‹ Prequel: Bitten
Status: Getting back on track.

Devotion and Desire

9 What Wedding? Wait? OURS? What Do You Mean Getting Married?

Lilly’s POV


He turned to me and smiled, “Yes?”

“What’s with all the stuff?”

“The presents?”

I nodded, “Yeah. You’re not usually the giving type.”

He laughed a little, “They’re not from me. They’re from friends.”

“What friends and why?”

“What do you think? They’re wedding presents”

I think my heart stopped, “What?”

“They’re from our friends who are wishing us the best.”

I shook my head, “Look. We’re not getting married. It’s not going to happen. I don’t even want to marry Pete.”

“Well, too bad. You’re going to marry me and that’s how it’s going to go down.”

“Well no offense but these don’t look like stuff for you.”

He acknowledged behind me, “I got my present. There are more around the house for you.”

“So you give me a treasure hunt to keep me entertained? You damn well know I’m going to find a way out.”

He snorted, “Good luck.”

I grabbed the container of gummy bears and walked past him, “Thanks.”

I slipped out the door and looked down the hallway. I decided to go right and I found a staircase down. I skipped down the stairs and looked around. There had to be some kind of exit. I just had to find it and find a way to get out.

I wondered around till I found a door. It looked like it was a way out. So I went with it. I turned the handle and pulled. Nothing happened. I walked over to the window next to it. It had bars on the other side but I might be able to squeeze through the gap at the top.

I looked behind me and there was a small chair against the wall. I went over to it and picked it up. I walked to the window and slammed the four legs into the window. Glass shattered and I hid behind the chair. I swung the legs around to get the glass on the edges. I set the chair one the ground at the window sill. I jumped up and looked at the gap. It was going to be tight.

I stepped on the sill and tried to jump up. When I hit the air and ready to come back down from gravity I never hit the sill. I was still in the air with two hands on my hips. I look down and see William. He caught me and pulled me away from the sill. I growl and thrashed around.

William struggled to keep me in his hold. My nails scraped against any piece of his body. His hands slipped from my hips and found my wrists. He forced me still against him. My back was pressed against his chest and I felt his lips near my ear, “Save the energy for the wedding night.”

I shoved my elbows back and into his rip cage. He let out a small groan and released me. I took off down hall. I slipped into a kitchen and looked around. There had to be something. I just needed something to kill William.

I started opening drawers hoping to find a knife or something. I managed to find a pair of scissors. I had enough. I was going to get out of here before it was too late. I scooted through the other end of the kitchen and was faced with another living room. It was pitch black in this room. I have no idea how a room could be so dark but it was. I squinted and a light turned on.

William was lounging in a chair next to a lamp, “This room is off limits.”


I couldn’t see anything else in here. I didn’t see why it would be off limits. I back up a little and bumped into something. I turned around with the blade of the scissors pointing out. I reached forward. It was a material. I pulled my hand backwards and was praying it wasn’t a body.

“There is a lamp about a foot away from your left hand.”

I reached and found it. I found a little switch and turned it clockwise. It turned on after a few clicks and I saw what was in front of me. I gulped when I noticed what it was.

A wedding dress.

If I could fit into that I would be surprised. It was nothing ordinary. It was all out there. If I wore that my breasts you have to hold it up. It reached the floor and actually fluff out too much. I shook my head. I couldn’t handle this.

“It’s just a model for your real one.”

“I’m not marrying you. I don’t know where you got this idea of me going along with it but it’s not going to happen.”

“Yes it will.”

I felt so much angry rage through me. I opened the scissors so the blades were apart. I turned to the dress and I dragged the blade through the front of the dress. I watched it rip and let it fall to the floor.

“Pete will find me. He will kick your ass.”

“You can tell yourself that. Your really can and I won’t stop you. I won’t say anything against it because it’s no use. You won’t budge. Though after all of this, you will see that your Peter is nothing.”

Pete’s POV

“Where is Beckett?”

The vampire under me didn’t speak. So I killed him. I wasn’t going to waste my time. I looked up and found some more vampires coming after me. I growled and let my anger take over. I was beating them to pieces with every punch.

We had attacked the Dandie house during the day. We were hoping to find William. Sadly we hadn’t and no one seemed to know where he was. There had to be another house, another Dandie house. That had to be it.

I let out a few frustrated punches escape me and into the vampire under me,”Wait!”

I held my fist up ready to slam another one into him, “What Dandie?”

“I know his plan.”

“And what plan is that?”

“He’s going to marry her.”

“Marry who?”

“Lilly you dumbass! He needs a wife to get more trust from the other clans. They said if he got a wife and could terrorize the city at the same time then he was worth talking to.”

I snapped like what I did to his neck. I let him fall limp and I reached an anger level I never knew I could reach. He wouldn’t touch her. I swear to god he won’t touch her and sure as hell won’t marry her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to : secret_liar_

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If your bored I have a new story that is actually going well. Its another vampire story but on a different level. It's called Unwanted Clemency.