Sick Little Games

Chapter 2

“Ok ladies grab your things and clam your bunk!” Jared shouted with a big grin on his face.

“Will do” I said hugging him and giving him a peck on the cheek. I did the same with Ricky and stepped onto the bus. It had that new car smell. We had to do something about that, it would be better if it smelt, I don’t know, broken in?

I shrugged it off and looked around. From the top step there were the driver and passenger seats to the right of me. Ahead was a small workable kitchen, luckily with a mini stove, microwave, and sink, and then across from that was a big table with booths on both sides. I walked farther in and the space got smaller due to the hallway and bunks. Their was five bunk, four of which would only be filled, and a bathroom to the left just before the bunks.

This here was going to be my home for the next, what was it, half a year? I couldn’t wait for the experience though no matter how horrible or great it was going to turn out to be. There was going to be roaring fans, partying, goofing around, meeting new people, I just couldn’t wait to get out there and show people how fun I could be.

“So how do you like the bus?” Jared asked coming up behind me.

“I think it’s perfect!” I thought for a second “Other then the smell”

“You have a problem with the smell?” he laughed and shook his head “Casey Myer what is wrong with you!”

“What?” I pouted crossing my arms across my chest.

“That great smell. No. That glorious smell that you clam you don’t like is called ’The New Car Smell’” Jared argued.

“Hmm I prefer the ‘Broken In Smell’” I smiled and pinched his cheek before going back outside to get my stuff.

“Pay no mind Jared she said the same thing when we first got the apartment together” Star interjected when she saw he was going to continue protesting.

“Alrighty! Lets go!” Ricky shouted running up the steps of the bus “We got all our stuff?”

Both Star and I nodded at the same time and Jared shouted “And we’re off!!”

Ricky started the engine and it purred like a kitten.

“Oh that sounds great” I commented.

“Yeah it’s a new engine just put in today” Ricky smiled patting the dashboard.

“Nice” I said long and dragged out. I plopped down onto Jared’s lap, who was seated sideways on the booth seat, as Ricky started to drive. He ruffled my hair and demanded I get off.

“Or else what?” I probed poking him in the chest.

“This” he shouted and started to tickle me.

“Holy Crap!!!” I shouted squirming in his lap.

“Nice lap dance” Star giggled with a devious look on her face. I got off his lap quickly and whacked her in the head.

“Shut it you just wish you were the one giving him a lap dance!” I remarked stalking off to my top bunk I clamed.

In the next four hours there was much cursing, fooling around, chatting, and quiet time. Over all so far I wasn’t having too bad a time though there was much more time to wait until we got to Maine. Once we got there tomorrow I just couldn’t wait till the concert. I was ready to go right now; actually I could break out in a guitar riff randomly and sing with my horrid voice. Matter of fact what would be wrong with doing that?

I sat up from the booth I was lying on and went over to the closet all the way in the back. I pulled out the black case that was in the shape of an acoustic guitar and laid it on the floor. Opening it I smiled and pulled it out. When ever I didn’t know what to do I liked to pull this bad boy out and start playing. My light wooden brown guitar was smooth and had our bands name on the side of it that I had written with paint. I looked at it with a grin.

As I smiled to myself I put the case back in the closet and pulled out a little stool that came with the bus. I put it in front of the closet door after closing the door and sat myself down upon it. Positing the guitar so I was comfortable I started to play an acoustic version of one of our not so upbeat songs, Velocity. Then unconsciously I started singing the words softly.

Oh you know everything is going so fast,
I just wish that I was suck in the past,
with you, oh, oh, just you, yeah.

I continued to play to myself for about a half hour until Ricky came over. He must have stopped and switched with Jared, but I hadn’t noticed. He came over and sat on the edge of a bunk and started to sing the song with me, but louder.

“Can’t wait either?” Ricky asked after the song. I nodded and smiled at him brightly.

“So when do you think we’ll be there tomorrow?” I questioned.

“Um around twelve, but the concert doesn’t start until eight for us” I opened my mouth to say something “yes were playing first”

“Warm up band. Knew it. Well it’s a start I didn’t expect to be second or something anyway” I shrugged handing him the guitar.

