‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

2 Honey, I'm Home!

Michael’s POV

“William will be returning soon.”

I rolled my eyes. He’s so thick. Or maybe he thinks we’re thick. Well, we’re not! He just explained the completely obvious to us expecting us to be idiots once again. I had my knee pulled to me and I let my leg stretch out to meet the other. I let my accent filled the room, “No really? Seriously Sisky? We’re not that thick.”

He glared to me, “All I’m saying is; we need to behave when he comes back. He’s not exactly going to be happy.”

“We all know this! Don’t we?”

I looked around and a few of the vampires nodded. Sisky wasn’t convinced. He still was unsure about our behavior lately. He needs to relax. We know we have to calm down. If William came and we acted like animals then he’d kill us. That’s the reason why we’re Dandies. We behave.


The atmosphere changed after that. The house grew colder and the vampires looked over to one other. He was back. William was home. The doors to this room opened and it revealed William behind him. He was not happy.

He walked in with a sour look. Pursed lips and everything. He looked like sh*t to be honest. His hair was all over the place and he wasn’t in his usually attire. Hmmm. He stopped in the middle of the room and made eye contact with Sisky and then me. Uh oh, not a good sign.

“I leave for a while and none of you can behave like a decent Dandie?”

I think everyone in the room gulped at the same time. William turned and glared to everyone, “Well?”

“We were just having some fun.”

All of us stared at the vampire that spoke. He was still considered a newborn to the house. William walked right up to him and the guy slightly cowered, “Besides, you need more men to help you kill them.”

William shook his head and smiled slightly, “If these dumb nuts can’t kill them already what makes you think the newborns can?”

He had a point. We’ve been trying to kill the hunters for a while now. I looked over to Sisky and he was staring at me. We, meaning the Dandies, need some practice on killing. William backed from the man and turned to Sisky and me, “Right you are Michael. You are in desperate need of training. All of you are pathetic!”

“That’s rather harsh. Are you sure you aren’t the one who needs the training mate?”

William’s eyes narrowed at me, “What the hell is that supposed to me?”

I smirked and huffed, “You’re the one that can’t keep a hold on a girl.”

His lips curled slightly, “She is fire.”

I heard Andy shift next to me. I looked over to him and he wiggled his eyebrows, “If she is fire then put her out.”

William laughed, “I like the fire. Fun to play with.”

I laughed myself, “Mmm I’m sure she is fun. If you can catch her.”

William nodded, “Indeed, she travels fast.”

Sisky interrupted our fun conversation, “So, what’s the plan?”

“I need the serum David created.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Why?”

William smiled, “You see.”

Andy cut in, “They moved.”

William’s head snapped towards Andy, “Where?”

“Edge of Chicago. Like right on the tippy edge of town. You know that blue house south of here? That’s really secluded?”

William smiled, “I know where that is and that made things really easy.”

“And why is that?” I stood up and stretched.

“I’ve been invited inside that house years ago. Now excuse me, I need a shower.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Bitten sequel.
Hope you guys like.
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