Sick Little Games

Chapter 17

I hummed quietly to myself as I strode over to The Maine’s bus and knocked on the front door. The door swung open fast and there Garrett stood with a wide smile. Ever since I had told him the prank we just couldn’t wait. He had told our double agent everything and their assignment for today.

“You got the stuff?” I asked as Garrett nodded and held up the brown paper bag.

I made a face and said “I’m not even going to ask how you got that stuff”

“The dog park!” Garrett shouted and I held my nose.

“Well it reeks” I stated as I turned and headed for Cobra Starship’s bus with Garrett trailing behind me. When we got there I hid behind the bus as Garrett placed the bag on the door step and took out a lighter. He lit the dog bag that contained dog shit a flame and knocked on the door. When Gabe opened the door he just seemed to roll his eyes, go inside, and then show up with a fire extinguisher.

“Is that the best you can do Casey?!” Gabe shouted as he put out the fire and kicked the bag until it fell to the ground. I smiled and wait for him to close the door. When he did a few seconds later Victoria came out and I came around the bus.

“Hey, so is he going to take a shower now?” I asked.

“Yeah he just complained to me and went in.” Victoria said with a sly smile “So we ready?”

“Mmmhmm” I replied with a nod of my head and put my fingers in my mouth and whistled. Then out came more people from around the bus. There was Garrett, Pat, Jack, and Alex.

“We ready?” Alex asked with excitement in his voice.

“Yep, let’s head in” Victoria answered as she entered the code in the keypad and let us in. We all tip toed inside the bus as Victoria held onto the door knob of the bathroom door. She quietly opened it and said “Hey Gabe how long are you going to be? I want to use the shower when you’re done, but I want to step out real quick.”

“Just come in now. I don’t bite!” Gabe laughed “And I should be my usual time ‘bout a half hour.”

“Ok” Victoria laughed as she came back out holding Gabe’s clothes. Then everything just seemed to go by quickly. We all scrabbled to the back of the bus and started picking up luggage. My whole idea was to make Gabe think that little dog shit in a bag was my prank when in reality it wasn’t. My plan was to steal all of the guy’s clothes while also causing some damage to Gabe’s hair color.

I grabbed two bags and headed off the bus. When I was off the bus I hurried over to mine and threw the bags onto our bus and ran back over to Cobra’s. I was handed two more bags by Victoria and I started to run back to the bus with Jack at my side with another two. We continued the process until there weren’t anymore bags. Even Victoria’s bags weren’t there. They were moved to my bus where she would be staying. As for me I was going to stay on All Time Low’s bus since they had a couch I could crash on.

“Is that the last of them?” I asked Victoria as she came running down the steps.

“Yeah that’s it.” She replied with a smile and she started to head over to my bus. Then Jack and Alex grabbed me and ran me over to their bus. I laughed the whole time and when they set me on my feet they shoved me through the door, made sure that Zack and Rian were on the bus, and started the bus.

“That was one sick prank. Gabe won’t know what’s coming.” Alex commented as he drove out of the parking lot.

“Yep, new hair doe and no clothes.” I snickered.

“And no towels I told Victoria to swipe them before we left.” Jack smiled and I hugged him.

“You just made it a whole lot better that prank!” I smiled as he hugged back.

“So what color is Gabe’s hair going to be tomorrow?” Rian asked as he lounged out on a booth.

“Pink and blonde,” I laughed and everyone started to crack up “And it doesn’t come out for a week!”

“Oh he’s going to be pissed and you’re going to have to pay the price.” Zack commented as he chuckled and shook his head.

“I know, but I’m ready for him!” I said confidently where as really I was quite nervous. Gabe was Gabe and he would definitely come up with something great.

The next day when we arrived at our new destination in Illinois we existed the bus to be greeted by the bright shining sun. Cobra Starship’s bus wasn’t here yet and I was fine with that. I was actually starting to get worried with what Gabe might do. Maybe he was hatching a plan right now to get revenge. I didn’t want to think about it or I might get paranoid over it. So I shook it from my head and sat down on one of those cement blocks that they put down so you don’t go too far with your car, I wondered what they were called. Anyway as I sat there in the sun Star came over.

“Hey Case seems like I haven’t see you in ages” Star joked and she sat down next to me.

“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry about that.” I apologized looking at her.

“That’s fine you’re just getting to know people other then us. I’ve been doing the same and the same goes for Jared and Ricky.” Star informed with a slight smile.


“However I came to tell you some news.”

“Oh boy what kind of news?”

“Well I talked to my brother and he said that he was coming to the show tonight!”

“That’s awesome!”

“Yeah he’ll come backstage too. Wow I haven’t seen him in a long time. That’s so cool you ran into him in Michigan.”

“Yeah I guess.” I mumbled looking down and remembering that kiss with Jack all over again. I didn’t quite remember too much of how it felt other then I actually liked it.

“Hey what’s the matter?” Star asked sounding a bit concerned at my sudden crappy mood.

“It’s nothing.” I tried to reassure, but I knew that she didn’t believe me.

“It’s about Jack isn’t it?” she asked with a smirk.

“I don’t know what you talking about.” I said all too quickly for her as I turned my head looking away from her.

“Oh come on Case everyone sees it. You like Jack and he likes you. You guys just don’t see it!” Star explained. I looked at her and thought with sudden hope that she was right. However I was forgetting something. I couldn’t be with Jack.

“I’m not going to admit it, but if it was true I don’t think I would go out with him.” I confessed.

“What! Why not?” Star screeched reminding me of the monkey incident two days ago.

“Well he hasn’t had a real good long relationship in at least eight years and look he fucks band sluts for the heck of it practically every night.” I replied looking down at my feet now.

“And how would you know that.” She asked rolling her eyes.

“Because when we hang out after shows he always looks at the band sluts in this drooling manner and disappears a few minutes later. That’s usually when I just go to bed.” I glumly admitted as I hung my head low. It was really stupid of me to feel that way. I mean Jack had a life too.

“Oh, but Case you haven’t seen the way he looks at you.” Star sighed “I wish there was a man that looked at me that way.”

“What way?” I asked a bit confused as I looked up at her. I didn’t notice any difference in the way Jack looked at me.

“Case he gives you this happy adoring look a lot when you’re around. He just seems to, I don’t know; glow even more when you’re around.” Star insisted as she gave me a sympathetic smile.

“I don’t know.” I mumbled and Star placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Think about it Case.” Star said as she got up and left me there to think and I mean really think.
♠ ♠ ♠
114 readers! 19 subscribers! 26 comments!
Oh you people are too kind! :D
(Damn how many times did I say bus in this?!)
-Jagked (Sam)
I ♥ Comments!

(OoOo I'm goin to see All Time Low Tomorrow!! Hiza!)