Sick Little Games

Chapter 19

“Oh I got the blues. I was locked in a shed to miss a concert. My hands and feet tied to a chair.” I sang in a blues way. How long had I been in here? Surely someone was looking for me.

Jack’s prospective
I yawned stretching my arms up and rotating my shoulders. The concert was starting soon and still no Casey where was she? I scratched my head and looked to see if maybe she was around. However she wasn’t so I went over to one of her band mates.

“Hey Ricky have you seen Case around?” I asked curiously.

“I don’t know but she better get her ass here real soon.” Ricky shouted over the crowd “Other wise you’re playing for us.”

“What? No! She’ll be here right?” I protested. Not that I didn’t want to play it’s just that Casey loved playing the guitar and I didn’t want to steal her spot. I didn’t want her to suddenly come and see me playing the guitar for her band.

“Alright sure she’s always hard to find though so go ahead and look if you want.” Jared commented with a smug smile.

“Fine! I will!” I shouted giving them the finger and turning “Alex lets go!”

“Wha?” he started as I grabbed his arm and yanked him along with me. I explained to him that we were looking for Casey, but he told me that she was probably thinking again or some shit like that. Alex then started saying things ‘like what if she is thinking and we disturb her and she tries to kill us?’ That was bullshit and from Alex’s what ifs I was just about ready to kick him in the ball sack.

“Just shut up Alex and help me look alright?” I sighed brushing hair out of my face.

“Are you worried?” Alex asked seriously.

“What? No. I just, uh, we didn’t see her today and she has a fucking show she needs to pla-” I was cut off.

“Come on Jack cut the crap I know you like her.” Alex exclaimed crossing his arms over his chest. I sighed and plopped down on a cement car bumper thing on the ground. I put my face in my hands and rested my elbows on my knees. Was I really ready to admit this? Not only to someone else, but to myself.

“I-I lov-“I paused squeezing my eyes shut and shouting loudly as I got up “I love Casey ok!”

It was quiet for a moment until Alex started looking at me funny. I gave him a look and next thing I knew Alex was attacking me. He hugged me tightly.

“Aw! Jack your in love!” Alex yelled happily.

“Sh, shut up Alex!” I mumbled as I blushed slightly. Man was I close to kicking that small ass ball sack of his. Back to my mission though I needed to find Casey in only a few minutes!

“Now let’s go!” Alex said finally freeing me. As we started walking Alex started with the what ifs again.

Yeah well what if I cut off your penis? What if I slap the crap out of you? What If I kicked you where the sun don’t shine?, I thought as I glared at Alex’s side profile.

“Hey don’t look at me like that! We’ve got your girlfriend to look for!” Alex commented with a wide smile as if he didn’t say anything wrong. Oh but he did. I jumped on his back and started to beat down on his head.

“Don’t say that! Do you want me go rape you? And let me tell you I DON’T WANT TO!” I shouted very loudly. As I started rigging his neck, Alex I’m sure making faces to go along with his fake gags, we heard a noise. We both froze and looked around. It sounded like a chair scrapping the floor.

“CASEY?!” both Alex and I yelled at the same time. There was a muffled response. I jumped off Alex and headed for the shed. Damn this thing was old I didn’t even know there was a shed until I had started to beat Alex. I was even afraid to touch the damn thing. What if it collapsed? What if there was a monster inside?

Aw fuck I’m starting to sound like Alex, I thought as I smacked my forehead. After that small episode I opened the door and looked around for the light switch. However I tripped over something.

“Ow! What the fuck!” I heard Casey shout. Next thing I knew the light went on and I saw I was lying across her legs looking down at the ground. I got up fast and brushed myself off. Then sat on her lap and hugged her tightly.

“We found you!” I smiled as I rubbed my face against her cheek.

“Aw thank you!” she laughed as we rubbed noses like bears would do.

“You guys are just the cutest!” Alex squealed jumping in place “Damn I might just steal her for a fuck one night Jack!”

“I’m sorry but the only one I fuck is Jack.” She stated with a nod and I laughed and hugged her again.

“I hate to stop the hugging, but Jack would you be a dear and untie me?” I asked sort of sweetly.

“Oh of course anything for my girl!” Jack laughed.

Casey’s prospective
I should tell him now. Now is the perfect time. Just say it. Say it. I can’t though I haven’t even admitted it to myself. When the ropes were off I attacked Jack with a hug.

“Yay now let’s go! You’ve got a concert to catch!” Jack shouted and he threw me over his shoulder. I giggled the whole way up until he placed me back down on the ground. I then grabbed his face and kissed his cheek.

“Mua!” I stated when I kissed his cheek and let go of his face. I laughed and lightly blushed thank goodness it was kind of dark here.

