Sick Little Games

Chapter 14

“What are you doing here?” I squealed as I hugged him again.

“Just around” he laughed as he patted me on the head. I finally let go and I brought him over to our table with a huge smile set on my face.

“Hey Jack, Alex, look who I found!” I shouted as I hugged Tyson again. They looked and the look on their faces was priceless. Alex looked half confused and half shocked while Jack, well I have no clue what he was feeling, he wasn’t making it clear.

“So you know each other?” Jack questioned looking from Tyson to me hugging him.

“Yes this is Star’s brother!” I exclaimed with a big smile as both Jack and Alex’s jaws dropped. I giggled as I looked up at Tyson’s face.

“Don’t forget ex-boyfriend, unfortunately.” Tyson said with a sigh.

“Oh come on don’t bring that up. I told you we were better off as good friends!” I said as I slapped his stomach and he gave an ‘oomph’ sound.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa back it up you use to date?” Alex asked bewildered. I stepped away from Tyson and nodded looking down and then up at Jack. He seemed in his own little world thinking very hard about something.

“Hey, Jack, your ok with that aren’t you? I mean you’d still be my first fuck” I joked trying to lighten the mood.

“Well at least I know I’ll be your first” Jack replied with a wide smile and I rolled my eyes.

“Virgin alert, virgin alert, Jack take her to a bed immediately!” Alex shouted pointing a finger at me. We all laughed, Tyson’s just a mire chuckle, as I sat down in my seat again. I patted the spot next to me for Tyson to take, but he shook his head.

“No thanks, I need to get going anyway. Just tell Star I said hey and that I’d like her to call me.” He paused “Oh and one more thing.”

I looked at Tyson with a smile and a nod encouraging him to go on and he said “Are you two going out?”

He pointed from Jack to me quickly. My heart bet faster and I didn’t know what to say. I know I wasn’t with Jack, but if Tyson knew that he’d try so hard to get me back. The truth was I didn’t want to be anything more then friends with him anymore. So before I knew what I was doing I said “Yeah we are, aren’t we a cute couple?”

“You guys are?” Tyson asked suspiciously. I nodded and slid out of my seat as grabbed Jack’s face; he was sitting on the outside, and kissed his lips. I quickly pulled away then smiled shagging his hair and took my seat again.

“Yeah, cute.” Tyson mumbled “Well see you guys later then I guess”

When Tyson was out of the diner I sighed and relaxed into my seat. I looked at both Jack and Alex. Jack was staring at me with a look of happiness and confusion in his eyes while Alex looked from me and Jack.

“I’m sorry about that.” I said embarrassingly as I felt my face get slightly warm from a blush.

“What just happened?” Alex asked raising his eyebrows. Then Jack finally spoke “You kissed me! Ew!”

I laughed, but something inside me felt crushed. Ew? I thought it was pretty nice. I frowned as I thought about what he had said, it actually hurt a bit.

“Uh, well Tyson still likes me and he just doesn’t get that I just want to be friends with him.” I explained looking at my half empty Sprite “I’m sorry Jack”

“Nah that’s fine. It wasn’t that bad actually, you’ve got to give me some of that in bed some time” Jack teased with a sly smile. That comment made me feel a tiny bit better. We all laughed it off and I explained further how I had started dating Tyson after they had made the Gives you Hell video. I also told them that I played the rocker girl in the partying house, the one that you first see in the bed with Tyson.

“But you look different!” Alex protested “That couldn’t have been you!”

“Well it was I just changed my hair and my style is still generally the same” I huffed looking at my nails. Jack looked like he wanted to say something, but he rethought it and shut his mouth. That was very unlike him. Alex seemed to notice and snickered.

“Jack had the hots for you in that video. He’d watch it just to pause on you and make comments” Alex exclaimed and next thing I knew I saw Jack slightly blush and then attack Alex. He was whacking him over the head, a move from me he had picked up, as Alex howled for help. I felt strangely happy by what Alex had said so with a big smile on my face I laughed at the scene before me. Unfortunately our fun was cut short when the manager asked us to pay for our meal and leave quickly, quietly, and immediately.

