t. He won’t cause any trouble.”

“I can’t trust him.”

“Will please. I don’t feel good and knowing what will happen to him will make me feel worse. Let’s just have him supervised and then we can…”

I didn’t even need to finish. William was being nice to me. I don’t know why. I think he had something up his sleeve that was waiting for me. I was scared. I think William knew that and embraced that.

He spoke as he leaned slightly down to look me in the eyes, “Fine. You owe me.”

“Thank you.”

He gave me a nasty glare before walking away from me. I decided to follow him because the Dandies were completely surrounding Brendon. He looked at me and nodded as if to tell me I didn’t have to worry about him. I smiled at him and sped up my pace.

I started up the stairs, “William wait!”

And of course he didn’t slow down. Talk about a man on a mission. I had to practically run down the halls to keep up with his longs legs. I called for him again and he continued to ignore me.

Well, until I finally got to him. I grabbed onto the back of his shirt trying to pull him closer to me. He pulled away and turned around. That glare was still present and I felt his hand grip onto my throat. He walked me to the wall in the hallway and squeezed on that precious airway.

My hand covered his trying to pull him away from suffocating me. He shook his head at me and I could see that devilish smirk trying to come back on his face. I almost didn’t want to know what he was thinking.

He released his hold on my neck and I took in a huge gasp of air, “I suggest you leave me alone before I do something stupid.”

I yelled at him as he turned away from me, “Why are you blaming me for all of this? If you hadn’t grabbed Brendon you wouldn’t have had the trouble you had tonight.”

He whipped around, “I’m not blaming you.”

I stepped closer to me, “Then why are you having a hissy fit and choking me?”

“I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

I placed my hands on my hips, “Oh real mature. I’m trying to be nice.”

“Why? What for? Brendon?”

My voice was calm and I was being whole hearted, “No. You.”

I turned away from him and started to walk away. He didn’t stop me either. He didn’t say anything and I felt the hairs on my neck stand up on end. I never liked turning my back on him. Well, any vampire.

He appeared in front of me, “Stop doing that.”

“Stop what?”

“The guilt trip. I know you’ve been lying to me. I’ll catch you in it.”

God, he is such a woman!

I wanted to shake him to at least play the part. He knew I was lying but I had been doing too well with channeling my thoughts. I was safe. But I still had to be careful. He would try to find one slip up.

I threw my hands up in the air, “Ugh! William! I have nothing to gain lying to you.”

He didn’t way anything and this time I was the one that stormed off. I took off towards the room I had been sleeping in and I could hear William’s footsteps behind me. I was done for the night. All the adrenaline had come and gone and now I was just tired. So fuck it all. I don’t care if he wanted to have a fit.

I had entered the room and closed the door on him as he was about to enter. I head his hand hit the door to stop himself from colliding with the door. He appeared in the room glaring at me but I wasn’t going to care. He wasn’t going to do anything to me regardless. If anything he’d throw me around the room.

I guess I had let that last bit slip from my mind and he heard it. At least he had reacted soon after, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Ok so I was a little bitter, “Whatever you want it to mean.”

I walked over to dresser starting to rummage around trying to find something to sleep in. William kept his distance but didn’t speak word to me. I ended up finding a shirt to change into that would probably be long enough to cover what was needed to be cover.

I turned to him, “Do you mind? I’d like to change.”

He turned away from me, “I’ve seen it all before.”

I rolled my eyes and quickly unbutton the shirt, “Doesn’t matter. You’re still a gentleman or so I thought.”

I pulled the shirt off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I pulled the other shirt over my head and William was right in front of me. I took a step back from the shock and let the shirt fall to the length it was supposed to.

“Don’t do that William. You’ll give me a heart attack.”

His voice trailed off but he seemed calmer now, “I never asked you…”

I started to undo the button on the pants and let them fall down feeling the shirt brush my thighs, “Asked me what?”

“How do I say this but don’t sound like an enemy?”

I rolled my eyes, “Just tell me.”

He shifted on his feet and he looked down at my stomach, “The night in the house when I was in Brendon’s body.”

I knew then what he was talking about. The night of the rape or what ever you wanted to call it. I had gotten pregnant but hadn’t told any of them except Brendon. Well, it was more of the fact Brendon could tell something had gone on when he wasn’t in his body. And well, I had to tell him. But we kept it from Pete. I couldn’t tell him. It would ruin him.

“Did you get…?”

I cut him off and got as harsh as I could, “Yeah I did but I took a little pill the day after and didn’t have to worry. Besides it’s not like it was yours if it had stayed in me. It wasn’t even formed yet. Just two cells together.”

William didn’t say anything but he did bring his gaze back to me. I wasn’t really expecting anything from him. I mean what could he say? Sorry? Yeah, that would make things so much better.

I turned away from him leaving my clothes there and collapsed on the bed when I got to it. I instantly felt William lay down next to me. He was on his side facing me with his head propped up with his elbow. I had turned his head towards his and he looked lost in thought.

“What are you thinking about?”

He made eye contact with me, “What?”

“I asked about what you’re thinking about.”

“How sorry I am. I just don’t know what to say. I’ve had so many actions that were wrong and pathetic. I’m not surprised that you hate me.”

I shrugged but smiled at him, “It’s all good. I mean, you are kind of obsessive. Have you ever thought about getting a therapist?”

He let out a chuckle, “Shut up.”

“I know this is going to get me in trouble but if you were honestly sorry you’d let me go and let me live my life. Yet you pick this war with me.”

“I’m not at war with you. I’m at war with your brother and him trying to kill me. I’m keeping you on the sidelines. Because I know if I let you out and on his side you’ll help him kill me.”

“No I won’t. I just want to live my life William. With or without vampires. I just want to live.”

“I know and you will. As soon as this is all over.”

He leaned over and kissed me. I let him and waited till he pulled away. He sighed and turned to lay on his back next to me. I needed to get out of here. As much as I wanted to leave I needed to be careful. Though, I honestly wanted to know what William was planning. He was trying to get me to forgive him yet he wanted to kill my brother still.

Maybe he really was crazy.

That plan he had probably wasn’t even plan. It was probably more of him going by instinct. I didn’t honestly know but I was going to have to find out. I knew then that I was going to have to try my hardest to get out as much information as I could and get it to Pete.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, thanks so much for the support still. I was really surprised how many of you stuck around. lol So thank you, thank you! Please comment! :)