Kts Life Story

The Limrick

Katy returned to her office, angry at her half-named boss guy. She stared bown at her blank inside card. To get back at him, she drew a little smiley face inside and laughed.
Then it came to her. The inspiration for a limrick. She wrote as follows:

Just Kyle, a mon with one name
All he ever does in cause me pain
If I could chop off his head
I'd kill him dead
And find someone else to blame

Katie looked down and felt that this poem was empty. So she wrote another verse.

He wishes me to keep cards blank
And uh, well, let's be frank
His life's a mess
So he causes me stress
Not my fault his mom was a skank

Kt laughed at the the last line. It was true ... but realizing publishign this would risk her job, she quickly covered it with white-out.
She got back to work... not realizing one little itsy bitsy eyeball of a smiley face was uncovered ... and that itsy bitsy smilely face would be her downfall...
As these so-called blank inside cards were mass produced, only one card exisited with the actual white-out on it.
This particular card fell into the hands of little Roxy Foxy.
No, she's not a woodlin creature or a character in a children's book. Roxy Foxy is actually a family name, but that's an enitrely different story.
So Roxy Foxy was at the store and noticed a blank inside card. On the front was a cute little puppy.
She smiled at it, named it Phil, and bought the card on the spot.
Roxy Foxy had some ... odd ... fetishes ... One was before writing inside a card, she needed to rub it thouroughly with a coin. It's sickening, but that's Roxy Foxy for ya! Aha ... that little rascal ...
So as Roxy Foxy rubbed the card, she noticed that words were revealign themself.
The first word she saw was 'frank'
"OMG!!!!!!!!!" she squealed "I was gonna give this card to Frank and his name is already in it! Lucky little me~!"
But as she continued to rub, the whole two limricks revealed themselves. She gasped.
"How vulgar! Yet oddly ... entertaining ..."
Roxy Foxy realized that when it came down to it, she was pleased by this surprise and wanted to phone the company. She giggled as she read the limrick to the man that answered the phone.
But ... as fate would have it ... the man who answered the phone was none other than DAVID!!! The humble, fun-loving, loyal friend of everyone at the office! Ahhh ... David ... he's a good man.
Dave being the charming man he is greeted Kyle with a smile (HA! Rhyming ...) and said, "Ya know, the funniest thing happened today! A nice lady named Roxy Foxy called and read me this ingenius limrick about you!!"
"About me? Where did she read it from?" Just Kyle was suspicious now.
"Oh ... one of our cards ..." Dave unthinkingly answered. He could feel the anger from Kyle fill the room after that, and quickly changed his answer.
"Oh! Did I say 'one of our cards'? Ha! I meant ... 'Tales of Beetle the Bard'! Ya know ... that J.K. Rowling ... she's a clever one. I mean, who else could think up such funwords like, EXSPELLIARMUS and ... Dumbledore ... ah ... those Englandese people and their-"
"Enough David! I'm tired of your humerous and friendly personality! Get out of my office!" Just Kyle would've thrown the stapler at him ... but ya know ... it was still stuck in the boss of the rival company's head.
David stood, not leaving yet. Finally, he turned and stopped in the dorray to ask, "Do you want some coffee or something?"
David still stood. "Is that a 'no'?"
Jsut Kyle threw an imaginary stapler at David and he got the message. But as David ran down the hallway. he called, "You'd make an excellent mime, sir!"
♠ ♠ ♠
In case my cousin David reads this, Dave is not you. David is just a cool name. And ya know, your cool, but different XD
Liek I said, supposed to be ridiculous. I know it's English and not Englandese XD
Sorry I keep changing how I spell Kt's name, lolz