Sick Little Games

Chapter 10

I slept soundlessly on Star’s bottom bunk. Dreaming of whatever came to mind. I woke to a fright when all of a sudden someone covered my mouth. My scream was muffled by their hand and I started to freak out. When I calmed down I looked to see it was Jack who was covering my mouth. Angrily I pushed his hand away and gave him a look. I didn’t want to give him a nasty look but I couldn’t help it I got cranky when people woke me.

“Oh Pissy aren’t we?” Alex whispered showing up beside Jack.

“Well at least I know you’re here Alex for a minute I thought Jack had come to rape me” I sighed in relief jokingly. They chuckled and I got up rubbing my eyes.

“Going to bed early I see” Jack commented while looking at me with my pajama’s on.

“Stop staring you pervert” I yawned as I stretched my short grey pants I wore for bed down a little since they had risen. I then fixed my blue shirt and glared at them, not really meaning to though.

“Is there something you two boys wanted that you just had to wake me?” I interrogated putting my hands on my hips.

“We need your help!” Alex whispered in a hushed voice looking around to make sure no one was here.

“And what would that be?” I asked with a sigh, I knew I was going to get pulled into something.

“We want you to help us snoop around Rian’s stuff! We need that camera!” Jack said in a hushed voice as well.

“Why do you even care he took those photos? Cuz quite frankly I don’t really care too much right now, I’ve got bigger issues.” I stated walking past them and into the kitchen.

“Rian might black mail us!” Alex whined “He’s evil like that! He may seem like a nice, sweet, innocent man but he’s not!!”

“He beats us!” Jack added and I laughed.

“Well I doubt he beats you, but fine I guess I could help you look” I agreed but then added “If we get caught I blame you guys!”

“We won’t get caught! I promise and if we do I’ll let you ‘choke’ me again” Jack reassured and I giggled. We quickly made a plan as to what we would do. Alex was to stand guard outside and bang on the door if Rian was to show up all of a sudden. Meanwhile Jack and I were to search the bus and his stuff for either the camera or the memory card if he had taken it out again.

We quickly existed the bus and walked fast all the way over to their bus. As soon as we had gotten outside though I thought that I should have changed into regular clothes, or at least put on jeans. When we made it to the bus Jack unlocked the door and stepped inside quickly. He told me to look around in the main area of the bus while he checked Rian's stuff.

I rummaged through everything I could get my hands on. I looked under tables, booths, in cabinets, everything. Rian was a smart guy he could have easily hid that camera or memory card anywhere. When I turned up empty I went to see how Jack was doing. He was still going through all of his stuff.

“Geez how much crap does Rian have?” I asked looking at all the bags that Jack had been through.

“Too much that’s for sure!” Jack complained. Just as Jack moved onto his last bag to search we herd a very loud bang at the front of the bus. We froze staring at the front end of the bus and then at each other. When both quickly then, without thinking, hopped into a top bunk together and put the covers over our heads. We faced each other, but I tightly shut my eyes and tried not the breath that hard. I herd footsteps come onto the bus and I opened my eyes to look at Jack. He held his finger to his mouth telling me to be quiet and I just rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips.

The footsteps came closer and I shut my eyes tight again not wanting to be found out. Jack then held my hand and patted it telling me we were going to be fine. I mean I liked snooping, but in stuff that belonged to people I really knew. I didn’t know Rian that well and he was just so sweet to me all the time that I didn’t want him to find me right now going through his stuff. I’d feel bad. Heck I felt pretty bad right now.

“Jack?” we herd Rian’s voice call. I wanted to move farther inside the bunk even closer to the wall, Jack was in front of me, but I knew that I couldn’t without giving us away.

“Come on Jack I know you were in here going through my stuff and you still must be in here if Alex is outside.” Rian sighed. Then next thing I knew Rian’s hand came slamming down on Jack’s side. He yelped and threw the covers off of himself reviling us both.

Oh, I’m sorry was I disturbing something?” Rian snickered. I gave him a face and pushed Jack out of the bunk making him fall on Rian.

“That’s what you get!!” I shouted and jumped down and strolled out of the bus minding my own business. As I got off the bus Alex threw me confused looks but I ignored him and headed for my own bus. I had enough fun for tonight along with a dash embarrassment. I didn’t care being found in the bunk together with Jack because it got people thinking, but I was embarrassed from Rian finding out I had been helping Jack and Alex in their scheme to find the camera. Heck the camera and memory can was probably with Rian at all times now that I thought about it.

“Hey, Casey, wait up!” Alex shouted as he came near. I abruptly stopped, which was an accident I didn’t realize how close he was, and he slammed into me. Almost falling Alex grabbed my arm and drew me close. I looked at him a bit startled as he gave me a smile.

“Is there anything else you guys needed?” I asked titling my head to the side a bit.

“Nah I just wanted to know what happened. He found you out?” Alex replied.

“Yes he did, slamed his hand down on Jack. Now if you don’t mind I’d like some blood circulation in my upper arm please” I said with a smile and he let go. I thanked him and gave him a great bit hug and then a quick peck on the cheek as I ran off. I chuckled to myself as I looked back and saw Alex’s expression. It looked half happy half confused. He’d learn I pecked every guy’s cheek, which is probably where the confused look came from wondering if I did that to every guy. If that’s what he was thinking he was right on the spot. (I'm not a whore though!)

When I got back onto my bus I went in the refrigerator and pulled out a water bottle. I was parched. Then next thing I knew I was being pulled back. I cried out in aggravation. What was I? A toy to everyone to yank around?!

“What is with everyone pulling me around?” I shouted as I elbowed whoever it was. They gave a loud grunt and I turned around to see who it was. I saw that it was Ricky and I shouted ‘sorry’ a few times.

“Nope,” he grunted standing up taller “I’m good.”

“I didn’t mean too it’s just that I’ve been pulled around all day today-” he cut me off.

“It’s fine. Just what are you doing up? Last I checked you were sound asleep in bed.” Ricky shyly said going in the refrigerator as well.

“Jack and Alex, need I say more?” I laughed.

“Nope you needn’t” Ricky replied with a chuckle as he pulled out a Rock Star.

“So are you planning on going out again?” I questioned gulping down my water.

“Uh, I don’t know I’m getting pretty tired.” He replied “Why do you ask?”

“Well your drinking a Rock Star so I figured you might have needed more energy for more party” I paused “Or someone”

Ricky almost chocked on the swig he took and I laughed. I patted him on the back and told him it was alright and then headed for my bunk again.
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Thank you thank you thank you to the 58 readers, 11 subscribers, and 11 commentors!
So how do you like the story so far? I'd like for you to tell me :)

-Jagked (Sam)
I ♥ comments!
Hmm how 'bout some bribing cake? lol!