Sick Little Games

Chapter 20

About a week later Jack and I were snuggled together on a couch happily. We were watching a movie in his band’s bus since they were all attending another crazy after party. Jack and I agreed we’d skip tonight’s and go to tomorrows since we wanted some more time to ourselves. I know it sounds crazy but Jack and I were really in love. Now I saw the way he looked at me and now I understood him better. No secret anymore is what we’ve been saying though we both know we both have our own secrets not even our friends know.

Also Jack has given up useless band sluts to be with me. He kept telling me that he rather have me then be with those sluts any day. However sadly Alex still was lured in by them. There was nothing I could do about that one unless some girl suddenly popped up in his life. Even Jack was hoping that would happen.

As the movie played I could barely pay attention to what was happening. What was the name of this movie again? I was too preoccupied in looking up at Jack. When he finally noticed I was looking at him he looked down at me and kissed my lips. I smiled. This was one of the best parts of being with him now. I could kiss him whenever I wanted and damn was he a good kisser. As we got into it more Jack laid me down and hover above me. He looked at me for a few seconds before his lips met mine again. I pulled him closer by wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Oh wow when you said you were going to watch a movie that was a bunch of bullshit!” Alex called over from the stairs while flicking on the lights. I blushed and shoved Jack off of me as I sat up.

“Aw you’re so adorable when you blush!” Jack gushed as he kissed my cheek.

“Oh and I’m sorry if that was eventually going to turn into anything” Alex apologized while grabbing a snack from the cupboard and then crashing down on the couch beside me.

“I was hopping ...” Jack started and then I slapped his stomach.

“You perv,” I teased “but you’re my perv and I just have to live with that.”

Jack hugged me while rubbing his face against my shoulder as I giggled. Alex just rolled his eyes and turned the volume up on the movie.

“Why kind of crap movie is this?” Alex asked popping another chip in his mouth.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t even paying attention.” I sighed as I laid my head on Alex’s shoulder.

“Hey!” Jack whined jumping up and down in his seat.

“Right, can’t do that in a friendly way anymore can I?” I laughed as I picked my head up from Alex’s shoulder and put in on Jack’s.

“That’s more like it!” Jack smiled as he put his arms around me.

“But now I feel left out!” Alex whined as he half laid on me trying to give both me and Jack a hug. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and we all looked at each other expecting someone to say something like ‘oh so and so is coming I forgot to mention’. I shrugged and got up making both Jack and Alex go crashing down to the floor.

“Oopies” I giggled covering my mouth and then going over to the door. I opened it there stood Garrett and Pat. I tilted my head confused and then it hit me. They came here for another meeting. I had told them when they came up with an idea to come find me. They looked around to make sure no one was around and then stepped onto the bus.

“Hey guys what are you doing here?” Alex asked.

“Aw man everyone is just ruining movie night!” Jack whined hugging and hanging on Alex while sitting on the couch.

“Oh please you guys weren’t even watching it!” Alex retorted.

“Haha I know.” Jack chuckled with a cute smile.

“Anyway were having a meeting here it shouldn’t take too long.” I answered as I led Pat and Garrett into the back, back room. I took a seat at a booth and Pat and Garrett took a seat across from me.

“Alright we have another prank.” Garrett stated with a smirk.

“Let’s hear it.” I smiled crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back. I was hopping this was good.

“As you know were going to Texas tonight since it’s like a state over.” I nodded “Well we contacted the owner and asked if we could put our prank into action and he said it was fine.” Pat explained.

“And the prank would be ....” I said trailing off as I waited for an answer.

“We asked them to wire the lights before Cobra Starship went out so whenever there was claps they would flicker on and off on and off on and-” Garrett said but I cut him off.

“Yeah I get the picture Garrett.” I laughed “That’s perfect! I love it. I’ll get back at him for hanging all of my bras in a tree!”

Just thinking about the sweet revenge made me smile. The day he stole all of my bras and hung them in a near by tree I just about went ballistic and Jack being Jack on that day said “Can you wear the yellow smiley face one tomorrow!”

So now Jack even had a favorite bra of mine. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. When Garrett and Pat left I took my seat between Alex and Jack again. We actually started to watch whatever the hell this movie was.

“So are you wearing the smiley bra?” Jack asked with a wide smile. He looked like a little kid.

“Maybe.” I mumbled not looking at him.

“Oh that’s a yes!” Jack shouted.

“Which one you had a blue and purple one too” Alex stated trying to hold back a laugh. I glared at him and attacked him. I got up on my knees on the couch and started whacking Alex with my hands. He cowered into the corner. Then Jack started lightly smacking my ass with his hands.

“Butt Bongo!” Jack shouted and I laughed.

“Ow Case stoooop!” Alex whined grabbing my wrist. I pouted and stuck out my tongue however next thing I knew I was laying over Alex’s lap, my head just over his second leg. Jack continued to ‘butt bongo’ me and Alex started to tap away on my head.

“What am I an instrument now?” I asked as I sat up giving both Jack and Alex a whack on the back of their heads.

“Abuse! My girl friend abuses me!” Jack cried as he pointed at me. Then we heard the door open and Zack came on the bus. I glared at him as he opened up the refrigerator.

“Dude pass me a coke!” Alex shouted holding up his hands ready to catch a coke when it went flying. When it did he missed and it went crashing to the floor. Alex got up and grabbed it then sat down next to me again. When he opened it soda wet spraying everywhere. I yelped and Jack clung onto me.

“Damnit!” Alex shouted as he sipped the soda that was on the top. Then next thing I knew Jack was licking my cheek.

“Yum!” Jack smiled as he licked again.

“Cut it out” I chuckled as I pushed his face away.

“Oh you know you like it” Jack laughed as he dangled a hand around my shoulder. I gave a short laugh and laid my head on shoulder then Alex laid his on mine. Zack sat in a booth near by watching what we were and I stared at him.

“Ok Case you have to stop staring at me at some point” Zack sighed and I turned my eyes to the TV.

“I can’t help that you are a traitor” I mumbled not looking at him and rather looking down and messing with Jack’s right hand.

“Look Gabe paid me! I’m sorry! Plus I kind of helped Jack and Alex in the right direction.” Zack exclaimed. I looked at him and he nodded.

“How so?” I asked curiously.

“Well Jack and Alex may have been oblivious to it but I told them earlier that day that there was a shed they probably would think be cool to check out. I told them that while we were in town.” Zack explained.

“Oh! Then thank you Zack! I would hug you right now, but as you can see I’m being leaned on by Alex and Jack’s got me in his grasp.” I sighed with a sweet smile.

“I understand” he said waving me off. I smiled and settled myself against Jack comfortably. I was unbelievably happy for the eighth day straight. Nothing could break the streak and if something did then it would have to be something really bad.
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I am extreamly sorry for the mix up. I have these stories on a word doc. and I was ahead by a few chapters and I mixed them up. I am very very very very sorry for that!! But I'm sure that it makes more scence hehe ^-^'

-Jagked (Sam)
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