As we left the boys put their arms around my shoulders again, but for some strange reason Jack’s felt extra heavy all of a sudden. I couldn’t be falling for him could I? I couldn’t do that to myself. Jack was the guy that fucked Band Sluts for the heck of it and couldn’t hold a relationship. He probably could if he wanted to, but would he be able to manage it? I was scaring myself by thinking about all of this. Since when did I care about Jack in this way? Since my lips had hit his? I had kissed almost every guy on the tour’s cheek so far, I just couldn’t help myself they were so cute and sweet. However that was the first for Jack and I and it wasn’t the cheek it was his lips. His soft, soft lips.

I was thinking so hard that I hadn’t noticed Jack and Alex were talking to me. They weren’t calling my name, but they were teasing me about some nonsense.

“Come on Case are you even listening to us?” Alex whined and I looked at him.

“I am now” I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him.

“What goes on in your head the world may never know.” Alex stated shaking his head.

“What brain?” Jack joked smirking at me as I gave him a shocked look. I stopped walking and then shoved Jack, he looked at me in a ‘are you challenging me?’ kind of fashion. I smiled and then ran after him as he sped off.

“Hey, guys, wait up!” Alex called as he lagged farther behind. I laughed as I ran, wind blowing my hair back, as I started ganging up on Jack.

“Jack get back here!” I shouted with a wide smile set on my face for some reason. I started catching up and when I did Jack spun around and caught me in his arms.

“I gottcha now” he muttered with a smile. My heart sped up at the way he said it, but next thing I knew I was being attacked with tickles.

“Ah! Jack Attack!” I shouted while laughing hard as he tickled me. I squirmed as he continued to tickle me anywhere appropriate until finally Alex caught up. Alex acted like a manic as he jumped on Jack’s back. Jack yelled and started running around in circles trying to pray Alex off of him.

“Don’t worry Jack I’ll save you!” I shouted as I wrapped my arms around Alex and started tugging. All of a sudden, flash. Oh no it must have looked like a three way humping party and Rian had gotten a picture of it. We all turned our heads and glared at Rian who started to speed off in the other direction.

“We have to kill him one day” Jack said happily with a smile. I laughed as Alex hopped off of Jack back and grabbed me. I yelped as Alex picked me up around the waist and started carrying me on his side. I felt like a rag doll being carried.

“Let me go!” I shouted while laughing.

“Nuh uh” Alex stated stubbornly shaking his head.

“Hey!” Jack shouted “Mine!”

Next thing I knew Jack had stolen me away from Alex and I was now heaved over his shoulder. I slapped at his back with my hands demanding I was put down. Alex and Jack started walking to who knew were the only thing I saw was what was behind us and Jack’s ass when he bounced too much.

His ass actually wasn’t that bad. I smirked and looked to see if my hand would reach it and of course it did. I lifted my hand up getting ready to strike and then let my hand come crashing down as I slapped his ass’s cheek.

“Hey, whoa there, what are you trying to do? Turn me on?” Jack laughed and I rolled my eyes.

“It was pay back for slapping mine two months ago!” I retorted and out of no where Jack slapped my ass hard. It startled the heck out of me as I jolted on his shoulder.

“Aw shit don’t do that you’re going to give me a boner!” Jack whined placing his hands on my legs to hold me. I chuckled as I started to get bored so I began to draw invisible pictures on Jack’s back with my fingers.

“So where are you guys taking me?” I questioned after about two minutes later.

“You shall see!” Alex smiled as he backed up and patted me on the head. I turned my head and tried to bite his hand, but he pulled it away quick and wagged a finger at me.

“Why do you guys always have to kidnap me?” I asked with a sigh as I let my head hang there for a bit until my neck couldn’t take it.

“Because this time we’re planning on raping you” Jack shouted happily and I slapped his back.

“Nah we’ll get to that eventually, but it was decided that all the bands get together and go to the zoo!” Alex excitedly explained. The Zoo? I hadn’t been to one of those ever since my mother had taken me when I was seven. There was an ache in my heart just remembering it.

When we arrived sure enough there was every band here and ready to go. Seemed we were late. Today was going to be fun day off, but tomorrow was show time for another concert.

However I couldn’t help but let my mind momentarily drift off to Jack. Him carrying me like this, me kissing him, everything inappropriate for friends we had said and done. I mean we were girl and boy need I say more? I know things with us could either go great or go terribly wrong and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to see where one of the two doors would take me.
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I also have a Journal entry that I would like you to check out and comment on. Its about this story and the Prank Wars with Casey and Gabe.
Sick Little Games - The Prank Wars

-Jagked (Sam)
I ♥ Comments!!!
Oh yes I do! :)