“You know I suck at guitar” he whined and pushed it away.

“You need the practice. Take it you wimp” I insisted shoving it into his arms “And if you break it … I’ll kill you”

I patted him on the head and bounced over to the where the passengers seat was. Since it was unoccupied I sat my little cardboard tush down and put my feet up on the dashboard.

“So Squanto how be it?” I asked Jared crossing my arms over my chest and resting my head back against the seat.

“Perfectly fine, but when I get tired I call you take over the driving” he stated with a smirk.

“Alright fine as long as you’re prepared to give this bus a crash test drive.”

“Ah I don’t think you can destroy this bus if I let you drive” I snorted a laugh.

“Think again” Star called over while looking up from her magazine.

“Well I trust you” he whined quickly glancing at me “You’ll be fine”

“Whatever you say Squanto” I replied with a smile as I closed my eyes for a little cat nap.

I suddenly awoke to someone calling my name and shoving me roughly with one hand. I squirmed in my seat and swatted the hand away. When they really yelled at me I opened my eyes, it was real dark out, and looked to see Jared half watching the road half looking at me and half asleep.

“Case can you switch with me? I’m so tired I think I feel asleep for a few minutes because we were on route nine and now were on route eleven” Jared yawn rubbing an eye with his free hand.

“Yeah” I replied as he started pulling over onto the side of the road. When he put it in park he got up and immediately went to his bunk. I slapped myself awake and shook my head. Cracking my knuckles I put the car in Drive and started back onto the highway. I put the high beams on and held the steering wheel tightly while watching the road very cautiously. Its not that I wasn’t a bad driver or anything, as a matter of fact I was a great driver, it was just the whole thing of potentially crashing that I was paranoid about.

When we arrived just 45 minutes before our destination in Maine we stopped at a gas station. The others were still asleep and I had only been driving for about half the night and most of this day. I went over to the gas pump and sighed. I didn’t know how to work this thing. Walking over to where the gas went in the bus I opened the lid. Then walked back over to the pump and pulled out the, what ever it was called. I scratched my head and wondered what I was to do. Jersey girls didn’t pump gas. So Star didn’t know and I had absolutely no clue if the guys did.

Looking around I spotted someone filling their car up. So I put the ‘thing’ back in its holder and walked over to the stranger.

“Excuse me do you think you could help me?” I asked as I approached this handsome young man. He looked at me and smiled pleasantly.

“I take it your from New Jersey?” he said in a mature deep voice. The man was gorgeous.

“Yes and I have no clue how to work these things” I confessed eyeing him. He agreed to help so I walked him over to the bus and shyly smiled.

“Where’s someone like you going with such a big bus like this?” he asked giving a long blow whistle while looking at it.

“There were bigger ones but we could only afford this one” I sighed as I watch him start to fill our tank.

“‘We’?” he questioned.

“Me and the rest of the band” I explained “Were on tour starting today”

“Oh you’re in a band! Which one? Maybe I listen to you guys.” he smiled and briefly looked at the gage while also stealing glances at me.

“Were called Stay Awake” I said and he nodded thinking about it.

“Never herd of you but I will definitely give you guys a try” he informed.

“Yeah were new, but were playing with some pretty big people like Cobra Starship and All Time Low”

“Awesome gotta love Cobra Starship” then next thing I knew there was a loud pop and I looked at the ‘thing’ “All done”

“Thank you so much” I smiled and quickly gave him a hug before bouncing off into the bus. As I got on the bus I walked over to the kitchen to see if my coffee was finally finished. Fortunately it was finished. I was so tired and I didn’t feel like having a Rock Star at this hour. As I was pouring the coffee though Star showed up in the small space with her hair all over the place.

“Thank god you’re awake! Drive for me” I demanded grabbing her by the shoulders.

“Well I’m impressed we didn’t crash and sure I’ll take the wheel as long as you give me that coffee” she agreed with a groggily voice.

“Deal” I nodded and handed her the coffee quickly and ran off to my bunk to crash.
♠ ♠ ♠
-Jagked (Sam)

Turns out I got home earlier then we thought.
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