Sick Little Games

Chapter 15

As we came to a halt I waited for Jack to put me down, but he didn’t, gr. Zack was the first person I saw so I looked to him for some help.

“Zack, help me!” I shouted as I reached for him. He laughed and came walking over.

“What do you expect me to do?” Zack asked as he looked down at me and I strained my neck to look up at him.

“Well you could kidnap me from the kidnapers. That would be nice.” I exclaimed with a smile no one could say no to. He laughed again and some how managed to get me from Jack. Jack gave me an upset look, but I just smiled and waved as I walked off with Zack. I hadn’t had some true quality time with him yet which I thought really sucked.

“Ok! Let’s head in everyone!” Gabe shouted as he charged to the front gate. When we all paid for our tickets we all just seemed to split into groups. However Zack and I separated from them since we had wanted to see different animals. Now we were looking at the polar bears, and other animals, and chatting for about 20 minutes.

“Oh they’re so cute! Zack buy me one please?” I laughed as two polar bears fought and he laughed as well.

“If only I had the money” he sighed as we leaned against the railing. We were silent for a few minutes until I heard some loud talking. I turned my head to the right of me and saw Jack and Alex talking. When they settled in where they were I noticed Jack staring at Zack and me a lot. What was with that? Zack must have saw me staring back as well because he said “Go ahead you can go hang out with Jack.”

Was I that obvious? I felt bad now. I looked at Zack and told him if he was sure and when he nodded I hugged him tightly and ran over to Jack. As I approached I noticed that he wasn’t even really looking at the animals and more down at his feet looking upset about something. He hadn’t seen me coming so when I attacked him with a hug he seemed very surprised. He hugged me back playfully and when he let go I looked at his face again. He had a smile set on his lips and he seemed happy now. That was strange.

“Hey are you ok?” I asked tilting my head to the side and he looked a bit confused.

“What do you mea-” he started but was cut off by Alex.

“He was so depressed without you!” Alex shouted “It was so cute, but also a little scary.”

“Why don’t you two just get together already?” John laughed as he looked up at us.

“Ah! Because we’re just best friends!!!” Jack shouted looking like he wanted to rip his hair out. I swiped the hair out of my face and looked down at my feet saying nothing. If he felt that strongly about us just being friends I was starting to be like Tyson. Maybe I wanted to be with Jack, maybe that wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear. My heart was saying ‘yes I want to be with you’, but I was saying ‘I just can’t do that’. It was so messed up. Though I was really wondering what Jack thought about the matter.

“You’re in denial!” Alex sang with a smirk on his face “Come on guys I want to go see the penguins let’s leave these two on their own.”

We stood there and watched as the rest of the group walked off. When they were gone we looked at each other like ‘what now?’

“Would you like to go see the giraffes?” I asked with a smile. Jack nodded with a smile as well as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the huge animals. I laughed as we approached the giraffes. Their necks were so long! I smiled as I leaned on the rail as Jack did next to me. I continued to watch them even though I couldn’t stop thinking about how Jack’s arm was pushed up against mine.

Jack's Prospective

As Casey and I were leaning against the railing watching the giraffes I couldn’t help but steal glances at her. Her hair seemed to fall in her face as she leaned to get a good view of one of the giraffes behind a tree. I wanted to reach out, to brush it out of her face, but I couldn’t do that. She had said first that we were just best friends and if that’s the way she wanted it that’s the way it was going to be. I don’t know when I started to get what seemed like fluttering in my stomach when I was so close to her, but that’s what I was feeling now.

However it still seemed like I was my normal self all the time with her, but I wasn’t. Yes I still did all that crazy stuff to her like picking her up or slapping her ass, but I felt different when I did that stuff now. I didn’t want to admit that I liked her because I knew that she didn’t like me that way. I like my friendship with Casey and I didn’t want to put that in jeopardy.

“Jack stop staring at me your making me nervous” Casey shyly said looking at me and then down. I laughed and apologized as we started to head toward some other animal exhibit.

When was the first time I started liking her? It was sometime toward the end of last month I was sure. That was around the time when people started saying I liked her. Was I really that obvious? I was horrible at this type of stuff. I’ve never been able to hold a real relationship, I was always afraid they would be the first to dump me, but if I was in one with Casey I knew I would be able to hold onto it.

It was too quiet between the two of us so I decided to change that by tightly hugging Casey.

“Hey there” she laughed as she hugged me back and we just stood there. This is what I loved best about her. You could do the most random thing, like hugging her out of no where, and she’d return the favor. She seemed so carefree most of the time even if I knew she had something important on her mind that was clearly visible in her eyes.

“Let’s go see the monkeys!” I shouted after a few minutes of just standing there hugging.

“Yes, lets go!” she shouted with a smile on her face. I said ok and then heaved her over my shoulder again. She squealed like a pig and I laughed as I started walking off toward the monkeys.

“What is with you carrying me like this lately?” Casey whined.

“It’s fun this way,” I replied smiling “unless you’d like a piggy back ride?”

“Yes! I would love one of those better!” Casey said as I let her down. I bent down and she hopped on my back. I held her legs as she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder leaning it against the side of my face. I smiled. It just felt right. Boy was I so love struck and it was so obvious even to the strangers smiling us as the moment. The only person who didn’t see it was Casey herself.
Wait .... did I leave the oven on in the bus?
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21 comments Thanks! you guys are the best for commenting! (Because you have listened to my cries! lol)

*Gasp* I let you into Jack's head! Interesting is it not? lol

-Jagked (Sam)
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