‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

6 You + Me

Lilly’s POV

“This is getting boring.”

William had me pinned to the ground. He had appeared out of no where and knocked me to the ground. I gasped as all the air let my lungs. I sharply inhaled and William giggled lightly. I glared at him and he kissed my forehead.

When he pulled away he spoke softly, “I’m going to put you in a bubble so you can't find anything to use as a weapon.”

I growled, “Or you could let me go. Problem solved.”

He shook his head, “I own you. I’m not giving you away.”

The door to the room opened and in came a Dandie. William got off of me and waltzed over to the other vampire. The talked in hushed voices and I got up slowly. I cringed as my shoulder popped. Now, that didn’t tickle. I groaned lightly and I rubbed my shoulder.

I walked over to William and the other guy looked at me. He looked back at William and backed off. He ended up turning around and bolting out of the room. I rose and eyebrow. What just happened?

William spun in his spot to face me, “Newborns. Always are so afraid of me.”

I snorted, “I don’t see why.”

William didn’t say anything in return but looked in his hands. He was holding something. It was some kind of vile. He forced the little container to rest in between his index finger and his thumb. He held it up and examined it. I knew exactly what that was.

He looked directly at me, “I will admit. Newborns never fail.”

I walked calmly to William. He pulled the vile close to him. I tilted my head and reached for the vile. He lifted his arm to be raised above him. I looked up and I jumped up to grab it. Some how I managed to take it from him. He didn’t try to take it from me.

“Why do you have this?”

“So I can go into the sunlight. Why else?”

“How many of these do you have?”

“Let’s say that within a few days you’ll be the only human in Chicago.”

I shook my head, “So what? You plan on making every Dandie like Pete. He’s still stronger then any of…”

He cut me off, “That why I have you.”

I looked at him with puzzlement and I took a few strides towards a wall. I crashed the small vile against the wall. It broke and the liquid started to burn through the paint. I backed away.

“What the…” I turned to William, “What is this?”

He winked and turned away from me, “Come with me. You’re hungry.”

“William! Tell me what that stuff was!”

My stomach growled loud. It was almost louder then my words had been. I heard a soft chuckle escaped from William. William opened the door and held it open. I sighed in defeat and headed towards the door.

I walked out into the hall and William closed the door. He took my hand roughly and started tow me with him. I huffed and I heard my stomach growl again. I wasn’t hungry till he mentioned it.

We eventually made it to a kitchen and he stopped me by the counter. I leaned up against it and he stood in front of me. He looked at me and then reached above me. It was a cupboard and he started rummaging. I looked at his face and noticed a faint crease in his face.



“You have a wrinkle.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do.”

“It’s not a wrinkle. It’s a scar.”

“If you say so.”

He shook his head and brought a can down. It was ravioli. I practically started drooling. I gave him puppy dog’s eyes. He hid it behind his back.

I pouted, “Oh come on William! That’s my favorite.”

“I know.”

I looked back at the cupboard, “Maybe…”

“There aren’t anymore in there.”

I was about to cry. What a tease he is!

“You can have this one if I get a kiss.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Updates are going to be slow because I have a lot of hard classes this year.
Ex. Double history
And Calculus. So relax. You will get updates I just don’t know when.

Does anyone wanna make me a banner? Please?

My Contact Info is on the top of my about me section if you need it. Meaning? If you need me you know how to contact me. If any of you want to join me on Myspace I don’t mind.
Thanks to: rivals_are_insane