“Well get out there you’re on now” Jack stated as I was handed my guitar and pushed on stage. I immediately started playing and from the other side of the backstage I could see Gabe’s smirk turn to shock. He stomped his foot and I could tell he was saying ‘fuck’. When the song was over I grabbed the microphone.

“You surprised to see me Gabe? I escaped from operation ‘ruin Stay Awakes concert’ prank plan” I stated as I stuck my tongue out at him. People laughed and I started to play the first few cords of another song. I sang the lines I was suppose to sing and play the cords that needed to be played and next thing I knew our concert portion was over. I stepped off stage breathless and my hair plastered to my face.

I handed my guitar to whoever and left the building quickly and was much relived when the cold air hit my skin. I took some deep breaths and leaned against the wall wiping my hair out of my face while also trying to fix it blindly.

“You look great” someone said I for some reason was expecting it to be Jack, but I knew that wasn’t his voice. When I looked I saw Tyson coming toward me.

“Oh. Hey.” I greeted with a small smile. He stopped in front of me and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You guys were great. Glad I came. I wanted to beat the shit out of Gabe, but other then that it was great.” Tyson stated brushing hair out of his face.

“So anything else?” I asked with a sigh after a minute or two of an awkward silence. For some reason even though I just wanted to be friends with Tyson I just couldn’t anymore it was too weird.

“Yeah, how do you feel about this?” Tyson asked as he got closer to me. He went to kiss me, but I pushed him away.

“Aw come on Case” Tyson whined still inches from my face and I noticed I could smell beer on his breath.

“No just go away Tyson!” I shouted in his face “Are you drunk?”

“Maybe, but what does that matter?” Tyson seductively asked looking me in the eyes. He was fucking wasted a little, great.

“Just-” I was cut off by someone shouting.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing get away from her!” Jack yelled pushing Tyson away. I was shocked.

“She’s not yours man the cats out of the bag. I know you’re not together. She’s not yours.” Tyson laughed with a shrug. Jack I noticed balled his hands into fists.

“She is mine ok? She always has been!” he turned to look at me “I can’t hide it Case. I fuckin love you.”

I stood there as I stared at Jack in total shock. What did he just say? Did he just say he loved me? There was no way. I was speechless I didn’t know what to say heck I didn’t know if I could even speak. Tyson just looked between the two of us and just waved us off.

“Fuck that.” Drunken Tyson mumbled as he walked away. Jack wasn’t looking at me, but rather down at his feet as he kicked dirt and kept his hands behind his back. He looked like a really nervous kindergartner all of a sudden.

“Jack,” I started with a smile and tilt of my head as I walked over to him. He looked up at me a little startled that I hadn’t run away yet or something. I smiled sweetly at him and gave him a loving hug. Then let go and kissed his cheek lingering longer then necessary. However next thing I knew I slapped him across the face.

I smirked as Jack looked at me with wide eyes and I said “Why didn’t you tell me sooner!”

I giggled and kissed his lips this time. Jack held onto my face lightly and smiled into the sweet kiss. I hadn’t realized that I had wanted this kiss this badly. Everyone was right we did like each other. Why hadn’t we seen this sooner? When we broke away we leaned our foreheads against each others smiling and looking into each others eyes.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.” Jack mumbled as he hugged me tightly and nestled his face into my neck. I smiled widely to myself and leaned my head against his. Now was my time to finally admit it to myself since there was no doubt I loved him. Now I actually needed to say it.

“I - I love you Jack” I stuttered, but when it came out it felt great.

“That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Jack whispered in my ear as he started to nibble on it. I giggled and next thing I knew there was a camera flash. We looked figuring to see Rian, but shockingly it was Alex. What the hell?

“Alex?” I asked confused.

“Dude you’ve become Rian!” Jack cried as he let go of me. I didn’t want him too, but I was sure in the near future there would be plenty love. Hehe. Wow now that I had said it I couldn’t stop thinking about Jack and the future. I was ... happy.

“No! I have not!” Alex paused “Well actually Rian sent me out here to take a picture of you guys cuz he said he’d give me fifty bucks.”

“So you choose money over your best friend?” Jack whined “What if I cut your penis off?!”

Alex looked really freaked out and covered where his balls were and shouted “No! That would hurt!”

“No shit Sherlock” I mumbled as I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

“You ruined the perfect moment you ass!” Jack cried as he ran over to me and hugged me acting like a little kid.

“I’m sorry, but a photo needed to be recorded of it!” Alex sang with a cute smile “Anyways I also came out to tell you were on real soon.”

“Aw damn” Jack said as he buried his face in my neck again.

“Let’s go buddy!” Alex stated grabbing onto Jack and pulling him off of me.

“But I wove her!!!” Jack cried as he reached of me and Alex just pulled him closer to the door. I laughed and waved and told him I’d meet up with him later.

Wow. Jack and Me finally together at last.
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